Finnnnnallly able to log in... I don't know what the magic is for getting past captcha, but something really needs to be done to fix it.
In the mean time, does anyone know what the trick is so that new people trying to get on don't give up? My best guess is that you check the items off and hit verify each time until you get the code and then copy and paste the code, and then it'll log you in. It doesn't work to hit verify without checking the correct items (I'd get the code eventually, but it wouldn't let me log on). Same problem happened with refreshing until I got the code. I'm afraid to log out to test it, though.
WHen I last loggesd in I had to check all the pizza items in photos click verify, then check all the items that were food click verify and then paste some code. The pictures are not very clear which makes it harder to tell what is what.
Thank you for your report. Other members have reported problems also and this needs to be fixed ASAP
I don't log out very often
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It's like a video game trying to beat it! ;)
Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD
My Gaming Addiction Videos on YouTube:
*The views expressed are of the author's and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Navy, DHA or Department of Defense.
Yes Andrew; how ironic that is on this site
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