&: Are YOU considering suicide?

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&: Are YOU considering suicide?

Are you considering suicide?

Please scroll down for updated information

If so, please go to the Emergency room nearest you and tell them OR contact your local Crisis Center. Call 911, to get connected OR call the Suicide Hotline at 800-784-2433. No matter how far down you are, NOTHING is worth taking your own REAL life. YOU ARE WORTH SAVING! Sincerely, Liz

Here are more resources for "immediate support": 

Nineline - 1-800-999-9999


is a wonderful resource for helping people through crises. For example, some groups that call our hotline often are drug and alcohol abusers who are sober but need to talk through particularly bad urges; family members of substance abusers who talk through their concern and wish to explore their options; current substance abusers who want to talk through their problem and seek help, whether it is a counseling referral, detox referral, or whatever next step seems right for them. I have only taken one call from a recovering gaming addict, but it seemed to help him get through his urge, and given my first-hand experience with MMO addiction, I see every reason to suggest that the Nineline might be a useful outlet for the OLGANON community.

For suicide specific calls can also call the Hope Line, 1-800-SUICIDE, which is a network of crisis centers that deal with those feeling suicidal.  The website for the Hope Line is www.hopeline.com  

Other resources:

Help in the U.S.

If you are considering suicide, please:
*  Contact your local Crisis Center. If you do not have a number, call 911 and they will connect you.

*  Call the Suicide Hotline at 800-784-2433.

*  Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

*  Go to a hospital emergency room. They are required by law to help, regardless of financial or insured status, when told there is a possibility of self-harm.

*  Covenant house (used to be nineline) is a wonderful resource for helping homeless and at-risk kids through crises. http://www.covenanthouse.org/homeless-youth-programs/nineline for phone numbers by location.  Main number is 800-786-2929 or  https://www.covenanthouse.org/about-homeless-charity/contact

*  The suicide specific calls can also call the Hope Line, 1-800-SUICIDE, which is a network of crisis centers that deal with those feeling suicidal. Or call 1-800-442-4673 (1-800-442-HOPE). The website for the Hope Line is www.hopeline.com

Suicide help in the UK

If you feel you are in imminent danger of taking your own life, please:

• talk to your GP

• dial 999 or go to your nearest Accident and Emergency department (A&E)

• get in touch with your local crisis home treatment team if you have one

If you don’t feel in immediate danger of killing yourself but are frightened by the thought that you might, you could:

• Talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling

If you’re finding it hard to find the words, you might want to speak to someone who is trained to listen:

• Samaritans: (08457 90 90 90) operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. If you prefer to write down how you are feeling, or if you are worried about being overheard on the phone, you can email Samaritans at jo@samaritans.org  www.samaritans.org

• Mind Infoline: (0300 123 3393) weekdays 9am - 6pm Text: 86463  info@mind.org.uk http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helplines/

• Childline: (0800 1111) runs a helpline for children and young people in the UK. Calls are free and the number will not show up on your phone bill. www.childline.org.uk

• Papyrus: (0800 068 41 41) is a voluntary organisation that supports teenagers and young adults who are feeling suicidal www.papyrus-uk.org

• CALM: (0800 58 58 58) Campaign Against Living Miserably offer support to men in the UK, of any age, who are down or in crisis via our helpline and website. Text: 07537404717 www.thecalmzone.net/

• Big White Wall: Online community for depression/anxiety http://www.bigwhitewall.com

International help

Find crisis resources local to you through this website: http://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/

Liz Woolley

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

What a beautiful world.

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

Every time i wanted to end my life i couldnt help but think of all the things i had never done and experienced.A No matter how much pain i was going through i knew there were lots of reasons to go on. I still have to do so much before i leave ^^

rs addict
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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

ah i am a depressed person in general
sometime's i do sometime's i don't
it come's and goes..god know's

kidsnut's picture
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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

I remember having my hand on the bottle of pills, knowing an OD could kill me. Tears running down my face, 17 years-old. Then I had a picture of a baby, my baby. He had plans for me and my baby. I just had to....live/survive until....eventually....she was born and I could not imagine life without her. God knew what I needed. She was the first of many babies I have helped raise in my small way. Now she is too. big *sigh* What dreams do you want or is He/HP/whatever planning for you? Take a deeeeep breath and listen. Look up and see. World just doesn't look right with our chins down. LOLove, D

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

Every time I considered suicide, it was always ended with the same thought. I have no reason to live, but I have no reason to die either.

