&: What I did today to not game

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&: What I did today to not game

This originally started as a forum for people to read through to find ideas for things to do to keep from gaming.  It has taken off a bit and I decided to compile the list into a simple one to read here.  I ask that people keep posting as I will continue to update the list as time goes on.  Also, some of the posts are funny or informative, so you may wish to read through the forum anyways! Please post only healthy non-game related activities to follow the original intent of the thread. Kathy

Fly remote controlled airplanes
Ride a bike
Watch a movie
Ride a motorcycle
Perform house repairs
Do honeydoos
Clean house
Practice Tai Chi
Take a romantic walk with significant other for ice cream
Go to school
Play soccer
Eat popcorn
Work out
Chat in chatroom
Do homework
Go for a drive
Reflect on gaming and how it has affected your life
Play paintball
Eat dinner at friends
Ride dirtbikes
Go out to eat
Go garage saling
Do yard work
Visit relatives
Go to church
Visit a japanese garden
Play badminton
Visit/view local wildlife
Start a food fight
Do chores
Play Basketball
Call girlfriend/boyfriend
Go to a strip club (adult only)
Go shopping
Take a train trip
Take a class
Watch TV
Do a carnival maze
Walk the dog
Play Blokus
Visit friends
Make necklaces
Have a tickle fight
Snuggle with loved one
Go Fishing
Call an old friend
Call a relative you don't normally talk to
Go to the beach
Visit a dentist
Go shopping
Edit a friend's writings
Meet new people
Sell your gaming account
Tell your Family how much you love them
Go see a parade
Go to a 'taste' event
Go to a pancake breakfast
Unpack those boxes that have been stored forever
Install productive computer programs
File paperwork
Kiss a loved one
Throw a party for family, friends and neighbors
Really listen to someone you care about
Sing in a choir
Play guitar
Learn a new language
Write a short story
Pay bills (ugh)
Make the day better for someone else
Attend a baseball game

Last edited July 19, 2014 by Liz W.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Watched my husband and some other folks fly RC aircraft with beautiful mountains in the background. - Tried to find a geocache. Was about a 1.5 mile walk with my husband. We didn't find it, but it was fun anyways!

BigH501's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Started watching 24, rented the first Season from Netflix and have been working my way through to current - Rode my motorcycle to local bike night. (been trying to get to more of them) - Projects around house: Installed ceiling fan, installed 3 light fixtures, installed water filter for my fridge - Cooked pot of chili [/size]

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I work. I start at 8 am and end typically after midnight. Somehow I find I don't have time... imagine that.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- I came here ;) - I cleaned my house - I rewarded myself with date nights with hubby :D

kidsnut's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

-I worked. I love my work. Co-workers are respecting me more now that I'm more available and keeping up with the paper work. -I came here. Sometimes I need someplace to go to put the bumps behind me and not play games to "forget" -I attended another Tai Chi class last night. Asked my teacher how to get back into the daily practice, "Pick a good time for you and do 5 or 10 minutes. That's all." Classmate said, "all we have is now, now, now...." turned to leave and said " and now...." *sigh* stay in the now and all will be well Diana

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Had a 'romantic' walk to Dairy Queen tonight with my husband.

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Re: What I did today to not game.
"Katesha " wrote:

- Had a 'romantic' walk to Dairy Queen tonight with my husband.

I wish I'd had a romantic walk to Dairy Queen with MY wife... sigh. :-

Leveling in Real Life

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Woke up
- Took a shower
- Went to school
- Drove home
- Ate lunch
- Rode my bike to a friends to play soccer
- Rode my bike home to take a shower again
- Went to a movie with my girlfriend
- Came home
- Logged on OLGA ;D

Solei's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

~woke up
~went to work
~came home and ate a popcorn snack while checking this website
~did the treadmill for 25 minutes ~showered/watched two episodes of "Friends"
~helped husband prepare dinner
~read two chapters of my book
~fell into a peaceful sleep. :)

