Addiction to video games and effects

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Joined: 10/10/2010 - 12:52am
Addiction to video games and effects

Hello everybody, I am a journalism student at UQ Queensland University of Australia. In my current course we are asked to do an investigative report which my group members and I do on the influence of the mixture of video games and alcohol on young adults. There are bars which provide video gaming facilities and sell alcohol drinks at the same time. I just like to ask if somebody has experienced the addiction to video games and alcohol. Or where adicction to video games lead to the effect to use other drugs. If you experienced the addiction to video games and like to tell me your opinion of bars like the one described above you are also more than welcome. You can contact me under the following email address:

I would appreciate very much a response. Hope to hear from you soon.

King regards

Jessica Schremmer