Big Gamer
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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

considering taking your life is no good alternative, no matter what the situation is, especially gaming. there is so much to live for, so much to make yourself out to be. just because your addicted to a game doesnt mean you should kill your self, or even attempt it. you can cut back on the addiction and you can help save yourself, just take our words of advice and put them to use, only you can truly help yourself, we can only help give you advice on way to do so. an extremely addicted gamer -- Big Gamer p.s. any questions or suggestions, need advice or help, throw me a message

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

If you're thinking about suicide because of games, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. I'm fifteen, and I have NEVER gotten that worked up about games. Actually, I don't think that games cause these problems at all. It's the child, and the parent's inability to raise the child properly. I'm not saying that you're a bad parent if your kid does get this way, but you are if you just let it happen. If you notice your child gets influenced easily, or shows these tendencies (i.e. doing what the video game character does), take those games away. Watch what they play, limit how long they play, encourage outside or social activity, do SOMETHING.

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?
"LukeKellylives " wrote:

If you're thinking about suicide because of games, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. I'm fifteen, and I have NEVER gotten that worked up about games. Actually, I don't think that games cause these problems at all. It's the child, and the parent's inability to raise the child properly. I'm not saying that you're a bad parent if your kid does get this way, but you are if you just let it happen. If you notice your child gets influenced easily, or shows these tendencies (i.e. doing what the video game character does), take those games away. Watch what they play, limit how long they play, encourage outside or social activity, do SOMETHING.

I agree with most of what you said.. but you are only 15.. I'm only 19 we don't know the first thing about how hard it is to raise a child... As for me.. I never had thoughts about suicide because of a game although I did have thoughts about it some times.. but I've later thought about it and it was mainly too get attention which I think most attempts are.
For those of you that are/will think about it just remember that tomorrow is another day... you can win the lottery or you can find a good friend or find a girlfriend/boyfriend and lastly no one can say for certain that "when I die I'm gonna go to heaven" or "It's just gonna be darkness because I don't belive in the soul" etc. etc. Isn't it better to make the best of the situation here on earth and take death when your time has come?

J. DOe
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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

Although one is not usually in a particularly lucid and rational state when contemplating suicide, when I have been depressed and considering this in the past, there is one little saying that I have found sometimes helps a bit. It is "This, too, shall pass". As said in earlier posts here and elsewhere, life is too amazing and precious to waste it, whether it be for a game or for any other reason. In many cases, like video game addiction, it is the ultimate form of escape which, unlike video games, is a one-way street. There is no reset, recovery, etc., available. Please keep that in mind before doing something that you will not have a chance later to regret.

- John O.

[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

You keep telling yourself "This too shall pass..." and you'll remember it and start to believe it. One of my favorite saying is "It can't rain all the time" (maybe a bit more modern considering it's roots from the movie The Crow) but all the same - any positive mantra for your negative situation will be beneficial, no matter how you say it! :)

"This is the end...." The Doors

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?
"lizwool " wrote:

Are you considering suicide? If so, please contact your local Crisis Center. A Call 911, to get connected!
You can also go to the emergency room.A They have to help you, even if you have no money.A Tell them that you are considering harming yourself. No matter how far down you are, NOTHING is worth taking your own REAL life. YOU ARE WORTH SAVING!

You can also contact 1800-273-TALK (1800-273-8255) or 1800-784-2433

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Are YOU considering suicide?
"rpetiger " wrote:

Every time I considered suicide, it was always ended with the same thought. I have no reason to live, but I have no reason to die either.

