I Need a Meeting! ! ! So. California

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I Need a Meeting! ! ! So. California

I'm new to this and i live in the so-cal area does anyone know if there are meetings in this area?? please get back to me ???

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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Re: I Need a Meeting! ! !

I've been clean & sober for about 4 1/2 years now. i regularly attend AA & NA meetings. i never really took my video game addiction seriously until now. i would really like to go to a meeting with real people in my area and if there isn't a real meeting in the los angeles area i would like to start one. i can't stop playing video games and it has become very unmanageable in my life. this is one of the only sites i've seen that seem to have much information. but the meetings i've seen on the site are not in my area. i've broke all my gaming CD's in the past and was able to quit for a little bit. eventually i found myself going back to the store and buying those old games again. i don't want to keep this pattern going in my life. i want to be able to live normally, whatever that means. please if there is anyone in the los angeles area that knows of meetings or that is interested in starting one up. please contact me

John of the Roses
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I live on the west coast,

I live on the west coast, but in Florida ;D I would like to start a meeting here as well. I think that F2F meetings would be great! I think there are references within the forum here on how-to start a meeting in my area. But I'm not sure where. If I advertise a meeting, how should I go about doing that? Any suggestions?

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone

Solei's picture
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Re: I Need a Meeting! ! !

Where in Florida are you? I'm in South Florida (Broward County). Love, Solei

-6 Years Free of Online Gaming-

BigH501's picture
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Re: I Need a Meeting! ! !

[size=14]I too am in South Florida, but alas on the right coast I mean east ;-) and a little North of Solei, in West Palm Beach. I think there is at least one more person on this board currently who is in Florida, maybe we can all plan a time to meet.[/size]

" ... don't question it just go" "... where the body goes the mind will follow"
Borrowed from "Desire to Stop"

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Re: I Need a Meeting! ! !

I'm in Southern California - but on the Anon side. I'd love to see something start here... maybe you're the spark for So Cal!

"This is the end...." The Doors

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Re: I Need a Meeting! ! !

I will be starting meeting within 30-45 days. I live in Ventura County. I will post meeting dates and agendas soon. First I need to get over some of my fears that are in my way of spear heading such a project. Jimi

Eliot's picture
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I live in Orange County, CA

I live in Orange County, CA and am looking to start a Computer Addiction 12-step meeting (this includes, but is not limited to, gaming). Please contact me if you live close and are interested.

lizwool's picture
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Hi Eliot, Right now, we are

Hi Eliot, Right now, we are gathering information from members here, for face-to-face meetings. We will be charting where people are from, so you can PM them and ask them if they would care to join in a meeting. Please keep in touch. Would love to post your face-to-face information on our message board! Liz

Liz Woolley

Eliot's picture
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Sounds good. Do I have to do

Sounds good. Do I have to do anything besides edit the "face-to-face connections" section of my profile? Right now I couldn't find any way to search this information for other members.

JamesW (not verified)
Hi Eliot Go to the Meetings

Hi Eliot Go to the Meetings tab at the top - there is a link now that says member lookup by location. There is still a LOT of people who have not updated their profile yet, so it will take some time before it shows everyone, but there is a good amount listed now. James

J. DOe
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Eliot, now that you have a

Eliot, now that you have a way to search among our members for those who live near you, I hope that you can get a few people together to get your Computer Addiction 12-step meetings going. Good luck.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
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Hey, i live in hollywood. I

Hey, i live in hollywood. I would like to attend a meeting or help start a meeting. I cant stop playing and its driving me insane.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."-Dr. Seuss

socceruci's picture
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How did it go? I used to

How did it go?

I used to live in LA/OC and thought about starting a meeting there myself. I visit LA/OC often and would love to visit your meetings when I am in town.

I like your quote crackedeye01 ;]

Danbridge's picture
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I live in Azusa. I would

I live in Azusa. I would totally support a new meeting out here.

Remember Sammy Jenkins

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Welcome, Danbridge. Right

Welcome, Danbridge.

Right now we have no chapters near you, but all you need is another gamer to meet over hot chocolate, and you'll be on your way.

I hope there is someone near you who will be online in the next couple of weeks to a month, who would like to meet you somewhere.

Good luck to you.

Leveling in Real Life

Almuderas's picture
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Hi all, I would love to get

Hi all,

I would love to get a face to face group together here in the LA area. I live in the Southbay region of Los Angeles, more specifically Redondo Beach. I have played MMO's since I was 13 yrs old. I'm 22 now, and occasionally I go back to playing when I feel the pressures of RL builing up, and I hate myself for it. This is something that I would love to do (get a RL meeting together, that is) because it is something that I feel VERY alone in my suffering.

