Weekend Blues ...

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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 01/04/2006 - 6:59pm
Weekend Blues ...

I'm trying to quit ... Here's another Friday, and I'm about to leave work for another weekend. Earlier today I was wondering if there was any sort of undelete utility where I could get my character back and play (deleted on Monday).

Its going to be a long battle ... But I have no internet access at home, and no game currently installed, so things look OK. There is no beer in the fridge and I won't buy any on the way home. The only way I could play would be for me to drive into work to download the game from the internet (I've done that dozens of times in the past). Maybe the final solution is no computer? I already destroyed my desktop ... but really don't want to destroy my laptop as I'm hoping to make a career change and will need it in the future. I've tried leaving it at work, but I can just drive in and get it ...

**** it, I'm just not going to play


lizwool's picture
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Re: Weekend Blues ...


Where are you from? Maybe you can come over and watch a movie with us. That will get your mind off of the game....


Liz Woolley

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Re: Weekend Blues ...

Hang in there! It does get easier. It took me a couple of weeks off of the game just to get my brainwaves going in a way that seemed 'normal'. I had to get the computer out of my house as well in order to quit. It is not easy but you can do it. Do something that you used to enjoy or at least just get out and get some fresh air and sunshine!

Best wishes to you!

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My first weekend away from WoW was torture.

My parents took me for dinner, which should be a normal thing, and I spent the whole time with tears in my eyes just wanting to be home. It was Saturday, and that was MC day.

Each day -seriously- does get easier..

-6 Years Free of Online Gaming-

lizwool's picture
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Re: asdf

Hi Chris,

My thoughts are with you, during this difficult time.

Take it one day at a time.

You can always play tomorrow (which never comes, because it is always today.)

Hang in there. Do NICE things for yourself. Don't isolate yourself.


Liz Woolley

anonymous (not verified)
Re: asdf

Just remember, tomorrow is another day, another life.

If your life was "wasted" till this instant, it can be instantly meaningfull tomorrow.

You only need to choose to make it so.

Take care


What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 11/24/2005 - 5:45pm
Re: asdf

Thanks Max. I was mourning the loss of time in my life. And was feeling "behind the 8ball" and down on myself in general this afternoon. That helped.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Joined: 01/04/2006 - 6:59pm
Re: Weekend Blues

Just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughtful replies. This weekend was rough, but not so bad as I thought. I sort of buried myself in housework that has been neglected for about 3 years ... Spent the weekend digging trenches and repairing a leak in my sprinkler system. I'm not a handy person, and had no idea what I was doing. Still, I managed to do something successfully that has been nagging me for 3 years, and that is very satisfying. I was just too sore from all the digging to miss gaming too much

So here is the thing that concerns me most. I am a long time player (since 1994) and a binge player. I play totally immersed for a long period of time, then get disgusted with my life and quit. Later I relapse and play again. Every repitition of the cycle makes it harder to quit. Early in the binge, I feel that I am in control, and that playing is no big deal, but as things progress, they get out of control. Quitting has become a long process ... I resolved to quit this time around back in January, and I am still trying. I know I can succeed ... but for how long?

The last time I wrenched myself away from this life style was about 2 years ago. I was determined to change my life, change my career, and improve myself. I have long wanted to go back to school, and managed to study for about 6 months to do so. Then, I enrolled for 3 courses, and switched my work to part time. I was on the way out! I had no cravings to play, and when I would occasionally recollect how I used to spend 16 hours at a time in front of the pc, stacking beer cans in my bathroom, I was amazed that I could live that way. How could anyone live that way? I was doing very well in school too ... Until I started playing again (I dropped out of school). And here is the kicker: I have no memory of the decision to begin playing again. None whatsoever! I think back on it, and its like I woke up from the dream of real life to find myself back in front of a computer screen, only now I was only working part time so I could play like 6 days a week. Man, I fell hard. That was about 17 months ago. And I am scared of that happening again ...

I need to trust myself. I don't. But I think a website like this, is a great help. I have never admitted my problem to anyone before, and just talking about it, writing it down, and reading other people's similar experiences is helpful.

This time I am optimistic. I have to be optimistic!

9 days (1 weekend) clean.


anonymous (not verified)
Re: Weekend Blues

Quote:This time I am optimistic. I have to be optimistic!

Hey Chris, I, as many others here can completely understand you.

Actually the situation you are in is a very good one. The best choice to be faced with when you are an addict is "no choice".

I wonder, have you read the "Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous?

Has helped me a lot.

Max - free from obsessive gaming for some months, free from all games for 32 days.

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

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