Hi everyone, my name's Sean McCann. I'm a senior at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York, and I'm currently working on my senior thesis, which is an investigation into addiction of MMO's. It's a subject that's interesting to me, as I've played MMO's in the past and currently have a (healthy) playtime, although I admit in the past I did have some trouble with it. However now that's behind me, I want to try to do what I can to bring attention towards addiction to MMO's, as I feel that it's something that should be officially treated as a serious addiction, despite whatever was decided this past summer.
What I'd ask from anyone who wishes to here at OLGA is to fill out the following questionnaire and send meA,A a private-message with the answers. If you no longer play MMO's and are recovering, you can answer for what your playing habits were at their worst. Your name will be kept completely anonymous, and the results will only be used in my essay. The purpose of the essay is to examine why people are addicted, and the questionnaire will (hopefully) be used to show when gaming becomes an addiction and not just a past-time. I'd greatly appreciate and be very thankful for anyone who can take the time out of their day to fill it out. Thank you very much, and if you're still on the road to recovery, I wish you the best of luck!
1. What is your gender?
2. How many hours a week do/did you play Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s)?
Under 5 hours -
5 to 9 hours-
10 to 14 hours-
15 to 29 hours-
20 to 24 hours-
25 hours and over-
3. What is your occupation? (Student, teacher, unemployed etc.)
4. What is your marital status?
Single/Never married-
5. What MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s have you played?
6. How many maximum level character alts do you have in the game?
Answer the following questions on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree.
7. I have neglected important things/responsibilities because of MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
8. My social life has suffered because of MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
9. When not playing MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s I become agitated.
10. IAC/a,!a,,C/ve had arguments because of how much IAC/a,!a,,C/ve played MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
11. I use MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s as an escape from socialization.
12. I have never failed to get enough sleep because of MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
13. IAC/a,!a,,C/ve missed meals because of MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
14. It would bother me to never play MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s again.
15. I hate to go without MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s for a few days.
16. I think often about an MMO when not playing it.
17. I want to spend an increasing amount of time playing MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
18. I try to make my playing sessions last as long as possible.
19. I donAC/a,!a,,C/t socialize with others in MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
20. I donAC/a,!a,,C/t talk to my friends about what I do in MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s.
21. I speak with people IAC/a,!a,,C/ve met on MMOAC/a,!a,,C/s on chat-programs (Skype, Ventrillo, Teamspeak etc.)
Final Question:
How old are you?
10 to 14-
15 to 19-
20 to 24-
25 to 29-
30 to 34-
35 to 39-
40 to 44-
45 and older -
Hey, gang! No one has responded to this questionaire so far. We all talk about this issue needing to be studied and the need to get the word out. This is one way it will be done. How about giving this guy a hand here? Take a couple of minutes and answer this guy's questions. Just copy and paste it into a PM and fill it in. Shouldn't take very long. I'm gonna copy and paste it into the Members forum too.
"Small service is true service while it lasts. Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one
The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun." -------William Wordsworth
Hi again, I just wanted to send a great thank you to everyone who has replied so far! I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner, but I've been home for this Thanksgiving holiday. If anyone else can spare the time to fill out the questionnaire I'd be eternally thankful, the more results that are brought forth the better! Thanks again!
Hi everyone. I've finished my thesis on MMO addiction about a month ago, and I'm now preparing to present it to a council of professors at my school. If anyone is interested in reading it, the following is a link to a .rar file for the document. As I'm posting this I realize it didn't really matter much if it was in a .rar or just a regular documented version. Also, it's a Microsoft Works format, but it can be opened in any word document if you just choose, "Open with...". http://www.mediafire.com/?4zjxn1mpjz9
Thank you, Sean, for making your work available to us. I have downloaded the .rar file and extracted the embedded documents. However, please note that I was not able to get Word 2000 on my home machine to properly read them, even after installing Microsoft Works support (the screen just showed a lot of junk). Nonetheless, I was able to access Word 2007 on another computer, with this version of Word being able to read the files properly. Sean has done quite a bit of excellent work, with his thesis being both informative and interesting. I recommend that anybody who has an interest in addiction issues in general, and especially an academic interest in on-line video game addiction, should read this thesis.
- John O.
[em]Carpe Diem![/em] (Seize the Day!)