Thank you for help

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Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
OLG-Anon member
Joined: 03/15/2019 - 3:13pm
Thank you for help

Hi all. I found this forum a while back, when my husband addiction was at its peek and I was quite desperate. At the time, I was realizing this is no way to live and that marriage is borderline abusive (to protect addiction), effectively no relationship, communication between us pretty much impossible and everything getting worst and worst every week. I was angry and helpless. I was also confused, because I used to like and defend computer games in the past, be partly in that community and now I had to accept that a lot of my believes were wrong. I lurked around and read resources here and forums. 

I created account to say that this site helped me. The general advice for spouses was golden. I think that most valuable pieces of puzzle where advice to not enable and detailed explanation what it means. Second most valuable was advice to think/act about myself as single parent. I also needed to stop avoiding conflict and stood my ground in so called little things, stop to pretend out of politeness that things are ok when they were not - even when it killed otherwise calm dinner or was in public. It took some screeming matches and escalating yelling.

Things are slowly improving and much better then before. Not really optimal, but we can communicate and talk about these issues more honestly which leads to improvements. I dont know whether he will relapse to worst or whether improvements will continue. I am still paranoid whenever he plays the game and he is still prioritizing game in situations where it hurts. But again, it is massively better and I could live like this long term (altrough somewhat unhappy).

Forums helped me to see clearly where I stand. There was and is real issue, but was not as bad as some others have it. Seeing that also allowed me to see also parts we could build on. 


So that is it, thank you for putting together all this.

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Last seen: 1 day 14 hours ago
AdministratorOLG-Anon memberOLGA member
Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
Hi Flipped

Hi Flipped

Thanks for sharing how this website has helped you. I am really glad to know this. It sounds like you grasped a good understanding of what was going on and you changed the way you dealt with it and this has paid off. What a result !



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