&: What I did today to not game

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Visited my grandparents, had a bbq, had fun visiting
-played with my dog
-enjoyed watching tv with my roomate
-still bitter about paying to see pirates 3 though, what a terrible film

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Didn't think Pirates was terrible but it was somewhat boring and tired and slow. Still, you didn't game! Yeah! Gaming daughter went to see it twice, once with me and once with Dad. Yeah--at least they counted as family activities and she did not play games!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Watched a few DVDs and Played the drums

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Registered with OLGA
-Went on bike ride
-Went to library (no computer use there)
-Went to store (bought some things)
I can do it :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Went to beach with family and out to dinner afterwards

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I went to the dentist today. It kept me from going back to WOW....

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Ate Chex Mix
-Read books
-Said goodbye forever to guildies on guild website Heh! ;D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- reinstalled my operating system
- cleaned up my flat
- went shopping for nice food that I will cook/eat leater with girlfriend
- read a good deal of Alexandre Dumas "three musketeers"
- am working on correcting a book draft, a friend wrote and waiting for gf, who is late !!! :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Today we went geocaching and actually met some of the other geocachers in the area. It was nice to get to meet some new people in the area.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Sold my account...irrevocable =) It's officially....gone.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I visted this site. I worked. I loved my family. I look for chores that would make my family love me. I called a friend that I haven't spoke to in awhile. I visted this site...

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Went to see a parade
-Went to "The Taste of Cranbrook" which consisted of FOUR whole restaurants. WOOT!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today I went to a special pancake breakfast in the wind and the rain. It was miserable, but it got me out of the house, away from the computer and the money went to a good cause!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today I spend a large portion of the day unpacking boxes. Some of those boxes have been packed for FOUR years. It was like my birthday with all the presents!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Yesterday I - got up and did yoga
- bought my flight, which suddenly turned out 80a,! more expensive than it was the day before
- did some business stuff
- finally got a program to work, which enhances powerpoint presentations, girlfriend needed it
- did some more yoga
- went and visited my girlfriend, had a great time working on her presentation, talking and listening to music
- my mum will be probably coming to Berlin while I am away and I really hope she and my GF will meet up and do some things together
- went home and did my last bunch of yoga at midnight :) I like my current yoga program, it makes me do little things, but spread out at regular times of the day, which really helps with staying organized. The pancake breakfast sounds funny Kathy ;) I too love giving money to a good cause.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

(over the weekend) - Guitar Hero II (MASSIVE FUN!)
- watched movies on TV and cooking shows

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today I am going through the 'file box' which is where we have been throwing our paperwork to not have to file or deal with it. What a royal pain in the arse! But I am progressing on getting things back on track in my life and this is one of the steps along my path!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I remember I literally got heat waves because of nervousness and shame when I was working through my undone pile of paperwork early 2006, or was it 2005 ? 2005 ... so long ago already.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

(yesterday) -> went to [garage] band practice - Kissed my wife and children, and thought about how lucky I am to have them (before I went to work)

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Yesterday I am making dinner, appetizers, and beverage for the family and neighbors. I am going to work on communication with my lovely wife. I will ask what negatives and positives she experienced today. I will listen, listen, and show compassion if needed. Life is greater than gaming. Tank - I like your post, keep them coming. Jimi

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Sold my WoW account. Finished an excellent book. Talked with my father for the first time in a while. Went on a walk. Watched Star Wars Episode 2 and 3. (Horrid >.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today --> choir practice and watched Ghost Hunters, on SciFi channel w/ my wife. Maybe not oddly, but seemingly: I've been tired lately. Might still be physiologically adjusting to not gaming. (23 Apr was my last day) [edit]
Cautious: I agree about Ep 3. I knew what HAD to happen to set up Ep 4, but I was actually depressed for a few days after seeing it in the theater. Haha. Good job on selling your account. On finding something to do to NOT game: there will me time when you can't think of anything to do. Those are intense. I still get them, but they get fewer and farther apart. Talking w/ family is a big key to kicking the addictive behaviors. What book?

