No computers in the house!!

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No computers in the house!!

Hi Everyone!

I haven't been on at all the last week because we have NO computers in our house!! This is nothing short of a miracle!

I have been in therapy since December. I went when a friend pointed out that I needed to stop my online activities or I would lose my family. I had several issues that I was avoiding through gamming and knew I couldn't quit on my own. My therapist recognized immediately that I was addicted, I didn't see that at all, but she gently walked me toward that revelation and just as gently walked me toward the decision to get my computer out of the house for a three month trial and then reintroduce it back into my life. (once games were gone I was still online doing searches or chats more often than I the whole computer had to go for awhile) She also encouraged me to get the computers out of our kids rooms, and about that time my husband and I were seeing alot in the news about online predators and decided that this would probably be a good idea, so those are gone as well.

My husband has refused to see his playing as an addiction, this last week however some things happened in his life and an old friend called him and spoke to him about his priorities and...HE LISTENED! He was finally willing to admit that it has been causing problems in our marriage and family. He agreed this past Monday to remove his computer from the house as well...for a month.

We don't even know what our family looks like without a computer in it...This will be an incredibly interesting month. It has been a hard husband wants his computer back and everyday struggles with his decision, but wants to stick with it. We have been going to a Celebrate Recovery group (tonight will be our fourth time) and I think that will help him tonight.

I am at work today and so was able to check in and give an update of where we are at. It will be awhile before I am back but I will update you on our progress when I can.

After 10years of being married to an addict and becomming so addicted myself I would have NEVER guessed we would be at this point right now...I know only good can come from our time off the computers, please pray for strength for my husband and I

Best wishes always to all!

P.S. Maxim, My son is taking quitar lessons..I am trying to learn with him!! LOL...hows that G chord look again!!!

Edited by: 1RealityCheck1 at: 4/28/06 14:28

lizwool's picture
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Re: No computers in the house!!

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for the update.

This is great!

Enjoy your time away from the on-line world. It can become consuming very fast! (And you can live without the computers, believe it, or not!) There was a point, where I had a computer with just dial-up. The only thing I could do was check my e-mail and go to this board. It worked great!

It sounds like you have a good therapist. Maybe I could put her contact information in our Professional References section. Can you ask her?

I will pray for you and your family.


Liz Woolley

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Re: No Computers in the house!!

Hi Liz,
Sorry it took me awhile, but again, no computer in the house, hehe. I talked to my therapist she said she would be happy to be a reference. She is in the Southern Calif. area. She works for CIFT, Center for Individual and Family Therapy, her name is Claudia and her toll free number is 1-866-222-CIFT. Let me know if you need any other info.

The no computers in the house has had its ups and downs...I wish I could say it has been easy but when we have down time we really miss it. It has been great for our family though we are definately doing more together, and we are trying to be creative .

I wish everyone all the best,

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Re: No Computers in the house!!

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for the update. Keep us posted (when you can!)

Can you get Claudia's last name? Is there a website for her facility? What is the address for Center for Individual and Family Therapy?

Thanks for your help with this.

Have fun, being real!


Liz Woolley

anonymous (not verified)
Re: No Computers in the house!!

Stay on this road Debbie, it sounds very promising

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Joined: 04/09/2006 - 3:15pm
Re: No Computers in the house!!

Her name is Claudia Vernon and CIFT's address is 5182 Katella Ste.202 Los Alamitos, CA 90720. They do not have a website.

Last week my husbands month was up and so his computer is back in the house. It is going well so far. He has said he wont start any more online games where he gets so caught up in leveling. I hope he is able to do this. He has been playing Counter Strike and has been able to stop when I need help with anything and has still been spending time with the kids. I am still concerned...sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop...but am pleased with how things are going so far.

I have not played SWG in over a month now and have been on the computer very minimally to check emails and do banking. I have been so busy lately which is good. When I think of all the time I wasted last year on the computer it makes me sad...but I am very glad to be on the road I am on now. Real Life Rules!! hehe.

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 4 days 13 hours ago
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Re: No Computers in the house!!

Don't EVER play WOW!

Liz Woolley

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