Here we go again, same old **** again

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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 07/12/2006 - 3:17am
Here we go again, same old **** again

Was a cadence my drill seargent used. It seems to apply here and now.

Found myself plugging up the ps2 today to play a game of FFX-2. Granted it's not a MMO, but I've realized something. While normally console (and even single-player pc) games don't bother me, they are today. It's a pale substitute, like sweet'n'low instead of sugar. No offense to any sweet'n'low lovers out there. I love gaming. It's been a hobby of mine for a long time. I know I'll play video games again, I enjoy them too much.

But it's making me want to do something else today, and I don't want it to. So today after sleeping all day (been doing that lately ) I got up and took a shower. While I was there, I decided. You can do anything for 30 days, so until August 11th, I'm not playing a single video game.

In the meantime, I decided to finally start my book. I have plenty of time on my hands over the next several weeks until I move, so that's one of the things I want. Well, that and start working out again - I'm going to live on the beach. I have to get rid of my beer belly sometime!

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 07/04/2006 - 9:55am
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

Hello there. I have similar issues. I have not played EQ for about 2 1/2 years but I can still see myself falling into a game, any kind of game, if I am not careful. I try not to play anything anymore.

The hardest thing is to make the DECISION to stop and to hold yourself to it. When you have your moments of weakness please feel free to come to the boards and post or see if anyone is available in the chat room to talk you through. I have been trying to be in the chat room when I am working at home and have it set to beep if someone pops in.

Remember that each day is a new day. You can do this!


Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 11/24/2005 - 5:45pm
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

Hello again Torne. Keep it up bro! I lost ~15~20 pounds while playing WoW. I didn't have it to lose. At 5'10" I was down to 140 lbs. Not healthy.

I took up swimming and started gaining weight steadily. Now with a torn ligament in my knee I still do upper body workout training. I'm up to 165 lbs, and I'll likely gain even more as my physio returns strength to my right leg. (On a side note, 2 weeks till I'm allowed to start swimming again.

Working out is a GREAT way to go. I would recommend it. In addition to the better health and higher self esteem, working out releases natural endorphins which will really help with your previously described mood swings. (Called "runner's high")

START SMALL. Don't bite off more than you van chew. Otherwise you'll get discouraged and learn to avoid your workouts/runs/whatever. However, once started, you can generally amp the pace quite significantly within the first few months. Good luck my man. Feel the burn. (And your wife will probably prefer the "new" you too.)
- Jordan

Edited by: Azzle at: 7/12/06 20:32

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 07/12/2006 - 3:17am
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

Well, first day without playing a single game. Pretty much all I've done for the last few hours is lay around on the couch and cuddle with my cat and puppy. But it didn't feel bad nor did I feel alone. But I still did some things this morning. Cleaned up a little around the apartment, getting things moved around so the salvation army can come get some furniture we won't have room for when we move. I did a few other minor chores too, mainly just picking up a few things.

The craziest thing is that I ate normally today. This morning I actually ate breakfast and I just got through with lunch. Lately I haven't been eating anything at all. Maybe something in the morning, or picking up a burger on the way home from work. But I've had no appetite, it's nice feeling hungry again.

I talked with my wife last night when I got home. It was amazing how supportive she is. Then again, not really. She's played WoW too, she knows how addictive it is. She is just lucky enough not to have the strong desires I have lately. The first thing she said was "Thank you" for telling her. Then she asked what she could do to help.

I almost laughed. You see, I'm a list person. I need that to get motivated. I can stay busy all day long without a single complaint, as long as I know the next thing I've got to do.

I'm waiting on the salvation army to come by so I can go ahead and go for a jog. It's been a long time since I've done that, I'm honestly not sure how long I'll be able to. I guess that doesn't matter though, as long as I do it.

I can't start writing on my novel yet, the interuption from them coming and taking the furniture will ruin my creativity.

I'm not too worried about picking up my controller and turning on the ps2 or sticking a cd into my computer. I made my mind up not to do that for a month, and when I make a decision I stick by it. In fact, I'm a bit suprised by how good I feel right now. Talking here and with my wife, just letting this crap out, it helps.

Well, I'm gonna go sit outside for a bit and smoke a cigarette. Who knows, maybe the salvation army will be waiting for me out there and I can get one of my other things on the list done. *shrugs*

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 07/04/2006 - 9:55am
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

It's good to hear that your day is going well!

I am also very list oriented. I know how you feel. Doesn't it feel good to cross things off that list?

One thing that I did when I was first escaping the addiction was to sit down and make a list of 100 things that I want to do in my lifetime. Things I dream of doing "someday". I wrote the list and would read it once a week. After awhile I set it aside and didn't pay as much attention to it. A few months ago I came across it when I was cleaning out my desk and read through it. Believe it or not, I have already accomplished some of those things that I thought could just be dreams a few years ago. It is amazing what power your subconscious mind has!

I am glad that your wife is being so supportive! It sounds like you have a good plan for success. Keep us posted!


Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 08/14/2006 - 8:19pm
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

its a week past aug 11th, did you make it?

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 09/08/2006 - 11:58am
Re: Here we go again, same old **** again

Well, most of the people never come back... I hope the addiction didnA't come back.

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