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I went to work im going out with my friends going to see my girl mabye get some "sleep"

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Re: What I did today to not game.
"kidsnut " wrote:

-I worked.A I love my work.A Co-workers are respecting me more now that I'm more available and keeping up with the paper work. -I came here.A Sometimes I need someplace to go to put the bumps behind me and not play games to "forget" -I attended another Tai Chi class last night.A Asked my teacher how to get back into the daily practice, "Pick a good time for you and do 5 or 10 minutes.A That's all."A Classmate said, "all we have is now, now, now...." turned to leave and said " and now...."A *sigh* stay in the now and all will be well Diana

Is that a picture of you Diana??? U are beautiful if it is, thought I'd throw that at you - If you ever want to talk go to my myspace profile [color=Blue](************************* removed for language, PM him instead please-- X)[/color] anyways check my page out and good luckA - Tony

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I noticed none of you said "sex" Thats always a good alternative.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Trying to keep this to a PG rating for the kids Finding!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Dragoon, this thread was specifically set up to help gamers find OTHER things to do besides play games, not to promote gaming activities. Please keep the thread on topic in the future. Thank you.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Dragoon, MY family is thousands of miles away from me. Gaming would be the easy way out. I work because then at the end of the day, my time has gone into something permanent. Today, because of friendly people like you, I've been working on this board since 7 a.m. I didn't ban you but you are clearly no member.

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Re: What I did today to not game.
"Xandtar " wrote:

Dragoon, MY family is thousands of miles away from me. Gaming would be the easy way out. I work because then at the end of the day, my time has gone into something permanent. Today, because of friendly people like you, I've been working on this board since 7 a.m. I didn't ban you but you are clearly no member.

I'm sorry, I came to this board in a joking manner, but realise it is something much more than that. I only hope to find some way to contribute to this place so that it may continue to thrive. I have deleted my unacceptable post, and hope to renew myself in the eyes of this wonderful community. I've brainstormed and come up with a few suggestions:
Study a new language! -I've started learning Japanese through simple, online podcasts. Also, books are available. (Japancast.net, for instance!) But why stop there? What about a computer language? Such as Visual Basic, or a form of C (C++, C#..), Python, PHP, HTML.. Literature -Write a short story, share it with others. I've done this numerous times to pass time! I have a newfound, unprecedented amount of respect for all of you and what you do here each day.
I'm at a loss to produce anything else that hasn't already been said, gomenasai (sorry).

J. DOe
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Re: What I did today to not game.

During the previous day, I did the following:
1. Throughout the day at various times, I read a lot of posts on this site and added some of my own.
2. I worked on a computer project.
3. I picked up a cheque for work that I had done previously and then paid some bills from that.
4. I went to a "9/11 Truth" conference.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today I cooked a brunch for my mum and I, and then had some family over (it's my birthday tomorrow!) & ate more! Lots of food today. Now I'm going to go out for a walk to burn off.. maybe.. like 1/20th of what I ate ;) :D, and then me and my dad are going to watch a movie!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I uninstalled CS:S i didn't throw away the cd's but it's a start :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I listed out 5 thinkgs that might make my wife happy today. Listed out 3 things that would make the family happy. I am also asking people near me what I can do to make their day better. :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

i went to the market and bought some food.then i went to the beach an swimmed for a while

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Re: What I did today to not game.

