Feature Article Author Looking for with Expertise or Personal Experience

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 03/14/2023 - 4:39pm
Feature Article Author Looking for with Expertise or Personal Experience

Hey there OLGA,

I'm working on a Master's degree in Journalism and am looking for people who are open to speaking up about their experiences (whether personal or with friends/family) with gaming addiction. I'm also looking for experts and practitioners who are interested in speaking out about their experiences. I'm passionate about this story and about making sure that it is accurate, scientifically backed, and impactful.

I'm specifically attempting to give parents the tools they need in order to identify, empathize, and address gaming addiction in kids. However, anyone, especially individuals who are currently struggling or have struggled with this issue, is welcome to reach out.


Please DM me if you're interested. I'd love to hear from you!

Netta Yehezkel

Netta Yehezkel