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Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
TrollOLGA member
Joined: 06/27/2002 - 3:33am

I think a good start would be to add some message boards where people can discuss how their addictions have disrupted their lives. Perhaps you could have a separate board for each game like one for Everquest and another for Counterstrike, etc.

[taken from original message board]

Edited by: Dervish DuKot of Tristan at: 6/27/02 5:46:10 am

Orniter Gravemalice
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
TrollOLGA member
Joined: 06/27/2002 - 4:21am
Re: suggestion

Is Elizabeth even reading this any more? Haven't seen any input other than the inital should really try to spice up these forums if possible, get a registration system so people have a handle and pass and then can start topics. Also, you should have a general forum, I think picking game player / family member / professional probably discourages a lot of people from even looking at this site. Make a direct link to the forums from the main page =) Just some advice that I think would get you more hits, it's an interesting and unique concept for a website, so I hope you do well with it.

[taken from original message board]

Edited by: Dervish DuKot of Tristan at: 6/27/02 5:46:16 am

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 1 day 6 hours ago
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Joined: 06/27/2002 - 1:13am
Re: suggestion

Hello. Orniter, I am reading the posts....every day. I need to dwell on some of the things written, before I respond. I am struggling with all of this, right now. I have so much to say, but I want to hear what others have to say, also. Thanks for visitng. Come back!

[taken from original message board]

Edited by: Dervish DuKot of Tristan at: 6/27/02 5:46:22 am

Liz Woolley

Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 06/27/2002 - 4:13am
Re: suggestion

Elizabeth, I applaud your courage to continue this despite some of the "contrary" (trying to be nice) posts thus far.

It's true that Everquest is not harmful to everyone and frankly, there are some who are able to drink and smoke without becoming addicted. This is not to say that Everquest is better or worse than those others, but it does have, at its core, the perfect "lures" for folks with addictive personalities. This is as designed and Sony/Verant, I am told with good authority, has employed pschologists to help develop those aspects which will keep people playing.

My earlier comment asking those who play alot and often how much weight they gained was not a crack on overweight people. However, look at pictures of any Everquest gathering and you will see your share of portly folk.

As for helping Elizabeth develop this site, I would like to give some suggestions and I'll personally help with these:

1. Create a message board using EZBoard. This is free and forums can be setup which require people to register before being able to post. This way, posts can be monitored somewhat and will help discourage those anonymous posting of miscreants who only want to criticize. This will also help things remain on-topic. Existing suggestions and "stories" could be folded into this message forum.

2. Next suggestion would be to define a mission statement which would explain in a little more detail what you (Elizabeth) are trying to accomplish with this site.

3. Perhaps adopt a variation of a 12-step program to seriously help those who want help. There is precedence for this.

These are only a few suggestions, but it's clear that there really needs to be a message forum setup as this "Add your story" section is just getting bombarded with many different topics.

- RJJ - Addicted to Everquest since May, 1999 - 4920 Hours played.

[taken from original message board]

Edited by: Dervish DuKot of Tristan at: 6/27/02 5:46:32 am

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 1 day 6 hours ago
AdministratorBoard MemberGrandparentOLG-Anon memberWebmaster
Joined: 06/27/2002 - 1:13am
Re: suggestion

Because we are just starting up this group, what can we do, to help others, to support them, when they want to leave the game? Do we need a chat room? We are making headway on getting a "message" board on this site. If you would like to e-mail - using the address, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

[taken from original message board]

Edited by: Dervish DuKot of Tristan at: 6/27/02 5:46:40 am

Liz Woolley

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