A request for those of you who are holding or want to hold ftf meetings

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Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
OLGA member
Joined: 05/04/2012 - 6:42pm
A request for those of you who are holding or want to hold ftf meetings


One of the projects a couple of us have undertaken is the task of creating a set of "OLGA Reflections" which can be published as a booklet. The purpose is to have literature that could be used at a weekly ftf meeting (the initial goal is to have 52).

What we have been doing so far is grabbing the chat logs from meetings and using some of the common ideas or experiences as the basis for reflections pieces. This seems to work pretty well. Recently, we've also been grabbing ideas that come up in various sponsor/sponsee or recovery buddy conversations, and creating something out of those. We always make sure that whatever is written reflects input from OLGA members at various stages of recovery, so that it will be as helpful to all as possible.

Thus, we crave input from those of you who are participating in or trying to start ftf meetings. Here's how to help, if you would like to:

(1) Go to "Daily Readings" and look for threads that say "OLGA Reflections". Read the reflection and send me or Gettingalife a pm with any kind of comment you have on it--no one is going to be offended--we just want to make the reflections as good as possible. Anything from "this one seems weak because" to "I suggest you add or delete this part" to "how about changing the wording of this part to **** ". We'll do our best to incorporate your ideas. So far, I think we have posted 10 or 11 and we're working on speeding up the process.

(2) Send us an idea for a reflection, particularly if you think that idea is missing in what we have so far. Or a couple of bullet points and we'll take a shot at writing it. Or write one yourself and send it to us and we'll incorporate input from others into it. The main thing is for all of us to feel that it would be a helpful thing to start off a ftf meeting. We want the reflections to be relevant to things specific to gaming addiction as well as overall recovery from addiction and re-entry into RL, based on the Steps or other helpful methods.

Thank you for your service to the fellowship.

Oh, and if you aren't involved in ftf's and you've read this far, feel free to do the same.

I am a recovering computer game and gambling addict. My recovery birthday: On May 6, 2012 I quit games and began working a program of recovery through OLGA No computer games or slot games for me since December 12, 2012. No solitaire games with real cards since June 2013.