I'm at my wits end watching him waste away in a fantasy land

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Joined: 04/08/2024 - 11:51am
I'm at my wits end watching him waste away in a fantasy land

This Discord/Online gaming is an entity that has been sucking the life out of my boyfriend, his potential, and our relationship. It's beginning to take it's toll on my mental health. 

I'm currently left with the decision of: accept his gaming addction and sit on the bed pregnant while waiting HOURS upon hours of him to get off the game to spend even a little bit of "quality time" with me...or walk away and accept the father of my child is going to choose games over us.

#1 Gaming is for LOSERS. It turns you into a LOSER. I say this and have 0 tolerance for it because it reminds me of my younger self who was addicted to Myspace, would stay up allll night on it, "building" connections, talking to friends, and gaining online clout, when in reality, it was all fake, and my real life suffered for it.

It's like a **** demon. My boyfriend is 24M, he's a handsome, charismatic, incredible sharp young man in law school and in a nutshell, the consequences of his excessive gaming have ruined and actively deplete our bond every minute that he spends on that game, and every time he chooses gaming over me or real life relationships or healthy interactions/errands. 

The part that grinds my gears is that he stands up for the video game, defends it, and tries to say that it is "beneficial" for him and that he "bonds with his friends on there" which is BS beacuse they're not talking about anything of substance or even having a deep conversation, they're just talking about the game, he's frustrated the entire time, gets in an irritable mood, yells at the screen, and every time I have something to say to him, either can't hear me, or brushes me off. It's totally demoralizing to loved ones to try to care for someone so immersed in a FAKE, FANTASY, CHILDISH WORLD. GROW UP! 

He becomes so MEAN and rude, talking to his mom like "get out of my room", then I say, "___, don't talk to her like that.." and he says "You can get out too".

Whatever. Bill Burr said it best. As he is doing this, I'm going to start getting dressed up, putting on nice/sexy outfits, makeup, curling my hair, eyelashes, the whole nine yards and start going out without him. I hate when a guy gets complacent in a relationship, but it's even worse when it's over video games.


Ladies, trust me. Hanging around for this type of neglect will start to wear on you. Since I fell into the trap of him breadcrumbing his attention, and trickery of sneaking on the game and "one more game! two more games!" phase, I've woken up and accepted that he is a full blown addict and I can tell you that the amount of time I spent watching him on his bed (his room is a disaster now as well, sheets don't get washed. he leaves plates in the room, doesn't change the kitty litter) I've broken out, I look drained and depleted, my mother even said it, I looked better when I WASNT hanging out with him. The influence of his presence without having and displaying strong boundaries has left my self esteem in the dumps, spending so much time in the energy of being neglected and ignored has left me feeling invisible, neglecting myelf, not tuned into my needs...etc.etc.etc. gaming is a black hole. 


It feels like there's nothing that I can do to save him. That it's going to take something huge, or a loss for him to get it. 

Gaming is for losers....

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Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
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Joined: 02/17/2014 - 11:33am
I get it! We are powerless

I get it! We are powerless over their addiction, but we can chose to live ourselves. See the spouses info for tools and idea. Link below.


Help for gamers here

Help for parents of gamers here

Help for spouses/SO's of gamers here

Parent's online meeting THURSDAY 9pmEST/EDT click here

Online meetings gaming addicts click here

Please help! Donate here

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