Iowa Public Radio - looking for personal stories for upcoming talk show on gaming addiction (Thurs - 1/18/18)

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Iowa Public Radio - looking for personal stories for upcoming talk show on gaming addiction (Thurs - 1/18/18)

Hi Olga and Olg-Anon users!

I'm a talk show producer with the statewide NPR affiliate, Iowa Public Radio, and I'm producing a show for next Thursday (1/18/18) on gaming/media addiction. If you're in the area (Midwest) and interested in telling your story, please email me ASAP at I also encourage you to listen in during the noon hour CST that day, and to call in if you're interested in telling your story on air. You can listen live on our website: and call (866) 780-9100. 



Emily Woodbury | Producer | Iowa Public Radio 

710 Clinton Street Building | Iowa City, IA 52240

Desk (319) 335-6238 |