well, I have to say I really understand now, the old saying: The first step to gaining knowledge is admitting that you know nothing.
I have gone thru an "introduction to the 12 steps" with my sponsor. The Back to Basics book is the one used at AA Beginners meetings. Its like a workshop, an introduction to the 12 steps, in the way Bill and the founders of AA did it way back in the 40-s and 50's when AA enjoyed a 50-75% success rate of alcoholics recovering.
SO its not like I have officially and finally completed the 12 steps... They are supposed to be ongoing step work for life.
So I feel sort of like when I completed USMC boot camp when I was a Marine. Its just the start. Then I had my MOS training to go thru then actually working the job for a couple years to become profficient.
Anyway, I just want to thank my sponsor SO much for leading me thru this. There is a wealth of wisdom there which you have the humility to deferr off as just telling your story and passing on what other people have shared... Fine. But it is your wisdom to tell what story when for my benefit. It is your wisdom to glean the lessons out of it, for yourself and now for me when I needed to hear it. And what you saw of the insights into connections of people on my list of resentments which still effect my daily behaviors in negative ways- That is pure gold and has already helped me change for the better. I thank you, Sir! You know who you are.-)
It was actually enjoyable and I look forward to continuing step work. Shocking and amazing considering what I have witnessed others go thru without the "begginers meetings" in other 12 step programs.
OLGA, thank you for being here with your support and your twelve steps and your growing list of people who have been helped... who now help others. This works. Thank God.
OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.
OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.
Thanks for sharing your experience, bbh. You're an inspiration.
What you feed grows, and what you starve withers away.
thanks Scott TO. Thanks for a great meeting last night too.-)
OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.
This step is best represented by the phrase, 'the joy of good living.' This step prepares you to accept each of the 12 steps of AA as you continue your journey into a life of understanding and acceptance. It also permits you to assist others and to empower them as they become aware of the benefits AA offers.