&: 101 Things to Do Instead of Gaming

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Tommi's picture
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&: 101 Things to Do Instead of Gaming

Please help me make a list of 101 things we can do instead of gaming. This question has come up a couple of time. I will start it off. Lets see if we can get up to 101.

1. Post on Olganon

2. Get a recovery buddy on Olganon

3. Keep a daily diary (paper of blog)

4. Help other recovering gaming addicts who are new to this forum.

5. Go to www.meetup.com

5.5 Addition by lizwool: Join Toastmasters to learn how to communicate with the help of peers: https://www.toastmasters.org This is a very good, worthwhile organiztion that can be of benefit to you.

Over to you guys. Thanks.

- pete

Olga/non member since Dec. 2008 Check out my latest video on Gaming Addiction and public awareness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-6JZLnQ29o

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  6. join OLGA chat

6. join OLGA chat meetings

7. join Narcotics Anonymous f2f meeting group

I am interupting this list by sharing a letter from a recovering gamer, saying what he did to get off of the games. Hope this helps: 


I had played more than 3000 video games on 8bits machines (Thomson MO6, Amstrad CPC), 16 bits machines (Atari 520 ST, Amiga 500 and 1200), and PC (mostly emulators) + arcade. It all ended when I started going to the gym: the seated position of video gaming keeps the body in a very low vibration and thus low energy, useless challenges and purpose of games and 'social' interaction keeps those trapped in compliance through group think which keeps the psychology complex and sophisticated. Whereas the gym makes you move, clearing your thoughts, having an excellent food hygiene and being clear about what you want and don't want. This is self respect in essence. And this self respect makes you analyze what games truly are: pavlovian and skinnerian conditionning. As soon as you substitute to all those ersatz of life a true life, the addiction ends. You may go back but quickly you recognize how shallow it all is and you end up going back to the gym, walking in nature, enjoying true food, having genuine relationships face to face, true things.

That's as simple as that. Please put this testimonial on your website.

8. start a garden

9. get a puppy

10. start a new relationship or "restart" the one you're in but this time try to serve the partner just short of annoyance, hehe.

11. Write a book

12. take a class

13. take college (nightschool)

14. get a 2nd job

15. join a book club

16. start a business

17. join a health club

18. take up biking or jogging or fishing

19. join a lodge

20. join a church and go daily

21. have kids

22. practice trying to have kids

23. Get New Friends to replace the former ones still stuck gaming...

24. go to a weekend marriage workshop with your spouse, like Retrouvaille, then go to the follow up weekly sessions, then join the core group for your area...

25. institute date night with your spouse and stick to it

26. get Netflix and fill your movie cue to the max

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

Moostattack's picture
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27. Paint something 28. Do

27. Paint something

28. Do that thing you've been putting off

29. Hit the beach

Game free since 3/20/2012

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30. go to Senior Citizen

30. go to Senior Citizen Center

31. read

32. play with kids/grandkids

33. take cooking class

34. take up walking

35. lose some weight

36. take a vacation

37. Re-new old friendships

38. Get to know your kids/grandkids

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39. Take Music Lessons 40.

39. Take Music Lessons

40. Write lyrics to a Song

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41. restore order to your

41. restore order to your house (clean it)

42. get to know your neighbors.

43. block online games

44. get a pet

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45. Clean a closet

45. Clean a closet (babysteps on the cleaning up)

46. Go shopping

47. Digitize all those old photos that are only on paper

48. Start a memory box for your kids

49. If you already have a memory box, scrapbook it

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50. Write your life

50. Write your life story

51. Write stories of things you did as a kid.

52. Write stories about things your kids done for your grandkids (even if you don't have any yet)

vesalian.prime's picture
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53: take a college level

53: take a college level course online: e.g. https://www.coursera.org/ or high school level at the Khan academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/

54: gather all the books you haven't read in a pile next to your bed, start from the top

55: go on a day trip with your family, real life friends, or by yourself

56: meditate (if you don't know how, find the nearest zen/meditation center and learn)

57: sleep

58: make a paper list of some real life "quests" like changing lightbulbs, putting out the garbage, doing dishes. Do one, strikethrough, imagine your real life experience counter going up, repeat.