I long struggled, intellectually, with finding a reason to live.A Suicide was not "the only escape from the pain" for me, or another similar emotional reaction.A It was more "What is there in life that makes it worthwhile?A Why choose life over death?"A Very strange questions, you might think.A And you'd be right; people might idly wonder what the meaning of life is, but very seldom does anyone push the question to the brink of death.A I did.A And if your world and worldview is ever shaken to its core, if you are ever made to completely reevaluate everything you know... God forbid!... you too might feel the temptation to question in this direction. I read a lot of Elie Wiesel in college.A Even wrote a number of papers on him.A He's a Holocaust death camp survivor who's written a lot of books, most notably Night.A A lot of his works of fiction look into rosey topics like the will to live, madness, and endless questions.A As well as friendship and other more positive responses to the tragedies of life and the cruelty of people.A He's still my favorite author, and has a tremendous influence on the questions I ask and the life I live.A Not easy reading, though. Wiesel's The Accident is one of his earlier novels, and an exploration on the subject of suicide.A The main character is a death camp survivor who is haunted by the past.A And simply put, it is as though the death camps made off with his will to live.A Throughout the book it is clear that the main character cannot let go of the past, it intrudes into his life and causes him great agony.A Suicide is a potential way out; he gets hit by a car in the beginning of the book, and later on it becomes clear that he MAY have put himself in the car's way.A Certainly, he wanted to die rather than recover. Near the end of the book, a friend visits the main character in his hospital room.A Among a number of meaningful things said and done, one quote stays with me and speaks to my own search for a reason to live.A aEUoeIf your suffering splashes others, those around you, those for whom you represent a reason to live, then you must kill it, choke it.A If the dead are its source, kill them againaEU| [Your girlfriend] is alive.A I am alive.A You must think of us.A Not of them.aEU Of course this quote cannot mean the same thing to you as it does to me having read the book several times.A But the moral is this: Our lives are not our own.A If you are a spiritual person who believes in a higher power, our lives are at least partly the higher power's.A With or without a higher power, our lives belong in part to the people we have connections with, connections which may not even be clear to us.A We can never know the true extent of our influence on others.A The suffering and missed opportunities that will ensue if we were not there, or if we died. And so living or dying is not just a preference or a personal choice.A Like it or not, our lives are not our own.A Admit it or not, there are people who care about whether any person lives or dies.A And it is to those people that we must turn to for help and a reason to live.A Perhaps to some professionals as well.A = )

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?
"lizwool " wrote:

Are you considering suicide? If so, please contact your local Crisis Center. A Call 911, to get connected!
You can also go to any emergency room.A They have to help you, even if you have no money.A Tell them that you are considering harming yourself. OR call the Suicide Hotline at 800-784-2433. No matter how far down you are, NOTHING is worth taking your own REAL life. YOU ARE WORTH SAVING!

"Life is Beautiful"

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

I am bipolar and I remember thinking of suicide a great deal over the years. It started when I was 11 years old. Some people's brains are just wired differently than others. I went the usual route of going to psychatrists and taking meds which have helped, but what helped me more was 12-step and therapy. The meds kept the constant depression and suicidal thoughts at bay. They took care of the medical side of the depression and got my mind clear enough to focus on other things. Therapy helped to take care of the emotional side of the suicidal thoughts. When I would get severely emotionally stressed I would automatically turn to suicide as an option in the past. Therapy taught me to train my thoughts to look at options. Today it rarely comes up. 12-step gave me hope and some powerful realizations. One day in a meeting, I heard a man talking about the fact that he used to go to suicide as an automatic option like a petulant child. His description was he was like a child who was throwing a tantrum and saying, "I'm going to take my toys and go home." This was a very powerful realization for me. Since then I have looked at life more like a gift.

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

I'm lucky enough to have never had even the thought of it come up. If my life seems very sucky and nobody has one as crappy as mine........I take a deep breath and think about a life that could actually suck more than mine. I picture myself sitting in a jail cell for 50 years with a blanket and possibly a crayon or something. I think, hell, I could do that, just scribble on the walls, get in shape with pushups....................then suddenly I realize.......my life isn't that bad so I don't have to. Suicide is a mental illness.(period) No sane mind thinks that killing myself is a way to resolve something. It is highly common in bipolar disorder. See your doctor, call 911, very treatable. Don't think you can "work it out", if you were healthy you would have never even thought like that.

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Re: &: Are YOU considering suicide?