-6 Years Free of Online Gaming-

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Woke up
- Got in the shower
- Ate breakfast
- Chatted with Katesha and BigH for a bit
- Went to school
- Finished some assignments
- Came home
- Did some homework
- Rode my bike to a friends to play Halo 2
- Rode my bike home
- Went out to dinner with parents because I got awarded Student of the Week last week
- Came home from the restaurant
- Sat down at my computer
- Logged on to OLGA
- Typed this

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Husband and I took a short drive to not find another geocache. It was fun anyways and got us out of the house!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

WTG Whaty!! :D -went on a walk
-helped my daughter with her report
-paid bills :'( (none of which involved sending any money to any MMORPG company ;D)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I thought about what gaming has done to my life over the last 8 years and the thought of logging on makes me feel ill.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Ok well im sick of typing -woke up every time, LOL. so I will just say what I did after school :) - Went to a friends, played some paintball
- Ate dinner over at my friends
- Rode his dirtbikes (he has 2)
- His mom gave me a ride home
- Logged on here

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Went on a date with my husband for a romantic dinner to celebrate our 4th anniversary.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Last night went geochaching again.A We actually found it this time.A WOO HOO!
-Mapped out all the advertised garage sales in the area (all 10 of them) and went garage saling!
-Did yard work

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Drove to inlaws last minute to spend the night for Mother's day.
-Got conned into doing some gardening
-Went to church
-Visited a Japanese Gardens (geocache)
-Went for a hike along a neat river gorge (geocache)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Katesha, I am a relative newcomer and I think your topic is a very good one, WHAT I DID TODAY TO NOT GAME. I am still working with that one and am glad you put it so definitely. I realize that I need to develop my own list, of activities which satisfy me or make my life more whole rather than one-sided. Thanks, regards, Percy 8)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

We played badminton again today-- almost an hour away from anything to do with console games (or I hope online games). Fun too and good exercise. It was a great "family" activity. We actually spent time as a family and had fun and laughed!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I LOVE badmitton. GamerSon used to like it too. Maybe I will get another set and put it up. We wore our last one out. Good idea! GamerSon went to class, took a final, and is now reading a book.

"Small service is true service while it lasts.  Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one

The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,

Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Went on a stroll to see the wildlife in a marshy lake near town. I have now confirmed there are canadian geese in Canada! One proud set of parents had 26 chicks (we think, hard to count 20+ moving fuzzballs). It was a fun group to watch! This was another geocache find in our area. Geocaching is a great way to see things you normally wouldn't get out to see!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Eeks, I haven't posted on this for a while. Anyways, here's what I did today: - Went to school
- Started a 'food fight' at lunch. I threw my mashed potatoe and gravey at some kid who was talking a bunch of crap about me behind my back, he threw his jello at me and missed, landed on the jock table, and they started throwing stuff.
- Got suspended for starting the 'food fight'
- Came home
- Went downstairs to work out
- Found out my dog just died by my aunts (she was watching it, we can't have a dog in the neighborhood we are in)
- Went over there to see my dog before they burried him
- Came home, cried for maybe 5 minutes
- Went to sleep
- Woke up
- Logged on here.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-My husband and I rode bikes to go shopping
-Visited husband's boss

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Well, since I'm suspended for the whole week, not a whole lot. Lol. - Woke up
- Showered
- Parents made me do some chores
- Browsed the internet, found a pretty fun game (wont get addicted to it, not my type, just something to fill up time when i have absolutely nothing to do)
- Called my friend when school got out
- Went to his house to play some basketball
- Called my girlfriend
- Talked to her for 2 hours (boredom LOL)
- Got off the phone
- Came here.

BigH501's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Last night -Went to Bike night with a friend and met a couple more there Night before -Made a "big" pot of chili (enough to save in freezer to have 2-3 more meals) -Watched 2 episodes of 24 on DVD while I ate first installment of above chili ;D Tonight -Local biker bar is have "strip Olympics" and my friend is dragging me (OK I want to go too) It is NOT a strip club though so I not really sure what they have going on... But we gonna find out 8) [/size]

