My son just racked up thousands of dollars in charges from "poofless" from Minecraft!

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Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Joined: 01/01/2017 - 6:00pm
My son just racked up thousands of dollars in charges from "poofless" from Minecraft!

 To say I was shocked is an understatement. There was an $800 charge one day and then a $300 charge the next day and so on and so on. Can someone help me understand what these fees are for and what's he buying with these.   He also told me that he gifted some two other friends-how does that work? I would appreciate any details-thank you 

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Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
A huge shock for you. My son

A huge shock for you. My son once used my credit card online without permission ... he stole from us (and hacked a password). It was part of the signs that he had a problem around computer use. He was angry and thought we deserved it !

My son also sent something to another gamer equivalent to money or credit. I think it was to a 'friend' ... probably to bolster up my son's  sense of self worth... that somebody would 'like' him. The other fellow did not have enough money himself, apparently.

I just did a quick search online for poofless and minecraft. From a very quick look up it seems this 'person' is a minecraft video celebrity who probably has a lot of fans. Some of these guys monetise there brand by pay per view on matches or videos, or whatever . Perhaps that what it is. I think that you using a search engine online will help you to find out more than we can here.

This money going on the game should be a huge wake up call to you. This kind of happening may indicate his playing and obsession may be becoming out of control. I hope you get to the bottom of it all and make sure your son pays it back to you in money or in kind ( his labour). As well as discovering how he is being enabled for this money situation to happen without your say-so,  it may be appropriate you consider whether his time spent on gaming and media use, and his respect for you as a parent, is reasonable or not. If he is active in sports and real life and has good real life friends then he is probably OK,  but if he on screen for most the time you need to look at boundaries.

Welcome to Olganon !


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