Please nobody even consider suicide my son was addicted to World Of Warcraft and took his own life to show that the game dosnt control his life. When i walked in the room and saw him there in front of the computer with half his head blown off i nearly took the gun and took my own life but then i thought i could try and help other people out with their problems instead

jay278's picture
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LukeKellylives wrote: If
LukeKellylives wrote:

If you're thinking about suicide because of games, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. I'm fifteen, and I have NEVER gotten that worked up about games. Actually, I don't think that games cause these problems at all. It's the child, and the parent's inability to raise the child properly. I'm not saying that you're a bad parent if your kid does get this way, but you are if you just let it happen. If you notice your child gets influenced easily, or shows these tendencies (i.e. doing what the video game character does), take those games away. Watch what they play, limit how long they play, encourage outside or social activity, do SOMETHING.

first paragraph = wrong THINK about what you say before you say it.. you just told a HUGE amount of ppl that there is something wrong with them..

Inspire's picture
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jay278 wrote:
LukeKellylives wrote:

If you're thinking about suicide because of games, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. I'm fifteen, and I have NEVER gotten that worked up about games. Actually, I don't think that games cause these problems at all. It's the child, and the parent's inability to raise the child properly. I'm not saying that you're a bad parent if your kid does get this way, but you are if you just let it happen. If you notice your child gets influenced easily, or shows these tendencies (i.e. doing what the video game character does), take those games away. Watch what they play, limit how long they play, encourage outside or social activity, do SOMETHING.

first paragraph = wrong THINK about what you say before you say it.. you just told a HUGE amount of ppl that there is something wrong with them..

Welcome to being 15 - you think you know everything about everyone! haha! I would say what actually makes "dealing with life" easier is time and experience. I remember things used to get me all upset when I was a teenager - things that now I would shrug off or laugh about. It's that first big heartache or that first big disappointment that seems so crushing. But like someone said earlier "This too shall pass..." Once you see that this is true in your own life over and over again, you learn to weather the storms. Everyone has low points, but it is through these things we can find our strength. If we are willing to learn from the hard times, we can become more whole. Suicide is an awful thing to concider at a young age when there are so many beautiful things in the world. I am 30 and trust me - the best years of your life are ahead of you! Why miss out!? I figure I was put on this earth and I am not going without a fight.

Until we are tested, how do we know if we will pass?

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I went through a suicide

I went through a suicide attempt seven months ago over my addiction to games and internet pornography. I spent a week in a psychiatric hospital that served as my "crisis of truth" and has helped turn me around. If you're at the edge, feeling like you might harm yourself, don't be ashamed to reach out for help - your life is worth saving! -Brad

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

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You're not alone there. Many

You're not alone there. Many others have gone that route, and been fortunate enough to survive despite their best efforts. Unhappily, others are not so fortunate, but their pain in this life is gone. That of their parents, children, and siblings, however, will never go away. I feel so fortunate that I have been able to survive my worst moments in life, to get past the times that seemed unbearable, to have grown and shaped others as well, and brought children into the world... all that, I would have missed. Just to stop an empty, temporary pain. :|

Leveling in Real Life

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I dont get it why people

I dont get it why people commit suicide over games. But, when i sometimes feel a bit angry when someone hacks in COD4, I get a BIT why people dont want to live anymore. But in the end, games are for fun arent they, and who would want to end their life of FUN.

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COD4_nerd wrote: I dont get
COD4_nerd wrote:

I dont get it why people commit suicide over games. But, when i sometimes feel a bit angry when someone hacks in COD4, I get a BIT why people dont want to live anymore. But in the end, games are for fun arent they, and who would want to end their life of FUN.

Is there something we can do to help you?

The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

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I am considering suicide

I am considering suicide actually, if I screw up these exams which I'm doing now I might just go for it

the_real_me's picture
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ikolom wrote: I am
ikolom wrote:

I am considering suicide actually, if I screw up these exams which I'm doing now I might just go for it

Not a wise choice. Please reach out for some help on your college campus. Suicide should never be an option. In RL if we mess up, we have more chances to make things right. After all, we ARE humans.

The question is....will you be able/courageous/adult enough to sacrifice that which merely pleases you...for that which will truly fulfill you? That is the question of personal growth.
~~~wow-free since 8/22/09

Dignified_dude's picture
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ikolom wrote: I am
ikolom wrote:

I am considering suicide actually, if I screw up these exams which I'm doing now I might just go for it

Suicide is never a solution...it's permanent avoidance of a problem. Reach out Ikolom people care about you whether you know it or not. Take it from an old dude...exams in school are no reason for suicide..there is no reason for suicide. Pain is a temporary state that can be fixed and suicide is not the fix. Do your best to study for your exams...if you fail them...learn from it...go ask for help..be honest and forthreit in your attempts to better yourself. If you are serious about suicide or even jokingly implying it as a solution I'd would HIGHLY recommend you call an outreach center and talk to a professional Dignified Dude

faded's picture
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I am having thoughts of self

I am having thoughts of self harm and suicide quite frequently, Im not saying its completely from gaming, anyone having these thoughts is not "normal". Depression is a medical situation, and therefore, should be dealt with medically. To continue, or help stop the behaviour that evokes this symptom, therapy, in any means, would help you make that change in your life. I know this to be true, although I too have a hard time following it. Thats why Im reaching out here, and my addiction counselling agencies in Winnipeg.

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I've the thoughts sometimes

I've the thoughts sometimes (pretty frequently), it isnt just because of the games I'm already along time depressed (and hooked to RS), I'm just getting sick alot of times of all the people in this world. Parents, why cant they leave me doing what I want to do parental control really makes me sad just like that they dont give a **** about me its all about grades grades grades. I just want to leave the house, have my own(i would be happy with a really small house) house rather than this with ****** parents in..

Well, I'll try to stay strong, wait before the moment I can afford a house ;/

gsingjane's picture
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Hello Blazer, I hear an

Hello Blazer, I hear an awful lot of sadness and anger in your post. It might be good to find someone to talk to. You don't have to feel this way all the time. A lot of times when people feel so bad, it's because chemicals in their brains aren't working quite right. There is hope and help out there, just as there is help, for instance, with a contagious illness or a condition such as cancer. You don't have to live this way, but you do have to take the first step to help yourself.

Best wishes,

Jane in CT

LaurelS9's picture
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Dear faded...I hope you're

Dear faded...I hope you're ok. I didn't see any responses to your blog, but wanted you to know that I beleive you're on the right track. Hanging in there today, Laurel

LazyFlutist's picture
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I have never wanted to kill

I have never wanted to kill myself over a game, more like relationships and hardships. I just recently went through the lowest point in my life and thought about just taking something sharp and running it up my arm to see how much it would hurt. I don't know, maybe that would be the equivalent of what I was going through, pain-wise? I didn't do it, because I was afraid I was going to hit a major vein. I'm fine now, since everything has gotten a lot better. I hope one day I don't contemplate suicide. I haven't done the things in life I want to do yet!

LaurelS9's picture
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Please Please Please don't

Please Please Please don't kill yourselves!

My long-time love killed himself 4 months ago, in spite of many friends reaching out to him. He was not a gamer, but a workaholic, perhaps, and was sober in AA for many years, but he suffered from terrible depression at times. His AA sponsor had him committed to a psychiatric hospital where he was put on cymbalta antidepressant and discharged too soon. He died within 48 hours of discharge.

In my dreams he has come to me to say he wishes he had not done it, he wishes he had not died. He said this world if full of opportunities and we need to take advantage of them...not so many opportunities in the next world. He misses driving and other things that are just of this world, too.

And I miss him. He had so many wonderful gifts. He was kind, gentle, loving, caring and funny. He loved America and served our country. He was civicly responsible and gave to charities and he worked his 12-step program to the best of his ability. He stood up for me and was my best friend. I feel so bereft and lost without him.

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Liz, Thanks for sharing this


Thanks for sharing this information. You are very sweet & caring. May God richly bless you!

I am happy to report that it's been awhile since I have experienced the desire to take my life. I don't feel this way anymore nor do I forsee feeling this way in the future. Thankfully, I got help when I felt this way and realize that its not the road I need to take. If someone is going through this now, please know that someone somewhere loves you (even if you think that it isn't possible.) And, like Liz said, you are worth it!

Your friend,


"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln

popo's picture
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what is a life worth when

what is a life worth when you can't step a foot outside. ***** my life. maybe my next life would be better. no one cares if i die. no one cares if i live. my lifes is missery so why suffer anymore. i say goodbye to this **** world. ***** online games for wreckin my life. i was a straight A student with great carrer in front of me. a beautiful girl that loved me and friends now thier all gone. why can't i

LaurelS9's picture
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Dear popo, I'm sorry you're

Dear popo,

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You sound so very angry and hurt and desparate.

Please live.

Please keep coming back here and let us know how you are.

Please let us help you.

Viva La Vida
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  PoPo, Are you ok. Come on


Are you ok. Come on here. We are your friends and will help you to get through this.

Please do not do anything silly.

We need the 12 Traditions as much or more as we do the 12 Steps. X.

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Dear popo, My son lost all

Dear popo,

My son lost all his friends and flunked out of college. He is out of the game now, got his associates degree, and has new friends. You can start over. It is never too late.

"Small service is true service while it lasts.  Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one

The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,

Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth

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Joined: 11/15/2009 - 2:53pm
I'm not going to kill myself

I'm not going to kill myself but its such a shame when someone feels that they have to take there own life. Was looking on informationon the internet and found this link http://www.shortnews.com/start.cfm?id=54320

Human life is precious and if anyone says different then they are liars

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Joined: 06/08/2010 - 3:30pm
To popo - I know how you

To popo - I know how you feel. The same happened to me. I was lucky enough to be a writer. When I stopped online roleplaying like I used to (I was into it like some people were into WoW, spending five or six hours a day on it) I became severely depressed, especially since I was rather the scapegoat of my school. I took three simple steps.

1.) I got a timer. I still roleplay and game, but I limit myself, and a very loud timer is how I know to quit. It helped a bit, limiting myself to half an hour each day, because roleplaying in moderation let me interact with my roleplaying real-life friend who moved far away so I can't see her in real life without going overboard.

2.) I listened to the other voices in my head. I'm a writer and like all writers, I love my characters. They've become a part of me so much that I hear them, and since they're really a part of my own subconcious, I listened to them when they told me not to hurt myself. I've never cut, but I used to have a habit of biting myself so badly it bled.

3.) I got away from my problems. I'm homeschooled now. I can avoid my problems at school, and the stress - with it gone, I didn't feel the need to game at all anymore.

cnjayjay's picture
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Joined: 03/25/2010 - 6:36am
I did do at my lowest point

I did do at my lowest point today - I thought about the reality that I face now that I have "escaped my virtual world" and it terrified me so much that I thought the world would be a much better place if I did not wake up tomorrow. I would probably be doing everyone that knows me a favour.

My girlfriend seems to love me for some reason, so I decided against it.

Will probably never do it, just thoughts of a self-pitying addict feeling sorry for himself.


I quit gaming on 16 May 2011. Thank you Online Gamers Anonymous for setting me on the right path to conquering my addiction.

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Dear cnjayjay,  From

Dear cnjayjay,

From someone who has been there, the world would NOT be a better place without you! Give yourself a chance!

I have never been an excessive gamer and I know that "real" life is NOT easy. It will always be an adventure and much more grounded and solid than pixels on a screen. See where it will take you!


Liz Woolley

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Liz, thank you so much for

Liz, thank you so much for your words - I do not think I would seriously consider it. I am too proud a man, even with my soul eaten away by this addiction I understand that I have worked too hard and stand to lose too many wonderful opportunities if I were to. Besides, I now get four times as much time to spend with my girlfriend, and our time together is so powerful that when I am with her, she eliminates withdrawal symptoms - hopefully over time she will heal that rift completely!

Thank you so much

I quit gaming on 16 May 2011. Thank you Online Gamers Anonymous for setting me on the right path to conquering my addiction.

Last seen: 14 years 1 day ago
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Joined: 09/01/2010 - 1:24am
I'm afraid to stop playing

I'm afraid to stop playing and can not be someone in real life. I guess I lived too much in this virtual world. Simulate a suicide in a game for me is like trying in real life. 2 times I was in a hospital.

I don't have more life, I had stopped studying. I was not thinking about work, or no wanted a girlfriend.

Because I just thought about playing and playing. I was not eating, not sleeping, I did not see more my family and friends. I lost it all because of addiction. And still I'm losing because I could not stop yet.

I'm 25 years old and got lost in this world. Because although I know that I no belong to this world I'm dying for another. And I'm aware of that. Just do not want to know. I can not just stop.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Joined: 09/19/2010 - 6:49pm
a little late..but

a little late..but still....

loading, help is there for ye mate

it takes hard time..and sometimes the best source of healing is to just delete every game and have a few weeks of abstenence, followed by help.

if in that period of time you start going out and meeting new people, im sure you will find new friends who will accept you for who you are. the past is past, and you can always start a new story in wich your life shall unfold...a better life:)

stopping gaming is hard..today is my second day...but hell..i have to say its really worth it!

btw..need any help going trough the motions plz dont hesitate to pm me..wer all here for eachother...and that goes to everyone :)

one's only competition is oneself

Peggy68's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Hon, I know people in here

Hon, I know people in here have said it, but it's true. There is no one or nothing worth killing yourself over. There is help out there, and it sounds like they truly care about you.

My husband is a video game addict, and it has all but ruined our marriage. I went online to see if I could get any help for my end, since he appearantely doesn't want any, he's happy spending every waking moment in front of WoW, and ignoring me. I have never felt such hurt, not even when my old fiance died. It hurts worse, because I know that my husband is still alive, and I have to beg him to spend even 5 minutes with me. My former fiance would have done all he could to spend time with me when he was alive.

There is a LOT worth living for, as in showing yourself that you are stronger than the pull of a video game, you are stronger than your loved ones are likely giving you credit for, and YOU CAN DO THIS! Prove it to yourself, go back to school, get a degree, and show yourself that you can overcome this addiction. I have faith in you, although we have never met. You just need to have faith in yourself. :)

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Joined: 09/21/2010 - 3:24am
I'm feeing very sad right

I'm feeing very sad right now, i don't have friends, i dont have anythinG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IM ADDICTED TO THIS LAPTOP I HAVE NO LIFE AT ALL, I HATE MY LIFE

gsingjane's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Hi, please if you are

Hi, please if you are actually thinking about harming yourself, do as the initial post suggests and reach out for some real life help, by calling the hotline or reaching out to your parents. This is a wonderful site, filled with caring people, but we can only do so much to help. It sounds like you might need a different kind of help than we can give. And, please, don't give in to the temptation to hurt yourself. I know things look bleak right now, but life can improve... if you give it a chance.

Jane in CT

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kiss, sounds like you have

kiss, sounds like you have my very own situation...

first things first, close the laptop, stash your xbox/ps2/ps3,gameboy or w/e you play with, ask for help (shrinks always help...a good one) and go out there and make friends.

as an adict i noticed that most of us dont have friends because one of 2 reasons, we dont have social comunication skills(and if we did we lost em trough gaming..most of us) , and the second is, we spend soo much time gaming we dont even go out, and therefor we don't make any friends because we don't meet people.

so do yourself a favour, get a therapist, and with his help you can start learning more about how to relate to others, then go to some club or something where many of your peers hang out , start conversations, and little by little ppl you meet everyday will become a friend:)

if all else fails, go to a school, cos there you ALWAYS make friends, even if your a laughing stock (trust me on that one ;))

one's only competition is oneself

Mario's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 09/26/2010 - 6:23pm
I played video games heavily

I played video games heavily and never once did this cause me to think of suicide as an answer. After my 32 hour gaming binge, all I wanted was a bed to sleep in! However, that doesn't make me any less sensitive about gamers who might be going through these emotions. First thing I want to say is: don't do it. I know that sounds simple, but the action of hurting yourself can be equally simple. When your feeling depressed, being behind a computer might be the last place you should be. A walk in nature will help you feel better. After the walk, then you can go back to the games. However, don't forget that many video game addicts are mentally sick because they don't enjoy nature as much as they should. Go for a 15 minute nature walk a day and you will notice your mind become better. Going to a therapist I wouldn't heavily suggest since I had a therapist and during that time I continued to heavily play games. Go outside and don't do it. Peace.


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Joined: 10/15/2010 - 10:19am
jaredi10 wrote: is it
jaredi10 wrote:

is it considered a suicidal thought if i just think about what would happen if i did commit suicide?

I am not an expert on the subject, but I think it's common for everyone to have general thoughts of what that might be like, but a passing thought, and actual contemplation are two things. If a doctor asked me about it, I would be honest about my thoughts.

I've never contemplated it, coz it would hurt my family more than it would hurt me.

It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

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