I have been playing games on Xbox for a while now..; I started playing World of Tanks console and have fell into the same trap I have done before.
I tried to hide my issue but was called out when my wife discoved that I had used her debit card she has for a seperate bank account and purchesed $1900 of in game add ons for the games ove the last year. No need to say she is super ****ed. I am so disapointed with myself right now.
How did it get to this point?; I;m now going to seek out professional help because this is becoming too much.; I have uninstalled World of Tanks and deleted all my related You Tube subcriptions and forum subsciptions before I made this post.
Welcome to the forums.
Thanks for sharing. You have taken the first steps to get clean from this powerful addiction. Maybe now try some meetings for gamers ? See links in my signature below.
Help for gamers here
Help for parents of gamers here
Help for spouses/SO's of gamers here
Parent's online meeting THURSDAY 9pmEST/EDT click here
Online meetings gaming addicts click here
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