&: What I did today to not game

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Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/30/2009 - 2:30pm
- Did my tax return... - Set

- Did my tax return...

- Set up my pension

- Set up a savings account

Roscosan's picture
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It is our neglect to speak out on injustice that will ruin us as a people and as a nation. We the people cannot sit and watch this politcal game go unheeded any longer. http://www.movetoamend.org

Roscosan's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
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-yoga -play guitar -clean my


-play guitar

-clean my car (maybe)

-wash dishes

It is our neglect to speak out on injustice that will ruin us as a people and as a nation. We the people cannot sit and watch this politcal game go unheeded any longer. http://www.movetoamend.org

Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago
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Joined: 01/11/2010 - 11:28pm
Played hackey sack.  A

Played hackey sack. A purifying pursuit if there ever was one. Plus last night had a great chat with my younger sister. I opened up to her this week about joining this site and my desire to change. I have a large family but it is only her who I've been able to connect with about this huge gaming problem I have had. While I'm in my late 20's and she's still in college we are able to connect quite well and it's becoming a huge huge boost for me.

Spaghetti's picture
Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago
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Joined: 01/13/2010 - 4:45am
Came in here, forums and

Came in here, forums and chatroom.

Messed around a little in the garden.


Walked around obssessing about not gaming. Not very good, that last one.

First game-free day: 14 January 2010.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
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Joined: 01/14/2010 - 8:51pm
How did you play halo 2

How did you play halo 2 without getting totally absorbed in the game? I can't do that.

Fill what's empty, empty what's full, and scratch where it itches.

Early's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 days ago
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what did I do

what did I do today.....

Went food shopping and spent far too much..

Made popcorn on the stove...

Cleaned up kitchen as the saucepan lid slipped and popcorn exploded everywhere....

Talked to BF on skype about my visit to see him, at end of month...my reward for not gaming

Making chicken enchiladas for dinner...my favorite food at the moment..

Sorted out old photos and put into albums...been meaning to do that for years...

So, kept busy, feel I've acheived something today and also progressed as to not playing a game ..

When you have lost everything anyway, you take it back...sanity is a thing to cherish.....

Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago
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Joined: 01/11/2010 - 11:28pm
Got up early (7:30 on a

Got up early (7:30 on a Sunday is early for me) and went to the gym first thing. I started this day aggressively. I find that when I'm aggressive early in getting things done my attitude is better throughout the whole day. It's hard for me to throw that switch midday.

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 02/14/2010 - 12:28am
I believe for me getting out

I believe for me getting out to do things with other people will be helpful. I already exercise, but would like to do more of that regularly and take a class at the YMCA. I have always loved to read before bedtime and have still done that even after gaming late into the a.m. hours. Instead I think I will begin journaling and reading at a more reasonable hour so I can begin to sleep again...it's been so long. Plus I want to do more with my 16 year old daughter who is now beginning to do more gaming and I feel I have been a poor role model. We can go to movies and to the park when Spring breaks. I also enjoy date nights with my husband...movies, going out to eat and other special events.

Castgurl (not verified)
HeheWell here's what I did

Well here's what I did today to avoid the trap hole from gaming: -Went to class in the morning til 12pm After coming home from school (nearly half alseep, because all we did was watch a reaaaallly long educational video on the History of Martin Luther. Very VERY interesting man for his time :o) -Hanged out with my mom for about an hour. Talked with her about my goals and how things were going and such. Then, well after grabbing a big o' loaf of bread to munch on, -Worked on some 3D modeling in Maya for an animation that I will be producing soon -Came on here for a bit -Researched a bit more about gaming addiction (always willing to learn more) -Watched Lifetime :o which I haven't done in so long...since my addiction -.-'' -Worked on my music sound tracks, shotting down lryics and figuring out which song I should try to record first :) -Talked with my dad for a bit, played with my dog Nino -cute lil bugger he is, a Rat Terrier :) only a year old-
-And noooow-
On here posting this :) 2nd day of being PWI free and looking forward to many more days of it.

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 04/06/2010 - 8:39pm
I would not watch

I would not watch movies...

I started watching movies instead of playing games and now I'm addicted to online movies and youtube...

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 04/07/2010 - 2:04pm
Hello!  For me, online game


For me, online game was a very social experience; So i go to the common place of socialization. STARBUCKS! So today, I went to starbucks and braught a cigar with me to not do the online gaming. Long live freedom!

