&: What I did today to not game

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Took a nine day trip to Minnesota.
They need to come up with a game the zaps those pesky Mosquitoes (birds). Just keep filling the time with real life stuff.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I wake up in the morning and then I paint paint paint untill I go to sleep ... Actually it is a bit like my gaming routine, except that I have a growing number of paintings to show instead of a growing shame and shoulder pain ... and *I* am creative instead of repeting some stupid game pattern created by someone else being creative. I am happy and my gallery will be happy too ;)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

You should take pix and put them up so we can pass judgment. :P

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Well, I am not too fond of posting the pics here, since I would like to remain my anonymity (in my profession, I am somehow a "public" person and you never know who comes here), but if you are interested in seeing them, PM me your e-mail and I will mail some to you ;)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Have been leading a small yoga seminar on the isle my parents live on. Working on other projects in between.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Wrote a list of what I can do in the next ten days to be a better Husband & Father.

J. DOe
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Re: What I did today to not game.
"EHAZE " wrote:

Wrote a list of what I can do in the next ten days to be a better Husband & Father.

Since we all have limits in terms of time, energy, desires, etc., we often cannot do everything that we want to do (at the least, that definitely applies to me). Nonetheless, making a list (I trust that it is realistic in terms of what you can actually implement) is a worthwhile exercise. Also, even though your list is only for the next ten days, I hope that you use it as a learning experience about what you reasonably can do, in the long term, to be a better husband and father. Writing the list is an excellent first step; good luck in following through on it during the next 10 days and in possibly implementing any kind of longer term followup.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Talked to my Pop about how to handle some work politics garbage. - Watched my wife play WoW and think about all the reasons I stopped playing. - Talked to a guy I used to play with, and thought about all the reasons I stopped playing.

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend" -Henri Bergson

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Re: What I did today to not game.

- Read some of this and thought - one of the greatest threads I have read anywhere - felt grateful to Katesha for starting it - decided not to keep my gratitude to myself - typed this

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Learned how to have more patience. Learned that I was not having faith. Faith is keeping away the fear so I can have more patience. Sharing with the wife some of my fears.
Sharing fun time with the kids.
Sharing food and some beverages with friends. Playing baseball. That is some things I am doing today and this weekend.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

A freind was here when I got off work. He said there was a celtic circle at the local coffee shop. A celtic circle is a traditional musical gathering where one person starts a song and everyone joins in. Then they go around the room and everyone starts their own song. Anyway. I love to play, so we grabbed a couple of guitars and went left. I was there for 5 hours and it was great. I promised people here last night that I would move my games and discs out of this room, so whan I got back I packed 'em up and put them in a closet in another bedroom. It was easy with the music still in my head. Thanks for teh suggestion. You people are great. I wish I had come here before the storm.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

This past weekend I got to do something I have never done before....attend a geocaching event. I got to meet some of the people I had only previously known through caching posts and reinforce some new friendships with others. It is so fun to meet people you previously only knew as words on a page. Isn't it amazing how we come up with a 'profile' of someone based on how they are in posts etc, and then when we meet them, they are completely different? Kathy

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Woke up early
Talked and listened to my roommate
Met with a vendor at work
Got some work done
Listened to my boss
Admitted my gaming addiction to my boss (whoa was that scary!)
Listened to a church member
Was pleasant, helpful, and cordial to people
Came here
Read posts and responded
Kept an attitude of gratitude Laura

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Woke up
-Had breakfast with friends (that I live with, we try every morning)
-Went to look for jobs
-Read a book
-Went shopping
-Came home
-Filed bills
-Went to bed

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Yesterday -went to work
-listened to boyfriend talk about his career plans for the future (his current job is dissolving in a few months)
-made dinner (first time in a month)
-showed the boyfriend the first draft for our wedding website of 'how we met' and 'how we got engaged' and asked for his two cents. Man did he want to provide every little uninteresting details of our 10 years togetherA - LOL We didn't make any changes yet. He's "thinking about it". I'll give him a few days then reapproach
-sought out each one of my four cats and petted them all for a minimum of 10 minutes each. One I had to climb halfway under the couch to get to. Boy there sure were a lot of dust bunnies under there! Someone (me) needs to vacuum under that couch!
-checked out the newest pictures on icanhascheezburger.com. Laughed soooo hard at my boyfriend's reaction to a white cat wearing a hello kitty costume hat. The caption on the picture was "DO NOT WANT" He thinks it's cruel to dress them in costumes and hats and prevents me from putting christmas hats and antlers on my cats at christrmas time. Spoils all my fun...heh heh.
-went to bed early and got a great night sleep

John of the Roses
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Re: What I did today to not game.


