Hey folks,
I'm interested in meeting up with other folks with gaming addictions, but it doesn't look like anything is happening in the Boston area.
I'm certainly not ready to start up my own meeting things. I have attended a couple SMART meetings, and they aren't bad. I was thinking that for the time being, maybe us folks in the Boston area could agree to meetup at a SMART meeting, and maybe take a bit of the meeting time just to talk about gaming issues.
If you are in the area, and are interested, let me know.
If you are someone who has been around, and has lot's of experience and wisdom to offer, please give feedback about this idea. If this is a bad idea, what should I do. Also, if this a good idea, what should I do.
Thanks! Dan
I havent been at this long, but I recommend starting with our nightly 9 pm meetings.
After that, you might look at attending NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings. I've found them to be very educational and inspiring. You don't have to disclose your particular addiction, and when I have, the result has been a lot of shoulder shrugging and 'Addiction is addiction.'
Twelve miles into the forest, 12 miles out.
Left my poisonous game July 4, 2012. Left online communities June 4, 2013.
ok, will do