On-Line Gamers Anonymous® first launched on the world wide web in 2002. This is currently the fifth build of our web site. Over time the site has grown from a simple message board to what you see today. This version of our web site was launched in April 2015.
The current version of the site runs on Drupal, the largest open source software project in the world. The site uses Bootstrap theme, which incorporates the Twitter Bootstrap framework. With Bootstrap the site is now completely mobile responsive. We would like to thank those involved in developing open source software for providing a no-cost solution for individuals and organizations with minimal funding.
The content of the OLGA®, OLG-Anon and Community forums, are primarily contributions from members of our community, the OLGA® / OLG-Anon staff and the webmaster. The Outreach articles have been written by various authors from around the world, and have been shared here, for our community.
The fifth and current version of the website was made possible under the direction of drupal developer, Wilbur Ince. He re-created the existing site using the latest version of Drupal 7. We were able to use the new technology available to make many needed updates.
The fourth version of our site was designed on a volunteer basis by our webmaster, James W, and was maintained by James and the OLGA® / OLG-Anon Staff. It was launced on May 20, 2008.
The designer and former webmaster of the third version of the OLGA®/OLG-Anon web site was Jacob Walther. He is a recovering addict. He does free lance web development and computer repair under his companies Achilleus Technologies and Webhead Development. On the board, he is known as Achilleus.
The designer of the second version of the OLGA®/OLG-Anon website was John Suit. He is a freelance programmer and web developer. He donated his time and efforts in the creation and maintenance of our website because of his strong belief in helping others. John added the message boards to the website. He was once addicted to on-line games so he completely understands the harsh reality of this virtual life. Fortunately he no longer feel the need to participate in this type of addictive on-line game. He hopes to utilize his past gaming experiences and his web designing skills to help others in need.
The original website was designed by Liz W. and programmed by Angie Bendt of wizedezigns, in Hudson, WI.