news reporter seeking to interview gamers

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news reporter seeking to interview gamers

Hello, I'm a medical writer for The Associated Press, seeking to interview gamers, either teens or adults who got hooked as teens, especially those who'd be willing to use their names and be included in a national print and video story on video game addiction. Please contact me as soon as possible: Lindsey Tanner, or at 312-920-3619.
Many thanks!

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Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers

Do you have a problem with online game playing? If not you need to move this post to the Board where you can find all the info you need to properly contact those who would be able to be interviewed. Do not just ask anyone on this board to contact you. It is against the policy of the administrators of this site. Please read and act accordingly!

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Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers

Diana, Lindsey is an AP reporter working on a very important AP wire story about online gaming addiction, to coincide with the AMA convention in Chicago that starts later this week, where the delegates will be considering a resolution to urge the inclusion of gaming addiction in the DSM-V. I did suggest that she might find a gamer who would be willing to be interviewed here, though I also suggested that she post the request in the Press and Media center, and I will move it there now.

"Small service is true service while it lasts.  Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one

The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,

Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth

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Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers
"kidsnut " wrote:

Do you have a problem with online game playing?A If not you need to move this post to the Board where you can find all the info you need to properly contact those who would be able to be interviewed.A Do not just ask anyone on this board to contact you.A It is against the policy of the administrators of this site. Please read and act accordingly!

I think we can make an exception, given the importance of this story. Many times "reporters" are students doing papers for high school or college writing classes. Not this time. I won't encourage anyone to contact this reporter. By doing so, you're going to lose at least a degree of anonymity. It took me years before I was comfortable with that idea. So while we are not in the business of promoting ourselves, this is coming from an outside journalist reporting on a story that involves an organization that has a wee bit more clout than we do. So if you feel you would like to share your story, we also won't discourage you. :|

Leveling in Real Life

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Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers
""ltanner"" wrote:

Hello--I'm a reporter for The Associated Press, wondering if you'd be willing to be interviewed (and named) in a news story I'm writing about video game addiction and efforts by the American Medical Association to raise awareness about it. Our video department also is seeking kids to film for this story--would you be interested in that? Please let me know,
Many thanks,
Lindsey Tanner
AP Medical Writer

^.^ I got that in a PM. I accepted it the offer for the interview. I told her in an e-mail that I'd love to do the interview. Wonder when it's going to happen ;D Edit: Aww, I just scrolled down to see the article is already out. Well I guess I will just have to wait till another opportunity comes along.

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Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers

Be careful what you wish for. You might get it. Ever been on TV? 8)

Leveling in Real Life

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Joined: 04/17/2007 - 1:11pm
Re: news reporter seeking to interview gamers

No o.O. Why, is it bad?