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

kidsnut's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Gary, GET REAL! I have been too busy at work to play. I haven't checked any emails since Tue. I have a sinus infection and will try to enjoy the weather this weekend. Or just sit and watch the cheap DVDs I bought at Big Lots yesterday. Crocheting keeps my hands busy, although I haven't sold ANY since the first one. Yet, it is a thing to happen. ;) Later, D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- got up and did paperwork, donA't remember whether I meditated before
- went and gave a yoga class
- got papers ready and sent off my application to the university. am applying for psychology :)
- went shopping, for example I bought strawberries and mango for breakfast with my gf tomorrow
- did some more paperwork and ate some food (raisin bread with butter and curd with cranberry jam, later had cookies with lemon water), I have my first ayurveda student now, yay
- gave another yoga class
- came home, will be doing some paperwork again and eat a bit (rucola with parmesan cheese probably)
- will pack stuff for the voyage as I am leaving in the early morning tomorrow. Will spend 26 hours on the train ... but I have a bed compartment and I have pleasant memories of long train travels from childhood so I hope I will enjoy it

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Re: What I did today to not game.

2 days ago: - Went to school
- Came home and ate and watched The Daily Show
- Went to math tutor
- Watched Evil Dead, and Evil Dead 2
- Went to bed Yesterday: - Went to school
- Came home, ate and Watched The Daily Show
- Had dinner at Pancho's
- Went to my cousins play
- Came home and watched Ugly Betty and Scrubs Season Finale. Today: - Went to school
- Walked the dog
- Went to a friends house
- Played Blokus (board Game)
- Watched Cherry 2000 and Robin Hood: Men in tights

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Went to the Gant Carnival and worked the maze (8 hrs :|)
- Watched some X-Men the Animated Series
- Watched The Pursuit Of Happiness Today:
- Watched X-men 1 and part of X-Men 2 United
- Made Lunch (this is big for me, because I wanted to start making my own meals every so often, so Whooo!)
- Visited with some relatives from out of town
Even after all that I did game for about 15 minutes, but I stopped myself and decided to watch some T.V. instead.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Went for a hike in the mountains looking for geocaches. By the way, did you know little 8" diameter rocks when stepped on have a tendency to roll and to cause you to twist your ankle and fall down? I found that out the hard way. BTW Harold and Gary, I now have a valid excuse to stay in bed. I can't walk!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

So sorry to hear about your ankle Kathy :'(. Hope you are up and feeling great soon! No Gaming! ;) :D ((hugs))

Solei's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Ow! That sounds painful ~ I do hope your ankle feels better soon! Love, Solei ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
YESTERDAY ~Went to work
~Came home, did treadmill ~Chatted w/ a few friends on-line
~Made dinner & cleaned up kitchen a bit
~Watched TV w/ hubby & fell fast asleep Ya know ~ when you look at it, I mean REALLY look at it, you wonder how you squeezed in all that gaming time to begin with ~ and what a waste now to think of it...!!!

-6 Years Free of Online Gaming-

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Re: What I did today to not game.

[size=14] I am sorry to hear about your fall. I thought you are supposed to walk on a twisted ankle to keep it from stiffening up...? Guess it depends on how bad the twist/sprain is... I twisted my ankle REALLY badly about 9 years ago. My ankle still "clicks" when I move it a lot. I got through it by walking on it every half hour or so and keeping it elevated in between. If I didn't walk on it for an extended period of time, was 10x harder to get it moving again. Well I hope you fell better soon... [/size]

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Re: What I did today to not game.

I didn't know that about small rocks, Kathy....thanks for the info! I hope you get better soon so that, theoretically anyway, you could get out of bed.... :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Hello everyone! Walked over a mile after I fell and it was doing fine, but stiffening. Got home and proped it up and iced it on and off for the better part of the evening. Was painful to walk on but not too stiff. This morning it is very difficult to walk and I have to hop around. Apparently sleeping stiffened it up quite a bit. Going to let it heal on its own by trying to keep weight off of it at this point. Don't want to see a doctor as there really isn't anything they can do at this point except maybe give me crutches and with my girth and a trailer hallway, not sure how they would work. I am laughing at my silly self this morning. I am sure it will get better with time! Kathy

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Ya know ~ when you look at it, I mean REALLY look at it, you wonder how you squeezed in all that gaming time to begin with ~ and what a waste now to think of it...!!!

