UK based participants needed to share their experiences on gaming addiction for new UK Documentary (Manchester area)

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James SDMC Prod...
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Joined: 01/03/2013 - 6:34am
UK based participants needed to share their experiences on gaming addiction for new UK Documentary (Manchester area)

My name is James Bolton, I'm a producer at SDMC Productions - an independent television production company, based in the UK.

We are currently producing a documentary highlighting video game addiction. The programme documents a range of people's views and experiences regarding gaming addiction as well as getting expert opinion from psychologists, game developers and gaming experts. We ask: What constitutes gaming addiction? How serious can gaming addiction be? Why isn't gaming addiction treated as seriously as other addictions? What duties do parents/game developers etc have to ensure responsible gaming? Along with dealing with many more issues on this topic.

If you have been affected by video game addiction and are willing to tell your experiences on camera in a short interview or require any further information then don't hesitate to contact me on 0161 236 2112 or email

All enquiries will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will give you no obligation to appear in the programme.

Kind Regards,

James Bolton, SDMC Productions