My Name is Sophie Harvey. I am in my 2nd year studying Documentary Film and Television in the University of Wales, Newport.
For one of my projects, I've been asked to create a pitch and proposal for a One Hour Documentary of my choice, to be presented to both my lecturer and a commissioning editor at BBC Three.
Being a devoted gamer, I wanted to highlight the power of Video Game addiction, showing both how gaming affects people in positive and negative ways, having experienced both sides of this in my life.
I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to talk to me about their experiences with Video Games and how they've affected your lifes. These interviews would be part of a small, 3 minute taster tape and used in written form for the proposal. If you wish for your identity to remain private, please let me know and I'd be happy to oblidge.
I understand that I'm asking for very personal stories, for both you and your family, but I can assure you that I will treat your stories with the respect they deserve. I know how powerful video game addiction can be and how it can damage lives.
If you would like more information, or would like to help me out, you can contact me at Sophie.Harvey@students.newport.ac.uk, Sophie.Harvey@students.southwales.ac.uk (our University emails are changing, so try both) or you can call me at 07402 987009
Many thanks and have a great day
Sophie Harvey