EHAZE, I know that you posted that 3 years ago, but did your Ventura group ever start, and if it did, are the meetings still going on?

If we still have a good amount of people interested to meet in the So. California area, which I am sure there are (this is a big region), then msg me or comment here on this thread. I will start something if there isn't something already around. We could meet at a library, or at one of the colleges (there are bound to be open meeting rooms in both of these places).

Alright, well thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you guys and gals!! This is really an important thing that we are doing; an important movement even. VG addiction is so real, it hurts, yet so little is still said about it today. I think that with the advent of WoW, more people at least understand the fundamentals about what the addiction is about, but many of us old school players who have been at it since Everquest or before have been going through these movements of play and respite for a while now. I especially feel for the youngsters today who happen to start WoW at a young age and then get hooked.

That's enough for now. Msg me, post here; lets get this show on the road!


Paul Shawkat

Desire to Stop
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You might want to send a PM

You might want to send a PM to member crackedeye, I think he also lives in SoCal.

Cheers, Desire to Stop
ALL quoted text (unless otherwise stated) comes from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (with wording sometimes changed only to make it more relevant for gaming addiction). I will include page numbers.

Hoping & praying for a measure of recovery for all of us today.

Almuderas's picture
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Will do, thank you.

Will do, thank you.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Im a mom of an addicted

Im a mom of an addicted gamer. He is killing himself.

I need support and meetings in so cal.

any meetings going?

PLS message me


Serena's picture
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* If someone would like to


If someone would like to start a meeting in Los Angeles,

this would be an excellent location to do it, if you want

a permanent place that would have a listing outside of

OLGA to draw people to the group. This is a good place.




"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself." Albert Einstein

"You don't get to choose how you are going to die. Or when.
You can only decide how you are going to live. Now." Joan Baez

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Looking for a face-to-face

Looking for a face-to-face meeting in Orange County.. Please PM me with any details. Thanks!

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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Hello, I live in Orange


I live in Orange County and really want to attend meetings. If anyone knows of a local meeting or would like to start one, even if just coffe house style email me.


Andrew_Doan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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I lead a gaming and internet

I lead a gaming and internet Celebrate Recovery 12-step in Temecula, CA, if you are okay with a Christ centered program. We meet at Rancho Community Church, Thursday, 6:30 PM.

Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD

My Gaming Addiction Videos on YouTube: YouTube.com/@DrAndrewDoan

*The views expressed are of the author's and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Navy, DHA or Department of Defense.

Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 04/29/2011 - 8:22pm
Hello. I live in the so cal/

Hello. I live in the so cal/ orange county area and can drive any where around the area to go to a meeting. If anyone has started one or wants help to start one please send me a PM.


Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/12/2012 - 7:19pm
I'm in Ventura, California,

I'm in Ventura, California, and am willing to start a live meeting. If anyone's interested, let me know and we can work out a meeting place. I would like to get it started as soon as possible.

spacecase's picture
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I also am looking for a face

I also am looking for a face to face meeting I live in Calimesa about 70 miles east of LA. but i would be interested in a meeting anywhere in LA and the Inland Empire. If it was in LA it would be easier for me to get my brother to come along too, he is worse off than I am.

Happiness has absolutely nothing to do with circumstances

Almuderas's picture
Last seen: 4 years 1 day ago
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Hi Bub, Is there currently a

Hi Bub,

Is there currently a meeting in Ventura or similar area?


Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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We're in southern Orange

We're in southern Orange County, CA. If there are any meetings being started or going on in Orange County or surrounding areas, we would like to participate!

Maggie's picture
Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Hi momwithboys, There is a

Hi momwithboys,

There is a meeting in San Diego http://olganon.org/?q=node/32562, not sure if it is too far for you.


It's good to have goals and dreams, but while you're waiting for things to change, waiting for promises to come to pass, don't be discontent with where you are. Learn to enjoy the season that you're in--Pastor Joel Osteen

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Looking for a meeting in LA

Looking for a meeting in LA area

Andrew_Doan's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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San Diego

Orchid and I are organizing a San Diego meeting. Message me!

Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD

My Gaming Addiction Videos on YouTube: YouTube.com/@DrAndrewDoan

*The views expressed are of the author's and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Navy, DHA or Department of Defense.

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