By practicing these principles in ALL of our affairs, we will have a better life. These principles contain references to a Higher Power. Many who come here have a problem with that. Here at OLGA/OLG-Anon, the concept of a Higher Power is being able to go somewhere to get more support to leave an addiction because WE COULD NOT QUIT BY OURSELVES.
For more discussion about your beliefs, please refer to this section: Sharing">]Sharing Beliefs. Also, feel free to add your own interpretation there.
1. We admit we have been powerless over gaming, and that our lives have become unmanageable. Principle - Honesty and Acceptance
2. Dare to believe that there lies within Us the Power to restore balance to our lives. Principle - Hope
3. Seek the help of someone qualified in counseling or someone that we trust from experience to be capable of helping us. Principle - Trust
4. Really take a good look at our lives, and make a searching and fearless inventory. Principle - Action and Courage
5. Fully admit to a trusted or qualified person or support group our understanding of the exact nature of our problems. Principle - Integrity
6. We become willing to let go of our addictive patterns of behavior and start over. Principle - Willingness
7. Actually ask for help to remove our shortcomings from any person or persons or group that we feel are qualified to provide that help. Principle - Humility
8. Make a list of persons that we have harmed, during our gaming, and become willing to make amends to them (including ourselves). Principle - Love
9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible. Principle - Justice
10. Continue to take personal inventory, and when we are wrong, promptly admit it. Principle - Perseverance
11. Find and study something that we find amazing. Realize that there are ways of living that can bring us a deeper degree of personal fulfillment. Principle - Beauty
12. Having become aware of where we really ended up, how far down we went, and having discovered that there was a way out once we were willing to face our fears and come back to our real lives, we help others and share our story, and we help ourselves by practicing these principles in all of our affairs. Principle - Service
Liz Woolley