59: hug yourself at night, congratulate yourself on another day free from gaming

60: hug yourself first thing in the morning, for courage

Perhaps a man who is worthy of the name should put aside this question of how long he will live ..., and turn his attention to this instead, to how he can live the best life possible in the time that is granted to him
Marcus Aurelius

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66. Make a "bucket list" and

66. Make a "bucket list" and get started on it.

Patria's picture
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61. learn another

61. learn another language

62. call someone you've not talked to in a long time.

63. invite a friend to lunch or dinner

64. think of 5 impossible things before breakfast (Alice in Wonderland)

65. take a hot bath

Allyson2213's picture
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67. Sit at the table to take

67. Sit at the table to take breakfast, lunch and/or dinner with your family or friends instead of in front of the computer

"Take what you need and leave the rest." I got nothing but moments to live.

Kate1song's picture
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68. Write a letter. 69.

68. Write a letter.

69. smile at people and say hi

70. do something for the sake of being nice

EVE_OFFFline's picture
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71. Visit a Museum 72. Visit

71. Visit a Museum

72. Visit a Zoo (or open farm)

73. Go long distance hiking

74. Practice Tai Chi

75. Practice Yoga ( for the shoulders and mouse arm)

76, Listen to Music

77. Take a Tan(sit in Sun)

78. Water the Planys

79. Make Sudoko Puzzles

80. Watch game of Thrones;-D ( or a TV show)

81. bring the kids to School, walking - or biking

82. Make a special meal

83. Go to the Cinema or watch a DVD

pre- diagnosed with Autism.

EVE_OFFFline's picture
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84. buy and play board

84. buy and play board games

85. join a chess or bridge Society( or team)

86. Watch your favorite sport ( on TV or at a local field)

87. Go to the pub to play pub games.

88. help the children with Homework

89. join a volunteer organisation ( ie to find missing pets, cook for olderly people, or a team that vist isolated people)

90 Join the neighbourhood watch.

91. spend quality time with the pet

92. Take the kids to the playground ( and when no one watches - have fun too ;-D)

93. Teach the children new hobbies and games

94. Terminate your cable television subscirption ( only watch target programs onlines or DVD)

95. Try to make photography a hobby, or simple go make pictures outside of everything that looks nice

96. before going to sleep, thank god for the beautiful day it was.

97. When waking up, say : Thy Will be done!

98. Invite your neighbours you have only met in the hallway

99. feed the ducks in the park ( or other birds)

100. Gather fallen leaves, and try to figure out the names of the trees you have seen.

101. Tell Olga people what they can do besides gaming :-D

pre- diagnosed with Autism.

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164. Have the kids help wash

164. Have the kids help wash the car.

165. Work jigsaw puzzles.

166. Work cross word puzzles.

167. Work find a word puzzles.

168. add to this list of things to do instead of gaming.

169. paint a room

EVE_OFFFline's picture
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102. keep a diary 103. At

102. keep a diary

103. At work, try only to be helpful to others and work as a team

104. Find a job when in between jobs

105. try ice skating or skeelers.

106. Make a snowman(sculpture)

107. make a sculpture ( any material or Sand)

108. Make a joke

109. Make a logical puzzles

110. read a comic book

111. Gove someone a positive remark at least once a day

112. Tell spouses you love them(and children)

113. call parents/children

114. go visit parents/children

115. go out to dance

116. Go on Dance classes

117. Go at night to the astronomy club and watch the stars and planets

118. Go to the townhall and make your family tree.(or find about your ancestors)

119. Become member of the library

120. Go to a heavy metal concert(or any concert that gives energy)

121. Go to church to listen to a Bach performance

122. Go out at Sunday to listen "chamber music "concert

123. try to write a poet

124. Read poetry

125. try to push negeative thoughts away and embrace positive ones.(STOP method)

126. Do easy meditation. So when peeling patatoes, only think of the patatoe..when walk in the forst , think of the nearest tree, etc etc.

