My name is Ludovic, I'm a photographer based in New York City. I am currently working on a photography documentary about addiction survivors. As part of this project, I wish to meet with women and men in New York City that are recovering from an addiction to online gaming. I would be grateful if you could guide me to the right people or places.
My intention is to raise awareness on addictions & recovery through portraits of survivors. My work would be to create a set of 2 pictures + a brief interview of each person. The 1st shot would be a portrait, the second one would display an object / something that played an important role in the person's journey through addiction or recovery. The short interview would be about his/her perspective on matters that connect all human beings, beyond labels or difficult life circumstances - e.g. love, life, happiness, fear.
I'm at your disposal to meet or hop on a call to introduce myself further and answer any questions. You can find some of my work on my website and my instagram page
Thanks in advance for your consideration