Research request - please fill out the survey

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Research request - please fill out the survey

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a PhD researcher for the Centre of Information Security and Network Research at the University of Plymouth, UK.

My research is currently focusing on online engagement and more specifically the psychological and social impacts of online gaming. I have established a link with a leading online gaming vendor to develop policies/stratgies to help manage online gaming addiciton.

The preliminary research makes use of an online survey available at:

The reason for my writing was to ask if you would be willing to advertise the survey somewhere on your website please? In addition I would be very grateful if you had any advice or contributions to make regarding the aforementioned.

If you would like to know more about my ongoing research please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very for your time,

Yours faithfully,

Benjamin Sanders

For more information about the research group please visit:

Liz Woolley