Long live freedom!

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 03/26/2010 - 3:28pm
hWhat I did today instead of

hWhat I did today instead of gaming: I spent some time on this site, I memorized a scene from a Part I need to learn, I vacuumed the house, and I meditated on how I can imagine success in RL as being just as exciting as a success ingame

sockman's picture
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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Woke-up Had a shower Went to


Had a shower

Went to College

Drove my friend home after College

Drove enjoying music all the way back to my town

Had dinner

Played some music on my Keyboard

Enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat with my Dad

Now I'm on this site after feeling huge withdrawal feelings :(


sockman's picture
Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 04/18/2010 - 4:07pm
Woke-up Early Had a cup of

Woke-up Early

Had a cup of tea in the morning with my Dad

Went to the gym

Came back and showered

Got a lift with my best friend to College

My first class didn't start until 11am, so I spent the morning in the library doing coursework which I hadn't done over the holiday due to relapse.

Caught up with my class-mates

Enjoyed the Sun :D!

Came back from College at 4:00 with my friend again.

Now I'm cooking pasta, going to clean my room, play some violin and later going to the cinema with my Dad, we are both trying to make amends.


Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 04/23/2010 - 2:20pm
@ Delicate Flame   Nice

@ Delicate Flame

Nice Dream Theater lyrics in your sig!

cnjayjay's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 03/25/2010 - 6:36am
Huh, first really productive

Huh, first really productive day I've had since I quit.

Cooked spicy chicken for today and weekend food.

Did a few hours study.

Lunch with book.

Did a few more hours study.

Pushed some weights, relaxed to some music, paid the bills and made some important calls.

Chicken wraps for dinner.

Did some more work, chatted to my girlfriend for half an hour.

Sat down at pc and typed this, considering early night but debating ability to do some work for a couple more hours.

I quit gaming on 16 May 2011. Thank you Online Gamers Anonymous for setting me on the right path to conquering my addiction.

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 05/10/2010 - 4:38pm
i went to the gym  came

i went to the gym

came home

i was soooo tired

had a dinner

i thought that i had like 1 hour free to spend,, BUT IN WHAT??

then i felt cravings of play damm

i came to the website

then i am going to sleep very proud of not playing

Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
I hangout with my

I hangout with my girlfriend, read a book, watch a movie, post on the website, and work on my other recoveries in PAA and NA.


Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 01/03/2011 - 11:26pm
Pounded out another 50 pages

Pounded out another 50 pages of my book after waking up.

Decided to finally send in my college application, after much procrastination.

Mental breakdown ensued, made some phone calls to assist in figuring out the application process, and in the end I got my application filled out, and my transcripts sent off to college \o/.

Checked out jobs locally, applied for a library job, hoping I'll get it.

Made some plans with my girlfriend, going to be spending the next 2 days together before she heads back to university, so she'll be my anti-drug :D.

Cooked a pretty badass stirfry with my mom, the cheap noodles apparently taste incredible.

Managed to game in moderation, decided to give myself 2 hours of game time to unwind, stuck with it. Worked one day, I'm just hoping I can stay off the slippery slope of marathons. Will definitely be returning here daily to remind myself of how I used to be, I'm hoping that with support I'll manage to not only get a handle on my problem, but manage to come to terms with it, and eventually conquer it and still enjoy gaming occasionally.

Many have said moderation doesn't work if you're a previous addict, but I'm hopeful.

Anyways, rambled a bit there. Probably going to be watching a new show tonight, then heading off to bed. Hoping to avoid a late night gaming session for the first night in a couple months :D.

Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
Moderation does work for

Moderation does work for some video game addicts. However, 2 hours would be too much for me. I would end up going past that 2 hour line very very easily. I would suggest that you instead do something like 4 lives or something smaller than 2 hours. For moderation purposes 2 hours isn't really moderating as that seems to me to be a large chunk of time playing the game. Thank you and good luck with your life otherwise.