127 Go to A fun park - like Disney worl like. and ride rollercosters

128. take the kids to fairy tale park

129. Go to an aqua resort

130. go to a health resort for massage and mud baths

131. Go ski-ing

132. try langLauf

133. Clean the car or bike

134. Do the administration

135. Keep an income/expenditure balance sheet at home

136. Write a shopping list before going to the supermarket ( and stick to that)

137. pay Bills in time

138. read stories to children

139. Go out raising funds for the once in need ( needs permission from the major in most countries)

140 design a web page or learn how

141. Follow a course in IT - Clouds

142. Learn a new profession

143. Join a motor or motorcycle or scooter club

144. Become actor or join a theatre group.

145. Go out kayaking or hire a boat or water bike(or rafting)

146. Or take a (1 day) boat cruise on a local ferry like vessel.

147. Take a nature guide with the local forester or nature expert

148. Apply for a new job

149. Set up your own business, but before, write a sounding business plan!

150 try to fill your savings account

151. make a 10.000 pieces jigsaw puzzle

152. make your own clothes

153 make a 3d model or village from scrap metal, scrap wood, paper or matches.

154. Wallpaper the living room with Art deco wallpaper ( or nice colors)

155. Practice to change a tire on a bike, or mend it

156. book a bus trip. ie.one day trip with a group of people to a nice spot or museum

157 go Sightseeing a place of choice

158 take the train and talk to other people

159 Go Fun Shopping

160 Go to a restaurant to have lunch or dinner with Family, or alone.

161. go to buy a big Italian Ice cream.

162. vist a war memorial

163. take a survival weekend

pre- diagnosed with Autism.

EVE_OFFFline's picture
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170. Join a choir of

170. Join a choir of church

171. Visit a play

172. go fishing

173, go to a board game - event

174. Visit a miniature railroad hall

175. Make a light using a bulb and a patatoe and figure out how to make it work

176, Make a radio from an iron bar, a magnet, a long wire and streaming water

177. Do scientific experiements from scrap stuff and other household aparatus

178, make a miniature steam engine, and fuel it with peet.

179 make clay sculptures and paint them

180 buy a box of a WWII tank or ship and build it from parts...then try to place in some engine,

181 Make a small steam turbine and use it for practical stuff at home.

182. grow your own herbs

183. practice magic tricks to perform for the children

184. visit a sea aqua- world or watch fish

pre- diagnosed with Autism.

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Joined: 11/21/2009 - 7:27pm
185. Walk around in the nude

185. Walk around in the nude and pretend you're on the beach.

186. Talk to imaginary friends until they introduce you to real ones.

187. Revisit your life's plan.

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188. Talk to your spouse,

188. Talk to your spouse, loved one, significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, therapist.

189. Really talk to the above about real things like your lives & how to reconnect & stay connected.

190. Kiss & hug to say good morning for at least 60 seconds and again at night for at least 60 seconds until it becomes second nature with your loved ones. We miss that affection & undivided attention!

191. Be honest about everything! It's liberating!

192. Learn to love yourself again by surrounding & paying attention to the people that STILL love you.

193. Therapy & OLGA...confronting the problems is the best way to recover from them.

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aint life grand!!   Good

aint life grand!!

Good post Pete and great replies.

Patria's picture
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Skopos wrote: 185. Walk
Skopos wrote:

185. Walk around in the nude and pretend you're on the beach.

186. Talk to imaginary friends until they introduce you to real ones.

187. Revisit your life's plan.

Lol, Skopos, I've missed your humor.

Patria's picture
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194.  Learn to breathe

194. Learn to breathe properly. (slowing down breathing slows down the mind).

195. Become mindful when doing an activity.

196. Learn to cook

197. Be kind.

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Joined: 12/11/2011 - 5:41pm
Nice work, team! Can't wait

Nice work, team! Can't wait to get started with #185 & 186!

Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.  Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!