"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I like your thinking- gamelessly. last night:
I talked to the wife about fears and opportunities in our reaationship. today:
Play with kids after making them dinner. Looking for way to bring a smile to the family before tucking them in for the night. Thank my Higher Power that I have a lovely wife and kids and get the opportunity to squezze them more than once a day.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

-Visit a Zoo
-Explore a new city

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Lifted weights, hanged out with my friends, and went to the mall.

John of the Roses
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Re: What I did today to not game.

I chaired a meeeting on OLGA. I prayed.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

John of the Roses
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Bought and changed the cat litter, and bought some cat food with the money I would have spent on a month of WoW. Filled the gas tank in the car with the money I would have spent on extra gold in a month for WoW. Sat on the couch with my wife, watching what she wanted to watch instead of sitting alone playing WoW.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I pimped myspace page. Had fun woth family and friends. Lifted a few weights. Thanked that today was good and I did not have to wish for a tomorrow.

rs addict
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Re: What I did today to not game.
"EHAZE " wrote:

I pimped myspace page. Had fun woth family and friends. Lifted a few weights. Thanked that today was good and I did not have to wish for a tomorrow.

Pimped your myspace
better friends are always good :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Well my testosterone took over! My poor girlfriend. Well she must have loved every minute. My you guys are sick that's not what was I was taking about. We just snuggled.A ;D

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I slept all night instead of gluing my face to a computer screen.
When nightmares errupted, I hugged teddy bear in a giving love instead of gnawing on fear.
Upon arising, though wanting of jubulation, I bowed to the eternal Worthies, sealing in me an orthoprax of trust in refuge beyond decadent senses.
After I arose, I made a humane cup of puer tea, and considered it: Musty like an old library, the tea reminds me of what I have yet to learn. Tea intimates for me a life of gentle apprehension, guided by Heaven. Having tasted this life rooted in building potential, I am less hungry for a despairing life lead by lies rotting out of fear. I think I'm ready to start my day. :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Surprisingly I think I'm lucky that I'm just enjoying real life too much to game. Been a long time since I went a day without gaming... weird how much you can get accomplished and how slow time goes when not gaming. I was at the store and swear I was there for an hour or more... got home and had only been gone for 30 minutes :o -Work
-Sleep (stupid book kept me up late b/c I wanted to finish the chapter not knowing it was 50 pages long ???)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Just wanted to make a note of the fact that this thread has now been viewd over 5000 times, making it the most-viewed thread i can find on OLGA. Too bad Kathy's not here to see how much good she's doing for other gamers.

"Small service is true service while it lasts.  Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one

The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,

Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth

rs addict
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Re: What I did today to not game.

i wish she was here too
i have been so busy with christmas latley!
plus i totaled my car because someone pulled out in front of me and her incerence company i refusing to pay because i miss her car.
they better pay!!

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Re: What I did today to not game.


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Re: What I did today to not game.

Went to a school workshop. Took a nap because I was tired. Came here and went to a meeting. Did my job tonight.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Came here....hung out and hung out and hung out way too much (but then again it takes what it takes sometimes, eh?)
Posted WAY too much...LOL
Did service work
Remembered the roots of my addiction to Runescape

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Re: What I did today to not game.

What I did today to not game (or instead of game): 1. Checked e-mail, blog and OLGA
2. Watched TV for two hours. 3. Checked e-mail and OLGA LOL - and meanwhile I thought about what I really should do which is clean the house and get a shower and be ready to play with the kids after they finish school. But I tell myself that I am doing my best!! Have a good day. Anne

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I forced myself to quit my latest addiction (Neopets) by cheating on the game and having my 6 years old account permanently disabled.
I have convinced myself to not play any game for as long as I can.
I am still addicted to the Internet and it is hard to get away from that considering that I work as a Web Designer.
Today I started drawing a comic strip that I expect to be ready by Christmas and wasted a lot of time getting rid of a virus on my computer.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I feel so grateful for this thread. Thanks to whoever started it, and HP! What I did today to not game;
- Read posts at olga and went to a recoverychat for 30 mins.
- Read and wrote in my journal. Prayed. - Did a breathing exercise and cried a few mins. - Took a long nap. - Had dinner with my family. - Watched TV. - Came back here and read through all these posts once more and copied some great ideas into my word-program. Now I have a long list that I will continue since I got inspired. Easy does it. I long for fresh berries with milk in the morning. And some tea. Just for me.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Easy does it. I long for fresh berries with milk in the morning. And some tea. Just for me.

