Tampa Florida Group starting up

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John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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Tampa Florida Group starting up


Once we get going we're going to find a location that is fairly close to the university here, in hopes that may encourage students with problems resulting from excessive gaming find recovery.

We want to have local activities where as addicts we can have fun in the real world.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

lizwool's picture
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That is great!  Go John!

That is great! Go John!

Liz Woolley

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Wow, that is wonderful! Is

Wow, that is wonderful! Is there a Charter around the Dallas, Tx area?

BigH501's picture
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  That is Great !   I

That is Great ! I think Cracker Barrel is a great place to start as well. Good food and after eating if you want to continue to talk you can always move to the rockers out on the porch

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

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"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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*sigh* Sitting out on a


Sitting out on a porch, in warm sunlight... what a lovely idea.

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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What a great meeting we had.

What a great meeting we had. Face to face meetings are so special. There is nothing like it anywhere. & we are going to meet in February to discuss meeting facilities and frequency.

We are going to have activities where our group will engage in real life stuff.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

the_real_me's picture
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Grats John. How awesome!

Grats John. How awesome!

The question is....will you be able/courageous/adult enough to sacrifice that which merely pleases you...for that which will truly fulfill you? That is the question of personal growth.
~~~wow-free since 8/22/09

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The website is pretty

The website is pretty cool!


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

BigH501's picture
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  WTG guys !!! 

WTG guys !!!

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

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Congratulations, John. 

Congratulations, John. Well done!

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"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

gsingjane's picture
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Hey JJ, unless you're

Hey JJ, unless you're planning to meet in a bar (of whatever persuasion!) I don't think people should have a problem with it. I am surprised, though, at the lack of opportunities for meeting facilities. Are there any area churches that would let you use a small room? How about the library? The community center? A local arts center maybe? In our town, the police and fire stations have conference rooms and some community groups even meet there.

There are plusses and minusses to every meeting space. People who thnk OLGA has a secret religious agenda will be spooked by meeting in a church. If you have to pay rent for a "neutral" space, that's a burden on you. The library or community center might not let you have a recurring space you can count on from week to week or month to month.

We went through this big-time when we were trying to figure out where to have our PFLAG chapter meet. We finally did decide on a church, but there was a lot of thinking that went into it. Four years later, people are so used to the venue, they don't even notice it anymore, though.

Good luck!

Jane in CT

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Hi, Thanks for the


Thanks for the feedback.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Hello!  I am interested in


I am interested in attending your local tampa chapter!

Where when?

Long live freedom!

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Hi, We are still looking for


We are still looking for a place to meet. We usually meet at Village Inn (Dale Mabry & 275) a couple of times a month. If you'd like we might be able to schedule a meeting this week. So far, its just 2 of us: Me (John) and another guy named John. I'm going to send you my ph# in a private message. Feel free to call me if you'd like to have a meeting or you just need to talk.


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Thanks for the meeting

Thanks for the meeting guys! It was a good meeting. :D

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Update on space... Mr.

Update on space... Mr. Procrastination (aka me) went to the Unity church after the meeting, but they were & are closed until Wed. So, I will call them tomorrow. I also called the Baptist church near my apt, but they said they will need to get back with me next week.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Hi guys, We still meeting

Hi guys,

We still meeting tomorrow? I will try calling you guys tonight to double check.



"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

Honey's picture
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Hey guys, do you think

Hey guys, do you think sometime in the afternoon on Saturday the 15th we could meet up? I am heading over to the other coast for the weekend and will have Saturday from around noonish to 6ish to do whatever :)

Game free since October 20, 2011

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Hi Honey :) I won't be able

Hi Honey :)

I won't be able to make it. I will be in Lexington from 05/09 - 05/16. I get back to this area at 5:35pm on 05/16.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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I xould meet with you and

I xould meet with you and maybe with greenthingsjump too. I'll call him to see if he could make it.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

Honey's picture
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the weekend has arrived, and

the weekend has arrived, and I don't know how we will be getting in touch! Please call me at 5614144139 so that we can arrange a time and place to get together. I leave tonight!
