An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

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An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

OK, many out there are coming here and bashing the folks who are running this sight without really taking the time to sit down and look at things logically.

A) Many things in life are addictive. Looked at absolutely literally ANYTHING you enjoy is addictive. You do it and want to do it over and over so you get that 'good feeling' again.

B) Online games, or games of ANY sort, are addictive. They can give you that 'good feeling' and everyone likes that. There is NOTHIGN wrong or bad in that. It is how humanity works.

C) The problem this board is trying to address is not online gameing. The problem this board is trying to addres is people who cannot CONTROL the LIMIT of their online gaming.

Online gaming is not a problem. The problem is addiction. In this instance the people here, because of personal tragedy or experience, have decided to help others in their addictions to Online games.

Just like Alcoholics anonymous was founded for the same reason.

Alcohol is only truly bad for you if you let it become an addiction. ANYTHING that is 'good' or good for you, when used without moderation, can and will become a problem. That is fact.

ADDICTION is the problem. The focus of an addicition is just whatever make an individual's brain fire off the most endorphins.

Obvisouly there are physically addictive situations too, liked some drugs that, when taken, alter the biochemistry of the body amking them almost required by the body. That is also an addiction, but not one of the mind.

OLGA is a resource, like any that are targeting addicts, to HELP PEOPLE.

There ARE people who play EQ too much. Just like there ARE poeple who drink too much. Or who GOLF too much. Or who Ski too much or do anything too much.

Those people should have a resource to turn to once they realise a personal problem. OLGA seems to a be a resource for those with a ORPG addiction. And they do happen.

To me it does not seem like OLGA is saying EQ or DAOC or any Online Game is bad or wrong or unhealthy simply because it exists. They are saying that there are people who cannot control or limit the amount they play and this is a problem they are targeting and want to help.

They concentrate on Online Games because it is what they know.

People cannot fight all the addiction battles. Folks who have been touched by drug addicts fight drug addiction, because that is what they know. Folks who have been touched by alcohol addicts fight alcohol addiction, because that is what they know. Folks who have been touched by Online Game addicts fight online game addiction (note not online gaming), because that is what they know.

It is unreasonable to tell them that they should not help people or that they are trying to blame gaming. Gaming was just the focus of the problem. The avenue chosen to express the addiction issue for those involve. Had gaming never existed who is to say a different type of activity may have not resulted in an addiction?

Let them help people who need help. Some will. That is a simple fact. I defy anyone who plays any online game and who posts here to say they have never met ANYONE who they think does not play too much. I know I have.

Again, they are not condeming online gaming. They are condemning/combating the ADDICTION to it that some MAY have. And I say good luck to them.

Mind you I still play and enjoy EQ. I have played since the open beta in Feb of 1999. I plan to play and enjoy it untill it no longer is enjoyable. To me it is a hobby. Like some folks build models, or collect baseball cards or play tennis.

But all those things I posted can also be a problem if a person becomes addicted to it or if their emotional vulnerabilty makes them unable to limit their own involvment when it becomes exessive.

My condolences to those who have lost a close loved one.

Bertoxxulous Server
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Gilfalas, thank you for that excellent well-worded post. I couldn't of said it better. It is exactly what we are all about and have been trying to say over and over and over again in so many different posts. I hope that you will guide somebody to our site if they express a need. Again thank you!


Montigue Whipstaff
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

yup well done

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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Agreed, well said!

lizwool's picture
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Great post.

I think we should tack this one!

Liz Woolley

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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Yup. Standing O.

Nakano Yumisaki
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Fantastic post!

I agree with it 100%.

Do you Liz ?


Diggo McDiggity
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

Agreed, well done, sir.

/bonk Nakano


eMail - Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
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Re: An EQ Gamers View of OLGA

I agree, though I'd be interested to hear liz's response. I get the idea she's against online games(or at least Everquest) completely.

Edited by: Saethan at: 10/22/02 12:06:35 pm

lizwool's picture
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Re: Saethan

I did respond.

My post is up a couple.

I was the one who tacked the post here. I was very impressed with it.

Liz Woolley

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Re: Saethan

I agree with the message, and I hope it is truly fully followed through and supported.

