Seeking help with our website

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Dervish DuKot o...
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 06/16/2002 - 4:30am
Seeking help with our website

I am not sure who else is here other than Ron and Liz, but after talking to Liz over the phone, she suggested I post this information in the admin forum.

We are looking for someone we can trust with admin access to the website server. Of course, without a doubt, I would trust Ron to help, but I don't want to burden him with this additional set of tasks. So we're opening this to anyone who wants to help and also those we can trust.

I alone no longer have as much time as I originally did when I first agreed to help Liz by taking over the website. I should find time for most of the major organization and design changes, but I need help with small changes to content. I am currently working full-time now as a Distribution Branch Manager, and am planning a separate business venture with a partner.

Official Request

We are currently looking for someone with web development experience to donate their time and effort in helping keep the web site up-to-date with new information and news.

We would like someone to help for an indefinite amount of time and to be on-call to make changes on a semi-daily to weekly basis. Respond doesn't have to be immediate, but should be within reason. Expected amount of time required to complete this work is approximately 10 hours or less a week. Only basic use of NetObjects Fusion is needed, and I would be willing to help teach someone and be on-call for technical help with the application.


  • Update news section of website
  • Make corrections to existing text as needed
  • Creating new text as needed
  • Proof-read, spelling checks, and grammar correction of all newly posted changes
  • Correct broken URLs and mistyped links
  • Minor adjustments to organization as needed

No creative design or graphic work is required as we already have a format standard with the website.



  • Willing to dedicate a maximum of 10 hours a week
  • Trustworthy
  • Reliable (response within a day, action within that week)
  • Interest in our organizations's purpose
  • Agreement with our organization's mission statement

Our purpose and mission statement is on the first page of our website.

If you agree to help, you'll get a free copy of NetObjects Fusion 7.0 to help maintain the site. This copy is only for use with OLGA/OLG-Anon's website, and must be destroyed when your volunteer help with the site is at an end. The download of this app and upgrade is just under 100MB. It is also possible for to send a CD copy of the software for modem users.

Please have candidates contact Liz or John. Thank you.


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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 10/29/2002 - 10:12pm
Re: Seeking help with our website

I'm happy to help with things, but this is definitely not the area where my talents lie! Although motivated by the best of intentions, I know that it would not be good for me to volunteer for this. The stuff would not end up getting done.

Art by Culurien GoldleafEscaped from the Skinner Box 20 October 2002

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
OLGA member
Joined: 10/21/2002 - 12:05pm
Re: Seeking help with our website

I will give it some thought. I am a software engineer by profession and have web site experience, but I am very busy these days and have a personal crisis that I am facing. I will give this some thought and let you know.


lizwool's picture
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Re: Seeking help with our website

I look forward to hearing from you...

Liz Woolley

Dervish DuKot o... (not verified)
Thanks for considering it.

Thanks for considering it. I'm so busy these days with just surviving and trying to find a job that I hardly get time to help OLGA/OLG-Anon out. It's so sad for me. Hopefully I can try to reserve some time this weekend for it.

We really do need help, because Liz is depending solely upon me to make changes and I'm failing to find the time. I don't want to let her down, so I really need help.

If you have at least a few hours a week, I can give you tasks that don't require the use of a web development package. Let me know through e-mail. Thanks!

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how do I change my username please ? 

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Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums!

Ask an Admin to change it for you. You can PM me with your new name.


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