thank you

Game free since October 20, 2011

Honey's picture
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Thank you John for meeting

Thank you John for meeting up with me yesterday. It was great being able to sit down and talk with you about our addiction as well as service in the fellowship. :)

Game free since October 20, 2011

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Good news peeps! I believe I

Good news peeps!

I believe I found us a place to meet (its pretty much a sure thing.) The address is 4704 N. Armenia Ave Tampa, FL 33603. Now, we need to decide what day/time & how often. WOOT WOOT! Go Tampa Bay Chapter!!


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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The place is ours. We will

The place is ours. We will have our first meeting there on June 5, 2010 at noon. Those of you in the Tampa Bay Area are welcome to attend. Again the address is :

4704 N. Armenia Ave

Tampa, FL 33603

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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Hello Tampa Bay, Don't

Hello Tampa Bay,

Don't forget our first meeting (in our new place) is tomorrow at noon (12pm.) Hope to see a bunch of us there. @ 4704 N. Armenia Ave Tampa, FL 33603



"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Thanks for the meeting

Thanks for the meeting John! Had a great time. Sorry you didn't like the food.

Hope more people show up for the next meeting.

FYI on the meeting place: Its a very comfortable, air conditioned enviroment. There is a refrigerator, coffee maker, and bathroom. And on top of all of that, its private and safe.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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We are meeting again this

We are meeting again this Saturday @ 4704 N. Armenia Ave Tampa, FL.

THe meeting will start at noon. Come see us! :)


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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It was just going to be me

It was just going to be me this afternoon, but I went down to the meeting place anyways. I got there early to start the ac and clean up a little. I swept the meeting room, mopped, and cleaned the bathroom. At about 12:15, I figured nobody was coming so I left. If anyone came after I left, I apologize.


John J.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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Thanks for your service.

Thanks for your service.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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Hello, The meeting time will


The meeting time will be changing effective August 14, 2010. It will still be every-other Saturday, but now it will be at 3pm instead of noon. Once we get more people attending, I would like to make it a weekly thing. Hope to see you there: 08/14/10 @ 3pm.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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The meeeting is pretty much

The meeeting is pretty much just John & I for now, and we are having it maybe once a month. It costs me $8 in gas to drive there and back home. A long ways.

We are planning to get together at some point with Kate1song but again, logistics have us so far apart.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

Patria's picture
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I wish I lived there to

I wish I lived there to participate. I would LOVE a f2f meeting. There are none here where I am at.

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New to the group and limited

New to the group and limited in my computer ability. Is the Tampa group still active?

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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Tabby, the group is no

Tabby, the group is no longer meeting on any regular basis I am so sorry to report. Since you live in St Petersburg, perhaps you and I could meet somewhere?

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

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The location on Armenia has

The location on Armenia has been sold. We can no longer meet there. I'm willing to go to St Pete for a meeting.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

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Hi there I see this thread

Hi there I see this thread is quite old is there any kind of meeting still going on? I live in Largo

Kate1song's picture
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No. There hasn't been

No. There hasn't been scheduled meetings for a few years.

John of the Roses
John of the Roses's picture
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I live in St Pete Jay.

I live in St Pete Jay. Maybe we could meet somewhere and have a face to face chat?

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

MsMary's picture
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Hi all, I see there are

Hi all, I see there are quite a few old posts asking about meetings in the tampa bay area. I am new to olganon. Are there any meetings going on? I am in pasco county & will drive south to St. Pete.


lizwool's picture
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Hi MsMary,  Let us keep

Hi MsMary, Let us keep this post up to the top, so we can find others in your area for a face-to-face meeting in your area. Have you PM'ed the others who have posted here, to see if they want to meet up again?

Liz Woolley

MsMary's picture
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I am not sure how to move

I am not sure how to move posts around, I'm lucky I can put a post up proper.

I did not think of IMing folks on this topic. Good idea.

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 3 days 3 hours ago
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Hi  John,  Thank for

Hi John, Thank for posting this. You need to find someone else to join you. Do you know anyone who could use the OLGA meetings? Can you contact the others in this post to see if they will join you? Do you go to other 12-step meetings? If so, you can ask someone there to join you, until other gamers who want recovery do.

What is your contact information, so I can post this on the front page, so others here will see it.


Liz Woolley

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