That is so true, unfortunately, I know how I did it, everything else just had to squeeze in around gaming :( NOT TODAY THOUGH!! :D :D So today I went to the dentist, and took my son in as well. He did great!
Hubby and I have a Counselors appt this afternoon and then we will come home eat dinner and have some family time :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Went for a bike ride to pick up my husband at work and to hit Taco Tuesday at Taco Time!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

A bike ride on a twisted ankle... see how tough you are? That would be hard for me.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I stayed home yesterday with a bout of lupus, as far as I can figure. Exhaustion and joint pain with some muscle aches--flu like symptoms. I watched movies and made necklaces and ate lots of carbs. I got set to go to bed at 9:30, but played games for an hour even after I became drop-dead tired. To avoid episodes of lupus, get plenty of rest (sleeping 8-9 hours, not 5-7 hours) and avoid stress (I've got a lot of work piling up, dead cat and joint pain from jaw to ankles). Oh, and my cold, painful hands and feet. So that's 3 out 4 stressors--mental, emotional and physical. I think the very sick babies I've evaluated have been added emotional stress, too. My super just stopped by and I will keep in close contact with her to help reduce that pile on my desk and get plenty of rest. I want to help, but Better Sense tells me otherwise. So I did and my super has those issues to deal with now. (gotta let go, D, maybe cry, just a little bit) Lyrics, Harold? Now to the rest of the day......Diana, The Strong Chick

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Woke up
-Went outside (im still suspended)
-Came in to do some homework
-Came on here.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Today I am cooking cooking cooking. I like to make stuff in large batches and freeze the 'leftovers' to make easy to prepare meals later on!

kidsnut's picture
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Oh, Kathy! I did the same thing last evening! I had a roast that was almost overdue for cooking and made three different things with it so I could freeze it again. All I need to do is finish and divvy up. Some of my co-workers are wide-eyed at the frozen meals I bring from home. They have more veggies than the store bought ones. I got to bed before 10:00 and slept in (something you can relate to Kathy?). I still don't feel my normal self, but my concentration is better. I prayed after my shower, "God please give me the peace of mind and strength to take care of myself." and I've repeated it a few times already. One of my co-workers gave me a Moltrin and my head and back feel "better". Pray for me and maybe we'll all feel better.
LOLove, D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I took my dogs for walk in the park, I was surprised at myself i actually had some fun outside instead of doing nothing but counterstrike..... I just hope i can continue down this path :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Keeping busy is key, no matter what it is, just stay active. It has helped me a lot and my house has never been cleaner, never ate better or done more outdoor activities, etc...

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-What NOT to do to avoid gaming: Ride a bike to go fetch husband from work and on the way back do a face plant onto a concrete sidewalk. I am okay, but have 3 abrasions on my face, 1 on my shoulder, 3 on my hands, 3 on my knees, and a chipped tooth. I will probably have a big lip for a while as well. *sarcasm* I am beginning to wonder if gaming isn't safer for me! *end sarcasm*

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Speaking of bike rides, there is a local mountain that some view as a rite of passage. There is an observatory at the peak which is a hair over 4,000 feet above the valley below. It's a grueling 18 mile climb from the bottom to the top. If it was used for a stage of the Tour de France, it would not be the smallest peak in the competition for sure. Anyhow, it's been a long time goal of mine to ride to the summit and back. Last year I made it just over halfway, and my body was destroyed by the time I made it back to the house. In anticipation of summiting this summer (I hope!), I drove it today with a GPS and camera to choose landmarks of where the good rest stops will be. What a drive! And what a view from the top! Anyhow, that occupied a good two hours I would have otherwise spent gaming : ) Justin

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Had a tickle fight with my husband. House rules though is that he can't tickle back. -Watched a movie snuggled close to my husband in bed.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Combined all ideas into a simple list in the first post.A Please continue posting so I can continue to add to the list

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-bike ride this morning
-saw Pirates III this evening, and it was horrible

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Today I called an old friend that I had neglected during my gaming days.
-Called my grandmother

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