This is for both OLGA and OLG-Anon's. It is a list of Pleasant Events that we can do to feel better. I hope it helps!
A List of Pleasant Events
Solo Activities
Listening to the sounds of nature
Sitting in the sun
Listening to the radio
Watching the sky, clouds, or a storm
Watching people
Watching television
Building or watching a fire
Reading stories, novels, nonfiction, poems, or plays
Reading maps
Reading essays or other academic literature
Reading the newspaper
Reading cartoons, comic strips, or comic books
Reading magazines
Writing in a diary
Writing papers, essays, reports, etc.
Writing letters, cards, or notes
Breathing clean air
Thinking about an interesting question
Playing a musical instrument
Having daydreams
Kicking leaves, sand, pebbles, etc.
Taking a nap
Getting up early in the morning
Sleeping late
Staying up late
Sleeping soundly at night
Just sitting and thinking
Meditating or doing yoga
Looking at the stars or moon
Seeing beautiful scenery
Dreaming at night
Thinking about something good in the future
Walking barefoot
Playing in the sand, a stream, the grass, etc.
Repairing things
Gathering natural objects (wild foods or fruit, rocks, driftwood, etc).
Exploring (hiking away from known routes, spelunking, etc.)
Playing with pets
Watching wild animals
Kicking leaves, sand, pebbles, etc.
Going on field trips, nature walks, etc.
Going on outings (to the park, a picnic, a barbecue, etc.)
Taking a walk
Riding a motorcycle
Waterskiing, surfing, scuba diving
Driving long distances
Singing to myself
Doing heavy outdoor work (cutting or chopping wood, clearing land, farm work, etc.)
Gardening, landscaping, or doing yard work
Using my strength
Hunting or shooting
Boating (canoeing, kayaking, motor-boating, sailing, etc.)
Going to the library
Going to a museum or exhibit
Doing a project in my own way
Going to auctions, garage sales, etc.
Doing "odd jobs" around the house
Seeing or smelling a flower or plant
Passive activities (being, not doing)
Going to a fair, carnival, circus, zoo, or amusement park
Going to a rock concert
Going to a sports event
Going to races (horse, car, boat, etc.)
Going to a play
Going to a museum or exhibit
Seeing famous people
Seeing beautiful scenery
Seeing a boxing match
Building or watching a fire
Going to the movies
Attending a concert, opera, or ballet
Watching television
Reading the newspaper
Listening to music
Riding in an airplane
Being at a fraternity or sorority
Being with my parents
Being with my children
Being with friends
Being with happy people
Being with my roommate
Being with someone I love
Being with my husband or wife
Being with my grandchildren
Being in a sporty or expensive car
Being in a body-awareness, sensitivity, encounter, therapy, or "rap" group
Being at weddings, baptisms, confirmations, etc.
Being in a city
Being in the mountains
Being in the country
Being at the beach
Being downtown
Being with animals
Being alone
Being relaxed
Being helped
Being coached
Being stubborn
Hearing jokes
Having peace and quiet
Having spare time
Group Activities
Working with others as a team
Taking part in military activities
Competing in a sports event
Rock climbing or mountaineering
Wrestling, boxing, or karate
Singing in a group
Going to a party
Playing party games
Playing in a musical group
Going to a health club, sauna, hot tub, etc.
Going on outings (to the park, a picnic, a barbecue, etc.)
Horseback riding
Traveling with a group
Snow skiing, sledding, playing in the snow
Boating (canoeing, kayaking, motor-boating, sailing, etc.)
Snowmobiling or dune-buggy riding
Waterskiing, surfing, scuba diving
Running, jogging, or doing gymnastics,
Playing golf
Playing basketball
Playing baseball or softball
Playing frisbee or catch
Playing handball, paddleball, etc.
Playing cards
Playing tennis
Playing ping-pong
Playing pool or billiards
Playing chess or checkers
Playing football
Playing lawn sports (badminton, croquet, shuffleboard, horseshoes, etc.)
Playing board games (Monopoly, Scrabble, etc.)
Playing soccer, rugby, hockey, lacrosse, etc
Wearing expensive or formal clothes
Wearing new clothes
Wearing informal clothes
Wearing clean clothes
Buying things for myself
Getting massages or backrubs
Getting letters, cards, or notes
Being noticed as sexually attractive .
Being told I am loved
Thinking about myself or my problems
Being in a sporty or expensive car
Making a major purchase (car, bicycle, stereo, etc.)
Combing or brushing my hair
Going to a barber or beautician
Using cologne, perfume, or aftershave
Solving personal problems
Being praised by people I admire
Receiving honors (civic, military, etc)
Being popular at a gathering
Being complimented or told I have done well
Talking to myself
Talking about my health
Being in a body-awareness, sensitivity, encounter, therapy, or "rap" group
Seeing a counselor, therapist, advisor for assistance, direction
Improving my health (having my teeth fixed, changing my diet, etc.)
Being counseled
Being coached
Meditating or doing yoga
Writing in a diary
Thinking about something good in the future
Brushing my teeth
Washing my hair
Taking a shower
Taking a bath
Getting a manicure
Having people show interest in what I have said
Completing a difficult task
Cheering, rooting
Scratching myself
Using my strength
Getting up early in the morning
Sleeping late
Staying up late
Putting on makeup, fixing my hair, etc.