Last seen: 14 years 6 days ago
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Joined: 01/30/2011 - 9:02am
Created an OLGA account and

Created an OLGA account and started exploring


Katniss's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 11/28/2010 - 3:28pm
I cannot moderate. 2 hours

I cannot moderate. 2 hours turns into 8. So I have to take several days off altogether until my steam rating goes down. What I do when I am bored and wish I could play games is go waste time elsewhere. For instance, I just started watching Prison Break for the second time. But when I want to be productive, then I do homework or wash the dishes or go workout. But tonight, I am going to go out and play broomball with some new friends! That's one nice thing about a Minnesota winter xD Broomball FTW!

Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
Happy to hear that you are

Happy to hear that you are getting outside and enjoying the company of your friends!


Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
I suppose, instead of

I suppose, instead of playing video games today, I can read a book. To me, reading books are kind of a waste of time in that they benefit me and not really someone else close to me. I am developing new hobbies now, and I hope that this will help me stay free from video games. I love to come to OLGA too and share when I would usually take time to play video games. I find that playing board games with my partner is also a great way to play games, but without the video element. I also play the powerball lottery, which could be like playing games without the video element to it.


truth-in-my-pocket's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/19/2011 - 6:46pm
Nobody's mentioned

Nobody's mentioned "breathing" yet. Sometimes all I can do is lay on my bed and practice 'being' by breathing and doing a bit of something like meditation. Might be time for that right now. :/

"I love my computer because my friends live in it." ~unknown~

Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
Yes, I breathe too. It does

Yes, I breathe too. It does seem to help refocus the mind away from the games.


Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 06/19/2011 - 9:47am
What I did today. I came

What I did today. I came home from 4pm-12am shift, called up a gaming friend. I played the old streets of rage for fun for about 30 minutes then gave it to another friend. Another friend insisted on playing MVC3, so I watched him play. Then I went out for some fresh air. I went online and searched Gaming addictions on youtube. Felt like an idiot for being at my friend's house so late. Then I told my friends I'll be leaving soon and that they should come with and go home to. THey agreed and told me wait a lil. So I went to olga on my friend's computer and chatted with Pete1, I listened to his ongoing success story about quiting video games and felt inspired.

Came home at 5am got up at 8am to talk to my mom about my day. Slept some more. At ten I went back on olga and read these post. Still had the urge to watch tekken matches so I gave myself 30 minutes....turned into hour and a half.....Played a dancing game on the wii for excersize about 30 minutes while washing clothes.Thought about better gaming management. Now I'm here typing this.

This is my third day on olga and I would admit I'm lacking dedication.

Change is always happening. Question is: Is it Positive or Negative?

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/23/2011 - 7:32pm
Today I woke up and wished 

Today I woke up and wished I had not. I should have gone to university right away but I didn't since I played Star Wars Battlefront II the entire night. I was best on all servers but I did not really care. I don't know why I play this game for hours, but I can't find any good reason to stop it. When I finally went to my uni I programmed in assembly. Afterwards I went home and programmed a little more. Then there was this wish to game. So I gamed 7 hours, while having suicidal thoughts in between as usual. Afterwards I realized that I won't get my Master's degree if I won't stop gaming. It destroys my whole life. So I searched for help and found this website. I got myself an account and typed this description of my day.

Well, I better rest know. I have to stop gaming or I will fail at life.

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 07/14/2011 - 3:33pm
Watched a calculus lecture

Watched a calculus lecture from MIT.

Watched another MIT lecture on how people learn.




Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 10/06/2010 - 2:49am
Welcome to Olga Tommy. 

Welcome to Olga Tommy. Watching lectures, keeps u away from game and also keeps the brain active. I see that you also signed up to Olga and posted... which also is not gaming! Well done. Keep coming and posting. We'd love to hear your story.

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 07/14/2011 - 3:33pm
The addict in you is

The addict in you is stronger than you are because he has all your intellect with none of the scruples. He doesn't care about anything but gaming, not even you, and he doesn't have to be honest. Pick up a copy of The Addictive Personality at a book store to learn more.


Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 01/29/2012 - 8:13am
Yesterday I went to Lowes

Yesterday I went to Lowes and got some bird feeder hanging stuff. I hung that up on this pole with hooks which my wife likes to have posted right outside the kitchen window. She noticed and made a special thank you for it.

I also got a solar powered LED spotlight and installed it by the front door. So when she comes home in the dark, whether I remembered to turn on the front porch light or not (pet peeve of wife), now the sensor trips as she walks up, then this huge bright light shines right on the front door so she can see to put in her keys. She appreciated that a lot too.

