A major national magazine is seeking to interview one or two problem gamers who are willing to share every detail of their personal story. Interviews will be used in a feature about gaming addiction, but interviews do not guarantee publication. The magazine won't move forward with the feature unless it's truly compelling. Anyone willing to share their story is asked to contact olganon.org user MCTuthill
What magazine? Please provide a web site, contact name and email address. If your contact information is truly compelling, someone here might consider sharing their story.
The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
My name is Matt Tuthill, and I can be reached at mctuthill@yahoo.com. I can provide writing samples to anyone who would like to see them. The magazine I'm working for, however, would prefer I share the name of the publication only with interested parties.
So, the writer/interviewer is you, right? I respect your anonynity with regards to not revealing your publications contact. However, please respect our own need for anonynity by requesting a bit more about where you are coming from. The word anonymity itself means namelessness, but there are larger parts to it within OLGA, and other 12-step programs. Whe we abandon our "know-it-all" pretentions and start recognizing the value of other people's experiences, we start treating them with rspect. I don't think revealing your publication to this forum will be so devestting.
"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone