My wife’s addiction and affair

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Joined: 05/15/2021 - 4:50am
My wife’s addiction and affair

Ok I’m finally writing this. Here goes.
My wife plays an online game and in the game she dances and barba came friends with an 18 year old in South Korea. She is 32. But in the game she says she’s 18. 
All she does all  day and night yes talk to him. She is obsessed in continuing this and has even broken us up,so we are living together but she can carry on this strange affair with no guilt to me. She has lost all her feelings and empathy snd is like a different person and gas basically abandoned me and our kids.
When I say she is talking to him all the time. I mean from the moment she wakes to the time she goes to bed wich is always after me.
Iv told her that this us not live snd they are both limerent for each other.
I miss my wife, she has basically dismantled our family really. All the things we used to do together as a family now don’t happen. She says it’s what her brain needs. But get this  she wants me back one day but it could be tears.
She’s totally and utterly addicted snd on a level I feel sorry for her but mostly heart broken by her, she don’t allow herself to show emotion snd says she doesn’t care. Iv tried every approach but nothing helps.
Anyone any any experience or advise ?

C Johnston

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Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
Welcome Chris

Welcome Chris

This addiction causes the gamer to undergo a personality change, They can recover but they would need to stop exposure to gaming but because it is so much fun they do not want to stop. EVen if they want to stop it is still hard for many people to give up the games. Then damage is done to family relationships. 

You are not alone to have this happen. Its a really difficult thing to happen to you; you have to carry on in real life, looking after things, while your gamer spouse just does what they want to.

We have no control over them. We can only control our response to them.

We have information for spouses ofgamers linked in my signature below. If you read through and look at the links you will start to understand your situation and find the tools that may help you.

Take care


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