Now Im going off to cut a couple boards in half and assemble garden frames for raised beds. Just two for a start. I'll add two more later and an entry arch and fence. One step at a time one payday at a time, one years-old honeydoo at a time.

I have a long list of neglected chores and honeydoos. Wife calls it a "working amends" like making penance by working off the debt of so many crimes against her heart while I made gaming more important. Sounds about right.

I was tempted just now to play mahjong on the computer, so off to the garden I'm going instead.

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

Patria's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Joined: 06/02/2011 - 1:55am
bebetterhusband wrote:

Yesterday I went to Lowes and got some bird feeder hanging stuff. I hung that up on this pole with hooks which my wife likes to have posted right outside the kitchen window. She noticed and made a special thank you for it.

I also got a solar powered LED spotlight and installed it by the front door. So when she comes home in the dark, whether I remembered to turn on the front porch light or not (pet peeve of wife), now the sensor trips as she walks up, then this huge bright light shines right on the front door so she can see to put in her keys. She appreciated that a lot too.

Now Im going off to cut a couple boards in half and assemble garden frames for raised beds. Just two for a start. I'll add two more later and an entry arch and fence. One step at a time one payday at a time, one years-old honeydoo at a time.

I have a long list of neglected chores and honeydoos. Wife calls it a "working amends" like making penance by working off the debt of so many crimes against her heart while I made gaming more important. Sounds about right.

I was tempted just now to play mahjong on the computer, so off to the garden I'm going instead.

I LOVE This! thank you for sharing.

My amends are also living amends. I bought a large flat screen tv and we watch history/documentaies (right now a lot of Greek/Roman/Chinese history) and we both love it. We've been taking some classes in Eastern Thought/Philsophers.

I started a vegetable garden last year and we had a full year of tomatoes, peppers and raspberries. I'll be preparing ground for this years garden soon.

We go once a week shopping (which I used to HATE), he has his list, I have mine, we each get a cart and meet in the middle of the store before checkout. This works great. Sometimes, if I'm not feeling up to shopping (and since he loves to shop) I'll go to Starbucks and have a coffee and read a book, and he'll shop, stress-free (meaning I won't bug him to hurry up).

We clean the house together now. He's fairly weak but he wants to help, he does the vacuuming and washes the clothes. I really would rather do them myself, because I'm afraid it's too much for him, but he wants to do that. I do all the rest of the cleaning, the cooking, ironing, mending, bills, and yard work.

He likes to cut and trim bushes, and I like to weed.

We've never had a real partnership in our marriage before. Either I was drinking and he was complaining, or he was drinking and I was complaining, or recently I was gaming and he was being ignored.

This is the first time I think we've had a real marriage.

Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 01/29/2012 - 8:13am
Patria, thats a good place

Patria, thats a good place to end up. I hope to get there for us and for myself as well.

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

halcy's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 01/31/2012 - 2:28pm
Last night, my girlfriend

Last night, my girlfriend called and complained of having a very bad day, so I made sure to be downstairs and away from the computer before she'd come in from the garage. She has celiac's disease, which translates to an intolerance of gluten (re: bread, of any kind), lactose, shellfish and a few other common ingredients, so cooking is a must, and I often would leave her to the task as she had so many issues with ingredients. Instead of mindlessly searching the net or gaming, we made dinner together. Afterward we shared a pot of tea, and then took a drive to a local music store where I gave her a guitar lesson and helped her pick out an instrument to learn on.

Today, we're going to a friend's place for a dinner double date. I still find myself a little reluctant to go out so often, as gaming had really trained me to be a homebody. I've seen a lot of people talk about "re-training" their mindset, and I'm hoping such a thing can happen for myself.

Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 02/05/2012 - 10:40pm
Put on the Leechblock app

Put on the Leechblock app for Firefox. :D

yingshao (not verified)
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Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/12/2012 - 4:29pm
OK, I read books all weekend

OK, I read books all weekend during my free time instead of gaming even though I had lots of additional chores I could have done. Reading is actually RELAXING vs gaming which is actually stressful. I thought it was important in my first gamefree weekend to enjoy myself instead of doing endless chores which would just tempt me to log in again. I'm still neglecting some things, but I also took care of a few things I had been neglecting.

One step at a time I guess...