What I did today not to game.. I went to my job.. I got off of work and drove home. I took a shower, grabbed a bite to eat, Then i got drunk. [color=Blue]I don't think promoting drinking as an alternative to gaming is a healthy or helpful alternative to gaming. Please try to keep this more constructive, BigH[/color] Awesome

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Re: What I did today to not game.

well i forgot to post yesterday, so i'll do this one for yesterdays,
i woke up(slept in late instead of rushing to start playing rs)
ate a big lunch
read my stephen king book(2nd book in the dark tower series)
went to my guitar lesson,
went to the store with my mom after the lesson, grilled upA a big pork tenderloin for the family,
ate dinner
practiced guitar
read my book for an hour or two again
went to sleep
2nd day off of runescape(didn't dream about runescape for once :O)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Stood up at 6.30 and did some QuGong and Yoga, after having had a nice conversation with some guys and gals deep into the night. 7.30-9.40 first group training, afterwards tea and breakfast ... fresh berries and milk :-) Went to the beach to dive and talk some more. Went back, had a grand home made meal in a small cafe and afterwards a lecture on preventing and healing spine injuries with yoga. Then I had a nice tender phone call with my girlfriend, will only see her in 3 weeks and have been working. Now I will help out here a bit, in the evening more work or more talk. Sleep, tomorrow similar stuff :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today, I got a great lunch offer from the wife. Sure I was second choice, but atleast I was a choice. Again asking what I can do to help run the house more smoothly. Making a healthy dinner, hoping the kids and I get dessert. Choosing to see the positive, but keeping it real in my head. Jimi

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Well today was a good day i first went to the park and jogged a few laps. I then took a nice bike ride and played basketball for a few hours.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

1) Thought about my family. 2) Looked at all the work I had to do in the short amount of time I had to do it and remembered how much productive time games take from that, thus adding to my stress. 3) Put a disc of WWII propaganda movies in my laptop to play off on the side of my desk. Just enough distraction/entertainment that I can stay focused on my work and shrug off my desires to play. So far so good! :D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

*Woke up
*Got in a shower and shave
*Went to Barnes and Noble to read up on addiction and to take in some caffeine.
*Hung out with cuz, went for a walk
*Made dinner with room-mates.
*Enjoyed the conversations at dinner without thinking of WoW
*Logged onto Olga and responded to this post. I thank the universe for this life we live.

J. DOe
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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Did some computer work
- Saw by brother, sister-in-law and 2 nephews who are visiting here for a few days
- Did some more computer work
- Watched some T.V.
- During the day, checked on and wrote several posts on this Web site, including this one

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

J. DOe
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Re: What I did today to not game.

During the previous day, I did the following:
1. Throughout the day at various times, I read through all of the new posts on this site and added a few of my own.
2. I worked on a SAT math related course during the morning and evening.
3. In the early afternoon, I visited my mother for a few hours.
4. In the early evening, I participated in Canada Day festivities in the downtown location.
5. I watched some T.V. later in the evening.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

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Re: What I did today to not game.


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Re: What I did today to not game.

This weekend. Attended a Baseball game (Dodgers) after golfing with 3 buddies. And skipped playing in a baseball game (which is my passion), to take the wife for a fine dine bunch; after sleeping in without the kids (two thumbs up). Cooked enough food for 20 people so we invited 10. With my family and wife stuff, I just made sure I did not let any false negative thoughts turn around a good healthy experience. 8)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Worked on "Fire Woman" by The Cult, with my [garage] band, Simple Genius. (played bass and sang - 1st time I've done BOTH) :) We're gearing up to play for a summer picnic at work. (Navy)

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Climbed a mountain with my husband and 10 other people. It was incredibly fun although it took alot longer than expected because of us slow ones.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Friday -> played 'Sorry' with my family Yesterday Got my oldest a starter guitar set (he had LOTS of fun playing last night)

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Sunday ~ Woke up @ 7 and re-organized the kitchen and living room. (I'm nesting!!!) Woke hubby up @ 9 and had breakfast on the couch which was v. relaxing! Went clothes shopping @ 12 ~ in the SCORCHING south florida heat! Went to the bookstore to read books while hubby did schoolwork! Made Spanish rice and chicken for dinner around 6 PM ish. May sound uneventful but sure beats a day of jamming my frostbolt hotkey and conjuring water. ;) Love, Solei

-6 Years Free of Online Gaming-

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Play with my son and study for my certification

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