Raleigh NC Face to face Meetings!

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Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
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Joined: 01/29/2012 - 8:13am
Raleigh NC Face to face Meetings!

Raleigh NC face to face meetings!

Hey NC. I'm very interested in making this happen. I am interested in seeing if there are any others out there / on here from the Raleigh area. If there is even just one we can meet in person and talk, eh?

I have a feeling we could get something going, even if it's just a monthly at first, meet in the back of some restaurant or after church or... anything! I would like to restrict it to within the area of NC agreed to be "Raleigh". Say from Cary to Knightdale to Wake Forest to meet. Somewhere in that area, (and Cary is a ways to go so hopefully more North of that heh. )

Long term, I'm sure we could plug into the AA meeting centers somewhere. There are materials available and when we get to needing them we can seek those sources out for gathering supplies and setting up a more formalized set-up. For now just reply here with your interest!

I am open to sponsoring my first person in Raleigh.

I now have a lot of experience running meetings for my Alanon group. (Im a both sides of the coin person)

I had some ideas for meetings based on observing what works for other 12 steps around me.

~We could do the weekly beginners meetings, using the open step workshop format in the book "Back to Basics". I used this for my first trip thru the steps and took my first sponsee thru them this way. Its a great first go.

While we're doing that for game addicts, in another room could be the anon meeting for our long-suffering families to get started on their healing program.

Then we would have actual "members" who have done steps for game addiction and we could have closed meetings where we get deeper into our stuff, just like an AA meeting. Ive seen the depth of sharing is deeper at a closed meeting for addicts only than open mixed meetings. Theres a place and a need.

We could have once-monthly open meetings, I'd love for them to be speaker meetings the first weekend of the month. We could alternate between a game addict sharing their story of addiction life thru their bottom into recovery into today... typical "my story" guest speaker. I'll go first. Alternate with a family-of Anon speaker eaach month with the crowd being "Open" we'd have both coming. I think these would be a great thing to do just before the beginners/anon meetings. great food for thought would go back in after the meeting. Imagie folowing up a rough addicts story like that with starting step 1? Yeah, lets do this.

Those are some ideas for the future...

I'm ready. HP please, if these meetings are within Your WIll, help make it happen in Your time in Your way.

"When the teacher is ready the student appears."

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
OLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 07/08/2013 - 9:17pm
I'm in the RDU area and am

I'm in the RDU area and am interested in an meeting.


Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
OLGA member
Joined: 01/29/2012 - 8:13am
WOW!!  Im so glad I checked

WOW!! Im so glad I checked in here. PM on the way. WOW!!

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

lizwool's picture
Last seen: 1 day 22 hours ago
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When you start meeting,

When you start meeting, please let us know the day, time, location and contact information, so we can post it. Thank you.

Liz Woolley

Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
OLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 02/04/2013 - 2:34pm
Congrats guys :)

Congrats guys :)

Game free since February 4 2013

Last seen: 6 years 2 weeks ago
OLGA member
Joined: 01/29/2012 - 8:13am
Bump.   I edited up top


I edited up top post.

Havent heard back despite reply here, PM and email listed on this site. Ah well, when it happens it will happen.

I'm open to sponsoring in person in Raleigh.

Ive had a remote sponsee make it through the steps and they appreciated the process. Still game free despite many prior relapses including while we were just starting the first couple steps... Game free since doing all 12. This works.

Im ready, willing and able to do so in person.

OLGA Home Page: "We advocate and provide a 12-Step Program of recovery. For those who are interested in a formalized meeting approach, we provide both a traditional 12-step program and a modified program for atheists and agnostics." I advocate and use the 12 steps programs, which have helped tens of millions of addicts of all kinds recover.

Last seen: 11 years 2 weeks ago
OLG-Anon member
Joined: 02/05/2014 - 7:07pm
Have there been any meetings

Have there been any meetings set up in the Triangle area since these beginnings?

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