Texting in game

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anonymous (not verified)
Texting in game

I have been texted in WoW about looking at a website for real money to game money. Would be interesting if you could post to everyone in the game. If you feel you are depressed and can't escape the game, come to our website at www.olganon.org/

Just a thought


anonymous (not verified)
Re: Texting in game

No, please do not do this... I do not have the scars, but others here do from past flame wars.

It is a wonderful idea - at the first glimpse.

Problem is that people in denial as well as people who feel they are attacked for their lifestyle would come here and spoil the discussions.

This would not help neither them nor us.

Getting Blizzard to incorporate it into their board structure or FAQ somewhere would be a very good deed, but quite difficult.

Most of the staff is probably very good/decent people but there are legal issues to contend with.

OLGA says that computer games can cause addiction, especially MMOs and addiction usually means regulation, and the threat of lawsuits.

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Texting in game

ic your point and its a good one. Bad idea. But i'll keep thinking.

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Joined: 06/27/2002 - 1:13am
Re: Texting in game

Hello Dnomyar,

Thanks for the thought.

We have had other people post on gaming websites, with nasty results. You may want to read the posts in the Unrelated Post section.

Tradition 11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.

If people want to come here encough, they will search us out. We find those are our best members.


Liz Woolley

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