Great attitude, and I hope you keep it up.

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Re: Saethan

I think every few days an EQer comes here and says this... but never all in one easy to read and eloquent post (eloquent not quite the word I mean.. sleepy)
One has to wonder how some people can decide to be abrasive here, when they know from personal experience that if you push hard enough, you get pushed back. But.. should you manage to convey your message reasonably, you stand the chance of actually doing something worthwhile.

Not to say that there is never a reason to push, but it shouldn't always be yoru first option

Nakano Yumisaki
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Re: Saethan


Yes, you're right, it's an impressive post.

The question is:

Do you AGREE with the post?

A simple yes or no will suffice, or a non-response will be no.


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Re: Saethan

The reason why I asked if you agree, is because you described EQ as a 'drug' and Verant/Sony as a 'drug pusher'. This post would be saying the opposite, that it's not the company's or game's fault.

Which is why I still wonder if you agree with it :-).

Edit: oops, looks like I origionally didn't ask if you agree with it. Well, now I ask, do you agree with it? :-)

Qalelan - 56th Magician of Quellious

Edited by: Saethan at: 10/24/02 7:13:42 pm

Nakano Yumisaki
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Re: Saethan

I believe we got our answer Saethan.

And that answer is really what I've been looking for on these boards, I never intended on stirring up s**t. So I apologize to the other moderators for responding to your posts via Liz's view of EQ as if it was the standard for the OLGA board. I understand that's not the case now, and I definitely agree that those who need help should get it from people who've shared the same issues.

I wish you all success and prosperity.

Good luck.


Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Saethan

Thanks for your participation on this board. I think when we each step back and put things into perspective, we are all really on the same team. Liz does not want to stop gaming and you folks would like to see people get help who need help.

I pose the following question to anyone:

How can gamers and people who want to help gamers with addiction problems, work together?
I think if we can each keep that question in mind and consider it with every post we make, that we would all be much farther along than we are presently.

I think we are making some good progress with a couple things that unfortunately I cannot share yet, but which may utlimately give us the answer to that question.


Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
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lizwool's picture
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Re: Nakano

I agree with the first post in this topic.

Liz Woolley

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Re: Diggo

The question is:

How can gamers and the family, friends and loved ones of gamers, who want to help gamers with addiction problems, work together?

Whether we like it or not, we are all in this together, but looking a it from different views.

Liz Woolley

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My thoughts

As an avid gamer, I'd like to throw my two cents in. I disagree with this wide public view of games as being "addictive". If one were to use the word "addictive" as it is used when many use it with online games, one could say that good movies, good music, and even books are addictive. Where is the line that is drawn when a game is addictive or not?

I've read books that have compelled me to keep reading. The same with movies. I mean who, honestly, would get up and leave in the middle of a movie you REALLY want to see?

This is my view on games. No, I'm not addicted, but I love games, pure and simple.

I guess what my point is is this:

Who's to say if a person is addicted to a game? Can a person actually be addicted to a game?

I think no. I hear people say that games have caused them to quit jobs, school, end relationships, lose friends, etc. I don't blame the game, I blame them! They simply (sorry if I offend anyone) place blame on a game when in reality the occurences are a result of their inability to take responsibility.

Okay end rant. I just felt I should voice myself, being an avid gamer and all.


lizwool's picture
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Re: Snake

Thanks Snake.

If you look at it from that point of view, how can anything else be addictive?

When a person's life, or the lives of their familiy and loved ones are in harm's way, because of the game playing, the person needs help.

We did have a discussion earlier, about using the word addictive. Possessed, obsessed, overcome are all synonyms to the word addictive.

You can call it what you will, the issue is, it is causing severe problems for real people, and we are here to help them, hence our mission: On-Line Gamers Anonymous is a fellowship of people sharing their experience, strengths and hope to help each other recover and heal from the problems caused by compulsive game playing.

I personally know, from experience, that many gamers do not admit they are having problems, cause they want to keep playing the game, but I should love to get a chance to talk to their family or friends, and see what they say about it.

And, there are of course, those who can play socially. I can't personally, because I do not have the time to learn all of the rules, etc., to even get involved with the game. I have to much going on in my real life.

Liz Woolley

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