Parallel organization in Poland

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Joined: 04/09/2003 - 7:42am
Parallel organization in Poland

UPDATED 6/17/2015

There are now regular real-world-meetings in Warsaw.

Mityngi w Polsce 

W Warszawie:

Skaryszewska 12, 2 sobota miesiaca, 13.00

Skaryszewska 12, 4 poniedzialek miesiaca, 19.00

W Krakowie i Gdansku - w trakcie przygotowan, w obu przypadkach bedzie to 1 mityng w miesiacu, w sobote lub niedziele.

J 8,36

Our organization has been in contact with a group based in Poland which functions in a similar way to  our organization and has a similar name.

It is NOT our organization, nor is it overseen by the USA nonprofit corporation, OLGA/OLG-Anon World Services, Inc., which oversees the operation of this website.

However, since this organization has no other affiliations in central Europe, we have requested that they give us due credit and use Polish translations of our materials, if they wish to remain as they are.

Not being fluent in Polish, I have assurances that they have done so, so I in turn am posting a link to their website.

If we have any current members who are fluent in Polish, please confirm that they are who they claim to be.  If any of their administrators wish to describe their site, we welcome them here.

We wish this organization well.

Thank you.


Leveling in Real Life

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/19/2009 - 5:17am
I am a member of this

I am a member of this organisation, and I can say that we are very glad that we can use OLGA materials... The process of translation is slow, but it is good to at least have something to translate... At the beginnings we only knew that we want to DO SOMETHNIG, not knowing exactly what and how... But now we know it much better ;)



J 8,36

Steele's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 week ago
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Joined: 12/14/2010 - 1:31pm
Good to hear you guys are

Good to hear you guys are moving forward with it. :-) Keep us posted on how it goes.

"I want to see people and I want to see life."

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/19/2009 - 5:17am
Nice signature ;)

Nice signature ;)

J 8,36

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 03/08/2007 - 5:42pm
How did I not see this

How did I not see this earlier! Cool I'm gona go check it out :P !

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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OK, we are waiting ;)

OK, we are waiting ;)

J 8,36

Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 04/14/2011 - 6:11pm
That is so aweome R_1. Keep

That is so aweome R_1. Keep it up!

Game free since 01/21/2012

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Joined: 10/19/2009 - 5:17am
Thank you ;) We try our best.

Thank you ;) We try our best.

J 8,36

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 10/19/2009 - 5:17am
There are now regular

There are now regular real-world-meetings in Warsaw.

The next one is scheduled to take place on 09.11.2013, 13.00, street: Skaryszewska.

W Warszawie sa juz regularne mityngi na zywo ;)

Kolejny planowany jest 09.11 o godzinie 13.00, na ulicy Skaryszewskiej.

J 8,36

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Joined: 10/19/2009 - 5:17am
Mityngi w Polsce

W Warszawie:

Skaryszewska 12, 2 sobota miesiaca, 13.00

Skaryszewska 12, 4 poniedzialek miesiaca, 19.00

W Krakowie i Gdansku - w trakcie przygotowan, w obu przypadkach bedzie to 1 mityng w miesiacu, w sobote lub niedziele.

J 8,36

Andrew_Doan's picture
Last seen: 9 months 1 day ago
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Joined: 06/13/2011 - 9:37am
My book may be translated

My book may be translated into Polish too. I am waiting to hear back from the publisher that approached me.

Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD

My Gaming Addiction Videos on YouTube:

*The views expressed are of the author's and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Navy, DHA or Department of Defense.

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Joined: 07/13/2019 - 4:25am
AUK address change - now

@Xandtar - Polish Anonymous Addicted to Computers (AUK) changed the domain address, from now on we are at Can you update your post - remove the old address and use the new one?

(Polish) Anonymous Addicted to Computers -

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