Day 1

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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 1

I am on a serious attempt to stop and would like to post my progress report here.

I am feeling depressed and empty. I feel like something is missing and I know if I go in the game I will feel better.

I am NOT a casual gamer. This is a fact.

When I have stopped playing before I would go and play other online games or computer games to try to tide me over. But this time I will not play Any games, not even online chess, for the first 30 days. I think this will help my brain go cold turkey.

I am cutting off all phone conversations with my friends that play the game for the first 30 days. I need to focus on me.

I think this is the time I will make it.
I will try meditation and going outside if nothing else but to drive around. Maybe go shopping to be around people.
I will stop being ashamed of myself for wasting the last year in the game.

I will make new friends that do things in life. I am a survivor and I must stop the game to survive.

I have never made it a week without the game and I hope if I post here for 7 days in a row I can make it.

Going to go rent some movies and make some popcorn and have a relaxing night and go to sleep early.

Thank you for having this place,


*Edited for spelling

Edited by: Addicted2Wow at: 4/17/06 21:23

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Day 1

Hey Addicted2WoW,
welcome and good luck in your undertaking. We will be following your progress.

Quote:I will stop being ashamed of myself for wasting the last year in the game.You need to, or it would become much more than a year.

Wish you to make it


What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 2

Well day 2 is going ok so far. Keeping real busy doing stuff I have been meaning to do for months.
The game keeps popping up in the back of my mind rather loudly about how I just got a new weapon and stuff. But that doesnaEU(tm)t matter in the Real Life.

Thanks for the encouragement Calm force. If it wasn't for this site I would be playing right now.

I think I am about as addicted to the game as you can be. The bottom of the barrel. If I can quit anyone can!

Got movies for tonight too so I can stay busy. Although when I lay down to sleep I think about the game for hours. When I close my eyes at night I still see the interface! How sad is that.

If I feel like installing later today I will log on and write some more, seems to help!

Thanks for being here,


anonymous (not verified)
Re: Day 2

Quote:If it wasn't for this site I would be playing right now. Yes, many - if not most - of us would.
Quote:I think I am about as addicted to the game as you can be. The bottom of the barrel. If I can quit anyone can! This is actually a good place in the addiction to be... do you work the 12 steps?

To adpit that one is powerless is much easier for people in your situation, than for people who still more or less have their stuff together. You have much better chances of recovery! Keep on trucking


What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 3

I broke a rule and talked for 30 mins about the game with a friend.
He told me how he just got a new item and how they are going to buff a class I have as one of my many chars.
It didnaEU(tm)t really affect me too much but I must be strong and hold to my rules and not talk about the game on the phone endlessly. It will end with me playing and I donaEU(tm)t want that.

I didn't see the interface in my mind last night
Instead I read a book for an hour before sleep and that seemed to work. My sleep pattern is still messed up but that should fix it self sooner or later.

The Steps:

1. We admitted we were powerless over on-line gaming, and that our lives have become unmanageable.

I agree wholeheartedly

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

I believe that a higher power can make me sane again. For now this forum is my high power.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

I have turned my life over to reading these forums and following the good advice here.

Being powerless over something sucks. Fact is if I start playing right now, I wonaEU(tm)t log off till 3am and will get nothing done in real life. I would wake up feeling very bad until I log in and the cycle would start again until I am destroyed. I feel like I am fighting for my life against something that isn't even real.

The cravings are back, probably because I talked about the game on the phone. I am going to read stories here and make my resume. I have to stay busy.

Will most likely post again later today.



Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 3 - Not an easy one.

The game is calling me. Pulling me towards the computer. Saying everything will be ok if I just log in.
I can't I tell myself. My life depends on me not playing the game. I will not die over a video game. It is not as fun as real life can be.

I broke one of my rules and now I am paying the price. I must not talk about the game at All. No forums. No game input into my mind. I will succeed, the game does not have control of me. I have free will. And my free will says No More Games. None. 0.

My brain is saying play another game, that will be ok. But no it isn't ok. That leads back to my main game again. I have tried it all and the only thing that will work is Not to play Any games.

Now that I have vented I feel better and will go out to eat and call it an early night.

Be back tomorrow.


anonymous (not verified)
Re: Day 3 - Not an easy one.

If your brain is being treacherous, seek for assistance and guidance in your heart.

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 4

There is a saying kind of. Nothing to gain and everything to lose. I think that applies well to the game.

Half way through a week now. The weekend is going to be the hardest!

I have plans to go out with a friend tomorrow night. Those plans would be killed if I install. Kind of weird to be excited about going out around people
Tonight I will get together what I am going to wear. They are one of my last friends and have been bugging me for months to go out. My fiend always asks how I am doing and says Please stop playing the game!!! Those are real friends.

If anyone reads this and is feeling like playing HALT which stands for the most common reasons we play. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired

Your stories and feedback really help, Thanks

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Day 4

Quote:HALT which stands for the most common reasons we play. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired

Thats and interesting thought.

Maybe a shirt that would be good to wear when going out:

" I am a recovering addict, please give me reasons to stay away from addiction "

Then go and hope the reasons are persuasive

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 5

Did well today. Getting ready to go out right now. Meeting my friend at 9pm Going to go get some drinks and talk. She is a good friend!! Maybe I will meet a girl

See you here tomorrow,

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 6

Weakness engulfs me. I am losing the battle. I am tired from last night and the game calls me. Just hours from making it to one week and I am faltering.

I guess time will tell. Going to go to sleep now just so I dont play tonight. Depressed.


anonymous (not verified)
Re: Day 6

I can understand you ... most uf us here can. Go on fighting. If for nothing else, you fight for the human inside you.

For clear self-directed human conscience against the impulsive and non-conscient beast.

(this is not to say I do not respect animals, but sometimes hormones and neurotransmitters get the worst out of me... )

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/11/2006 - 6:04pm
Day 1

I repeatedly went to forums and talked about the game. I sabotaged myself on more then one occasion. Funny how I can fool myself that what I was doing wasn't what I was doing.

I think I need to work on recovery as well as staying off the game.
I will be working on step one today. I do feel powerless but I think I need to fully accept it in my heart and soul.

I will try not to set myself up to play. I feel humbled by the power the game has over me.


*edited for spelling

Edited by: Addicted2Wow at: 4/25/06 15:41

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 02/17/2006 - 3:29pm
Re: Day 1

Just keep trying and you will do it.

They say Persistence equals Success.

Good Luck.

Edited by: William at: 7/18/06 0:52

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 11/24/2005 - 5:45pm
Re: Day 1

Start calling some of those first friends you lost. Tell them you're off the game and need an out. They might be willing to get a friend out some more.
- Jordan

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