The following is a list of online meetings for gaming addicts accessed by Zoom by clicking on its link.
Times are in EST/EDT according to time of year. Or choose your local time zone on the full Calendar that includes Women's meetings and meetings in Portuguese and Russian
7am EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
8:30pm EST Zoom meeting
9pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
7:30am EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
5pm EST Zoom meeting
7:30pm EST Zoom meeting
8:30pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
5:30pm EST Zoom meeting
7:30pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
6am EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
3pm EST Zoom meeting
7pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
8pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
11pm EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
2:45pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
11am EST Zoom meeting
1:30pm EST Zoom meeting
7pm EST Zoom meeting
10pm EST Zoom meeting
The OLGA chat room can be also used to see if anyone is around to share gaming addiction recovery experience.
If a member of OLGANON wants to chair a meeting, please PM Polga or post a message on the OLGA meeting forum.
Hi Ritchie
Please can you continue to update this list. I have recently updated the older thread, which has been edited over the years, by linking to this thread.
Help for gamers here
Help for parents of gamers here
Help for spouses/SO's of gamers here
Parent's online meeting THURSDAY 9pmEST/EDT click here
Online meetings gaming addicts click here
Please help! Donate here
Yes, I'll pay attention if any meetings are stopping or starting and do my best to update the list. Can you put the link to the updated meeting list in your signature?
I've been thinking about leading a meeting on Zoom on Saturdays, maybe 8:30 PM Eastern US time, once I have my child care schedule worked out. Also I need to check with the other OLGA meeting leaders about the format.
May I have a copy of the list?
Hello All, My name is Lena my tag has always been Psy, call me which ever. I'm an addict. I'm an addict of so many things. Anything that fills the void and for a long time is was WoW or Facebook games, then PlayStation and Xbox games and finally apps. Didn't matter the game didn't matter the type as long as I could be apart of that community. I gamed so much I almost lost my husband, neglected my kids, lost jobs, lost touch with reality. I know there are many Out in the world with this affliction and few in these rooms but I pray they as well as myself can find comfort and self control through the 12 step programs available. Thank you all for keeping this program available. Thank you for letting me share here. Perhaps we can offer a text board on what's app?
Welcome Lena !
Thanks for sharing. If you have any ideas about reaching out you can share them with Liz Wolley. Her member name is lizwool if you want to PM her.
Help for gamers here
Help for parents of gamers here
Help for spouses/SO's of gamers here
Parent's online meeting THURSDAY 9pmEST/EDT click here
Online meetings gaming addicts click here
Please help! Donate here
I need to find somebody in Orange County, California that would be willing to start an in-person OLGA meeting with me. I've stopped playing video games, but I am beginning to feel the impulse to relapse. I know that the best way to fix unhealthy behaviours is by being of service to people with similar issues, though it isn't really a fix; it's a temporary reprieve. I have somebody in mind, but I haven't yet been able to get a hold of him. If there is anybody in Orange County, here in California that would be willing to start an in-person meeting with me, please let me know. I have been thinking of holding the meeting in a park or something like that, the idea of "touching grass" came to mind, and I thought that'd be pleasant = ). Thank you in advance! I also have been considering printing out fliers (the outreach brochure) to hand out at a local gaming convention, but perhaps that is something better left until I have a more solid foundation in my recovery.
Great you are reaching out KoryMac
I hope you get that local support
Have you tried an online meeting ? See link in my signature
Help for gamers here
Help for parents of gamers here
Help for spouses/SO's of gamers here
Parent's online meeting THURSDAY 9pmEST/EDT click here
Online meetings gaming addicts click here
Please help! Donate here
Car Simulator 2 is an engaging and immersive video game that offers players the opportunity to experience the thrill of driving a wide variety of vehicles in a virtual world. With stunning graphics and realistic physics, this simulator provides an authentic driving experience. Players can choose from an extensive range of cars, from everyday commuters to high-performance sports cars, and explore diverse environments, including cities, highways, and off-road tracks. Whether you're looking to test your driving skills, customize your dream car, or simply enjoy a relaxing virtual drive, Car Simulator 2 offers a versatile and enjoyable automotive simulation experience for gamers of all backgrounds.