Making unauthorized credit card purchase on Xbox

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Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 03/24/2018 - 2:57pm
Making unauthorized credit card purchase on Xbox

I have a 10 year old son which goes to his grandmother's time to time and he had taken his grandmother's credit card out of her purse while she was asleep and made over $200 worth of purchase on Xbox Live his grandmother called me this morning and told me I'm so disappointed I'm not sure what to do I was hoping to get some advice before I go up to talk to him I don't know why he would have done such thing he gets everything he asked for

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Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
Welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forum.

My son did this to us when he was about 13

These games are so addictive. They can rewire children's brains. His stealing indicates that he is at risk of addiction if he is not already. You need to handle this sensitivly and reassess the effects of digital media on his brain. Then think about ground rules around use in your home etc.

Read the parents forums starting with the post for parents linked in my signature.


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Joined: 09/17/2023 - 8:57am
As for the purchases,

I believe that dealing with an unauthorized credit card purchase on Xbox can be a stressful situation. In such cases, reaching out to PeoplesBank customer service can be a wise move to address the issue promptly. It's essential to act swiftly to resolve these matters and secure your financial information. Have you been able to resolve your situation, or do you need any advice on handling such incidents effectively?

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