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198. Learn to code

199. Think up for coding projects and do them

200. Read manga or comics

201. Learn a sport

202. If you know a sport think about competitive level

203. Get into radio controlled heli's

204. Finally finish those prolonged Game of Thrones books (or another series of books)

205. Go out more often with friends

206. Find more friends by going out

207. Make amv's (anime music videos) 

208. Learn photoshop

209. Discover new music with youtube, last.fm. spotify, 8tracks, pandora, soundcloud, friends

210. Go on a snowboarding trip (if you have the money)

211. Make a europe trip (if you have the money again)

212. If you are a student, attend more study association nights

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213. Volunteer to tutor children at your local school(s).

214. Volunteer to plant tress in your local public park.

215. Go to a local farmer's market and pick fresh food to eat.

216. Visit your local conservatory and enjoy the soothing smell of plants.

217. Go deep into the woods and breathe in the life of things.

218. Go on Goodreads.com and find books that you'd love to read.

219. Go to Barnes and Nobles or another local bookstore and browse the books.

220. Go to a yard sale and find some trinkets.

221. Travel to another city or country to experience new cultures and meet new friends.

222. Decide what your purpose in real life is, and think about how you can achieve your purpose. 



"The trouble--it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found." - Home

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223. Walk the dog

223. Walk the dog

224. Go along with your partner to do the weekly grocery shop

225. Run some errands instead of your partner doing them

226. Take some driving lessons or refresher lessons

227. Get into geocaching

228. Plan an activity some nights, like board games night, cinema night, date night, movie night, try a new recipe night

229. Make a roast dinner on a Sunday

230. Do a body weight exercise workout (you need nothing but your body)

231. Read the bible or look more into your religion/spirituality

232. Write some haikus

233. Join postcrossing.com and send postcards to people all over the world

234. Check the bank and make sure everything is in order

235. Find a way to do online banking if you don't already do it, so that you can keep a better track of your money

236. Remodel your finances so they work for you e.g. keeping bills in their own separate account and paying into that account to cover your bills as soon as you get paid

237. Find some things you used to want to do as a kid but never did and do them. E.g. crystal growing kits, sand sculptures, meccano, etc.

238. Buy things you are in need of

239. Enter competitions on a daily basis and wait for a win. Find forums for it

240. Do online surveys for a little money

241. Write articles online for money. Find some trustworthy sites for it

242. Go to counselling and work through things that you haven't worked through in life yet

243. Play with your pets

244. Write a private blog for your future children/ children to read when they are older, about your life and philosophies and the things you used to enjoy as a kid as well as the things you enjoy now. Add those recipes that have stayed in the family for ages to it, or your own personal favourites

245. Start creating traditions now for your children to follow

246. Go on allrecipes.com and bookmark the ones that make your tummy rumble and your mouth water

247. Check if there are any birthdays this month and send cards out

248. Buy pampering beauty products and have a pamper session

249. Paint your nails.

250. Brush your kids hair

251. Give your partner a shoulder massage. Learn how to do it properly online

252. Buy some nice dinnerware and get into the habit of setting the table before dinner or if no table, set the coffee table and sit together on the couch

253. Make a snack or sandwich for your partner for when they get home from work.

254. Leave a message in your partners or kids bag letting them know how much you love them

255. Make a control journal for the house (like Flylady's)

256. Go to town, look around and have a coffee or lunch on your own or with a friend

257. Throw out old/unwanted stuff. Give it to charity

258. Play with your children.

259. Learn to identify the types of bird that sing outside your window every morning just from their song. Research online and memorise them.

260. Make your house a homelier home by adding candles, houseplants, photos, nice art, having the washing on, and doing from scratch cooking/baking more so that you fill it with beautiful smells

261. Learn the skill of foraging (safely!)

262. Try extreme couponing.

263. Find new ways to wear/style your hair that increase your confidence with little effort.

264. Skate boarding

265. Roller skating.

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Joined: 04/26/2019 - 3:05am
Thank you. I have lost too

Thank you. I have lost too much time gaming downloads

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Joined: 07/23/2022 - 3:52pm
1) Read books 2) gluing

1) Read books 2) gluing models 3) collect lego 4) collect puzzles 5) solve crossword puzzles 6) go out with friends 7) jump from a parachute 8) do sky diving 9) plant a plant 10) go to pilot courses

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