&: The Dream Movie...

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Diggo McDiggity
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&: The Dream Movie...

Will you give me just five minutes to watch this movie? I don't ask for much. Maybe it will be as inspiring to you as it as to me when I saw it for the first time..and second...and third, etc.

the dream movie link removed as obselete


Edited by: lizwool at: 12/6/06 8:20

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Re: The Dream Movie...

I watched it! The internet natzi's must have forgotten to block that site! woopie!


anonymous (not verified)
Re: The Dream Movie...

Great movie, thank you for sharing. Things like that can really turn a day where things just seem like they're passing by, into a wonderful day.

I sometimes wonder if it's fallacious for me to think that because I was so obsessively passionate towards playing games at one point, I should use that to think to myself that I can be just as obsessively passionate about something that adds a positive value to the world.

Along the lines of reaching for a dream, it's always been a thought of mine that there are many people out there who dream, but it's only (unfortunately) a few of them who actually reach out and try to achieve them. The dream doesn't have to be something grandiose, this applies to all hopes, big and small. Confidence conquers all.

Yes, movies like this inspire me to move.

Edited by: Auriex at: 10/27/05 23:47

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Re: The Dream Movie...

Thank you Ron. That was nice, after a day at the office.


Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: The Dream Movie...

My pleasure. I try to watch it every now and then for a pick-me-up. It's a little cliche, but inspiring.

Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
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Re: The Dream Movie...

This movie really is good. I can't even count the number of times I've seen it. Very encouraging!


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Re: The Dream Movie...

That's awesome bro! Thanks for that.


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Re: The Dream Movie...

I watch it every day, it helps me focus on what is really important.

Gaming is not important, those are illusions, not dreams...

Leveling in Real Life

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Re: &: The Dream Movie...

I play this movie for my class at least once per semester.

Leveling in Real Life

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Re: &: The Dream Movie...

how motivating!

"This is the end...." The Doors

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Re: &: The Dream Movie...

I'm sorry to be the fly in this ointment, but I think it's just a very well-targeted advertisement. It takes advantage of us wanting things to be "better" in life, but it also only addresses monetary dreams in life that you would want a life coach to help with. And it doesn't take into account externalities that affect our lives which we have no hand in. Some of us dream for things we cannot have in life no matter how hard we try, or who helps us.

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Re: &: The Dream Movie...

Some of us dream for things we cannot have in life no matter how hard we try, or who helps us.

... dreaming "for" these things will probably break lifes and people... dreaming "of" makes for good authors ;)

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Re: &: The Dream Movie...
"shiva " wrote:

Some of us dream for things we cannot have in life no matter how hard we try, or who helps us.

... dreaming "for" these things will probably break lifes and people... dreaming "of" makes for good authors ;)


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watch this movie. You won't

watch this movie. You won't regret it.

Leveling in Real Life

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This is a must-see

This is a must-see movie.

I also strongly recommend this second movie, "The Dash".


Leveling in Real Life

fly by night
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Thank you for that

Thank you for that Xandtar,the title,and flick remind me of a good rock song i like,called "Marathon ".

"It's all in your mind...Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life.If you continue to believe as you have always believed,you will continue to act as you have always acted.If you continue to act as you have always acted,you will continue to get what you have always gotten.If you want different results in your life or your work,all you have to do is change your mind." Anonymous...

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Sorry, that movie is a

Sorry, that movie is a little bit too cheesy for me.


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nice movie


Edited to remove link

Diggo McDiggity
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Still inspring, 6 years

Still inspring, 6 years later!

- Ron

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Very inspiring. I'm taking

Very inspiring. I'm taking baby steps towards my dream. But I have seem to have the energy and determination to achieve it...

Healthy enthusiasms add to life, addictions take away from it.

Diggo McDiggity
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And in response to some of

And in response to some of the earlier posts. Yeah, in some contexts the movie can sound pretty cheezy and idealistic, I admit.

But again, many of us pick at least one self-defeating thing and repeat it to ourselves. I'm not going to go all "The Secret" on anyone, but it's true that when we reinforce an idea or belief we do tend to create and reinforce that reality.

I'll share one thing personal. I'm turning 47 this year. And it's true over the past 5 years, my vision has gotten a bit worse and I've started to lose some hair. It's made me look at my age and now and then I think that age might be a hindrence to something I'd like to do. But seeing people who are OLDER accomplishing great things is just a subtle reminder that I have a LOT of years left.

Like everything else, the "Dream" movie is just a tool and perhaps there's just one thing in there that will help. If so, great, if not, then no worries.

- Ron

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I find it hard to believe

I find it hard to believe that it's been over two years since anyone responded to this stickied thread. I find this movie to be inspiring, and close to the truth for all too many of us.

Leveling in Real Life

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