Having an original idea
Being stubborn
Making contributions to religious, charitable, or other groups
Giving gifts
Buying something for my family
Loaning something
Complimenting or praising someone
Doing favors for people
Suffering for a good cause
Helping someone
Giving massages or backrubs
Coaching someone
Selling or trading something
Giving a party or get-together
Defending or protecting someone; stopping fraud or abuse
Doing volunteer work; working on community service programs
Doing "odd jobs" around the house
Being helped
Asking for help or advice
Being popular at a gathering
Being complimented or told I have done well
Making a major purchase (car, bicycle, stereo, etc.)
Hearing jokes
Winning a bet
Winning an argument
Winning a competition
Seeing a counselor, therapist, advisor for assistance, direction
Being coached
Going to auctions, garage sales, etc.
Being told I am loved
Having someone agree with me
Being counseled
Borrowing something
Selling or trading something
Receiving money
Being invited out
Being told I am needed
Receiving honors (civic, military, etc)
Seeing or smelling a flower or plant
Reading the Scriptures or other sacred works
Singing in the choir
Going to church functions (socials, classes, bazaars, etc,)
Saying prayers
Meditating or doing yoga
Going to a revival or crusade
Feeling the presence of the Lord in my life.
Hearing a good sermon
Having a lively talk
Talking about philosophy or religion other groups
Talking about sports
Talking about my children or grandchildren
Talking about my health
Talking about my job or school
Reminiscing, talking about old times
Giving a speech or a presentation
Having a frank and open discussion
Counseling someone
Talking on the telephone
Being asked for my help or advice
Saying something clearly
Amusing people
Smiling at people
Having coffee, tea, a Coke, etc., with friends
Visiting people who are sick, shut in, or in trouble
Cheering, rooting
Helping someone
Teaching someone
Planning trips or vacations
Planning or organizing something
Organizing things (collections, lists, things in the house)
Rearranging or redecorating my room or the house
Reading a "How to Do It" book or article
Solving personal problems
Budgeting my time
Saying something clearly
Doing housework or laundry; cleaning things
Completing a difficult task
Working on my finances
Going to a barber or beautician
Wearing clean clothes
Finishing a project or task
Doing "odd jobs" around the house
Meeting someone new of the same sex
Dating, courting, etc.
Introducing people who I think would like each other
Having friends come to visit
Having a frank and open discussion
Being noticed as sexually attractive .
Thinking about people I like .
Being with my parents
Being with friends
Seeing good things happen to my family or friends
Thinking about other people *
Pleasing my parents
Being with my roommate
Being with happy people
Being with my children
Petting, necking
Talking about sex
Making a new friend
Visiting friends
Being invited out
Meeting someone new of the opposite sex
Having good sexual relations with partner
Being with someone I love
Being told I am loved
Watching attractive women or men
Being with my husband or wife
Expressing my love to someone
Seeing old friends
Being at a family reunion or get-together
Having coffee, tea, a Coke, etc., with friends
Remembering a departed friend or loved one, visiting a cemetery
Doing things with children
Being at weddings, baptisms, confirmations, etc.
Having lunch with friends or associates
Being with my grandchildren
Cheering, rooting
Helping someone
Confessing or apologizing
Reminiscing, talking about old times
Having family members or friends do something that makes me proud
Giving a party or get-together
Being told I am needed
Having someone agree with me
Going to School
Going to the library
Taking tests when well prepared
Hearing a speech on an interesting topic
Working at my job
Pleasing employers, teachers, etc.
Learning to do something new
Going to a business meeting or a convention
Going to school reunions, alumni
Going to office parties or departmental get togethers
Having lunch with friends or associates
Getting a job advancement (a promotion, a raise, a better job, getting accepted at a better school, etc.)
Teaching someone
Coaching someone
Talking about my job or school
Doing a job well
Receiving honors (civic, military, etc)
Doing art work (painting, sculpture, drawing, moviemaking, etc.)
Doing craft work (pottery, jewelry, leather, beads, weaving, etc.)
Driving skillfully
Driving long distances
Playing a musical instrument
Thinking up or arranging songs or music
Restoring antiques, refinishing furniture, etc.
Speaking a foreign language
Working on machines (cars, bikes, motorcycles, tractors, etc.)
Knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or fancy needlework
Amusing people
Talking about my hobby or special interest
Caring for houseplants
Collecting things
Solving a problem, puzzle, crossword, suduko etc.
Woodworking, carpentry
Writing stories, novels, plays, or poetry
Making crafts to sell or give away
Designing or drafting
Having an original idea
Starting a new project
Doing a project in my own way
Finishing a project or task
Doing experiments or other scientific work
Hunting or shooting
Repairing things
Going to school or government meetings (court sessions, etc.)
Going to service, civic, or social club meetings
Protesting social, political, or environmental conditions
Reading the newspaper
Working in politics
Talking about politics or public affairs
Defending or protecting someone; stopping fraud or abuse
Doing volunteer work; working on community service programs
Speaking a foreign language
Seeing famous people
Traveling with a group
Making snacks
Canning, freezing, making preserves, etc,
Cooking meals
Going to banquets, luncheons, potlucks, etc.
Going to a drive-in (Dairy Queen, McDonald's, etc.)
Having lunch with friends or associates
Making food to sell or give away
Preparing a new or special food
Eating a good meal
Eating snacks
Going to a restaurant
Liz Woolley
Thank you Fearless Founder!
"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." --W. Clement Stone
Yes! Thank you, Liz, for a nice long reminder of ways to live. Amazing how we forget these things after living as BCTGs (Bitter Cave Troll Gamers) ((Exazzy taught me that)).
Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!
I second that!
Doing anything on that list other than gaming sounds good to me :-)