Last seen: 12 years 3 months ago
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Joined: 10/14/2012 - 9:14pm
Today I made some stew... it

Today I made some stew... it was mostly vegi's but it turned out great. Those litttle sparks of happiness you get from things that aren't games are so precious...

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 05/27/2012 - 6:36pm
Even though I cant see it, I

Even though I cant see it, I thought about how much I like the Last Active date displayed on my character profile page, and remembered that changing that date would please all those people that said 'You can't do it, you'll be back, you need us.' The h*ll I do.

Twelve miles into the forest, 12 miles out.
Left my poisonous game July 4, 2012. Left online communities June 4, 2013.

Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 01/16/2013 - 9:24am
Today I went to work and

Today I went to work and talked with my mother, and went to a meeting. It helped. It was my first day of the rest of my life without games. Still, one day at a time, and I am thankful for this godsend of a forum.

I love you all.

Thank you.

Haven't played a game since January 15th, 2013 @ 7:04 PM

"Don't give your life up to nothing, when its so easy to put it towards something!" - Me.

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 02/12/2013 - 5:09pm
I visited the chat.

I visited the chat.

real_mirror's picture
Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 02/14/2013 - 12:39pm
i visited the chat and made

i visited the chat and made a new friend..we share many things similar in life and i hope we can pull each other up when we are pulled back to old stuffs.

I tried 'asking help from divine power' but never made myself up to actually do it..i will put in more effort tomm.

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 03/29/2013 - 7:40pm
 -Go drive around and buy

-Go drive around and buy some food

- Read a book

- Explore olganon.org

- Input my opinions on olganon.org

- Do homework

- Lift Weights

- Text or Call a friend

- Cold approach random person and get their number

- Eat a healthy meal

- Cook your own meal or learn how to cook a new one

- Play basketball or any other sport

- Bike around

- Go to the mall

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 05/31/2009 - 3:12am
I worked on School Work for

I worked on School Work for my associates degree.

I had a coffee.

I spent time with my family watching this old House.

I'll be going to work later and be glad to enjoy the simple things in life.

I pray everyone can overcome their addictions to enjoy a fruitful and productive life.

4 years addiction free, Thank you Olganon!

Puddles's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 07/10/2013 - 2:12am
Instead of gaming today, I

Instead of gaming today, I spent time with my children, instead of my SL friends. I was a mother instead of a character in some idealised, over-sexualised world.

It hurts that none of my SL friends have tried to contact me since I left a week ago. No-one wishes to associate with someone who admits to be being to being addicted SL.

So much time wasted with those hedonistic self centred people, I wish to apologise to my family for being absent, and want to tell them I am back in RL and have decided not to hide in a virtual wasteland again.

Xander's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/04/2013 - 1:05pm
Welcome to OLGA Puddles! 

Welcome to OLGA Puddles! Congradulations on realizing you were addicted and coming here. Don't worry so much about the past, we can't change it and we shouldn't let us hold us back. I think a lot of us here at OLGA have regrets about their gaming past, but at least we did the right thing by stopping and we have a better future to look forward too, which I can see you have realized. I am sure your family loves you and is just happy you are back! You are have already given them much by quitting gaming and joining OLGA. :)

Please join a meeting (7pm mountain time) if you can, and post here if you need to share or need help! We are very welcoming and you are amongst people who have similar experiences to your own.



Free from gaming since 12/23/2013
Free from marijuana since 12/30/2013
Loving life and living it!

Maggie's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Joined: 08/26/2013 - 6:59pm
Woke up and went back to

Woke up and went back to sleep

woke up again and listened to music

missing the game and friends on the game

Ate lunch and listened to music again

feeling lonely and bored, so searched for more games to play

Disappointed cuz could not find game that I like

ate dinner and search site for Evony addiction help.

now I am here.

It's good to have goals and dreams, but while you're waiting for things to change, waiting for promises to come to pass, don't be discontent with where you are. Learn to enjoy the season that you're in--Pastor Joel Osteen

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 08/30/2013 - 12:31am
I walked the dogs - shopped

I walked the dogs

- shopped for my son's birthday,

- made a carrot cake for his birthday

- talked with my brother & sister

- at an omlet that my hubby made

- did some online research WITHOUT GOING TO A GAMING SITE!!!!!!

- watched a dog-training video and worked with the dog.

It was a full day. a good day.

came here

Game free since 12am,, 1/15/14 A little humbler

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