Yes, good idea :-)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Today I studied with a studymate. A girl I secretly admire. :-X Did Some householdchores, watched the simpsons and finally did kickboxing.
The last was really good stuff, I feel totally relaxed. :)
And now off course Im a few minutes on olganon.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Went to therapy
Cried my eyes out
Took care of myself
Ate when I was hungry
Did some 12-step work
Hung out here

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Re: What I did today to not game.

I went up early and helped getting the kids ready for school. I did some reading
I came here and read posts/posted
Argued with hubby on msn. :P
I chatted in recovery chat
I picked up my son early at school, then we went home to bake cookies and read and talk. Went grocery shopping with family
Had a long, good talk with hubby. ;D
Made a list of things to do in january
Checked the PC for virus and other. Came here and read posts/replied. Now going to have tea and cuddle with hubby. And I am not craving! Yee-haa!!!!!!

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Got some sleep
Came here
Worked hard

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Thursday: Study, boxing & drinking with roommates.
Friday: work till 5 pm and then play poker till 5 am with some guys. Lost 20 bucks :( i rather get a thrill from betting than gaming :D
Sat: sleep a lot; go to some other friends talk 'bout life and go out to an awfully bad disco. And I mean bad! :P When the club closed some frustrated guys tried to get into a fight with us, luckily this failed :) We left with our car, they shoot at us with an alarmpistol or so and then I saw police. Haaaa, their problem now :P
Sun: sleep even more, read a book, go to a cafe, play table-soccer, darts and went home. And I played a ps3 game with a gun-controller against someone. ::)
Mon: work till 5, make plans with roommates for an extravagant dinner tomorrow. Ill be cooking a luxurious meal for 10 :P Do study stuff. Now I look back, I see a lot of unhealthy activities. Yet they give the thrill I need and help detoxing from games.
This makes m healthy I suppose ;)

rs addict
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Re: What I did today to not game.

:) sorry i been away guys
i come and go ya know :P

John of the Roses
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Re: What I did today to not game.

Well, it is good to know you are safe, alive and still looking forward in your healing journey :D

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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Re: What I did today to not game.
"rs addict " wrote:

:) sorry i been away guys
i come and go ya know :P

Boring class? :P

Leveling in Real Life

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Came here
Said the Serenity Prayer
Tried to pay attention to my feelings
Observed myself

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Worked 8hrs, went to a sunbed, bought an expensive beautiful watch & brand boxer shorts, watched tv & drank beer with roommates, did my push/pull/sit-ups, tidied my room, called an old friend and cried because the girl I love doenst love me back...
I plan to study for bad-ass mathematics exam next Friday. Yet first Ill take a glass of smooth single malt scotch whisky. A rich flavored beauty from the highlands which spent 12 years in sherry oak casks. A beauty that loves me back. Today was a good day.

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Re: What I did today to not game.

hmmm ilRoberto, might wanna check out AA perhaps? If ya got that much of a love affair going with a glass of whiskey, could be something to look at. Just a suggestion. ;)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

ah, I understand it well. I have some 27 year old MacAllen which I don't even open... now that's reverence.

Leveling in Real Life

J. DOe
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Re: What I did today to not game.

In the morning, I made a list of 12 items on a to-do list and then I proceeded to do them all (e.g., reply to several e-mails, take care of some paperwork, go grocery shopping, do some banking, send my resume for several potential work opportunities, work on a programming project for a client, etc.) except for one where I was not able to get hold of somebody to take care of a matter. Also, throughout the day, I read all of the new posts that I have access to that were written to this site as well as write a few posts of my own.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Last night I celebrated carnival in my pirate costume, harrrr. The people are really friendly and its a lot of fun. Then I slept till 12 and decide to clean up my room at my parents. After that I went to a friends house and drink the second half of the whisky mentioned in the other post. The drink was delicious and the conversation chill. At 3AM I realized I had to go to my dorm in the other city. Off course I missed the bus so had to take a taxi to the station. Buying a ticket is too much of an effort when its late, so I just got in the train. The guy checking the tickets was relaxed and let me travel free :)
Now I arrived at my dorm at 5 AM and go to sleep. tomorrow 8:45 in class...
brrrrrr. Moral of the story; I killed some braincells, had a lot of fun and did not game. :D Have a great lovely night, day whatever. Love you all. :)

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Re: What I did today to not game.

Tuesday I came here
Went to a meeting that I needed to
Ran my Tuesday 12 meeting
Listened to a newcomer or two

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