I have had cravings to go back to online gaming but I have chosen to stay away. I remember the shame I felt and the difficulties it brought to my relationships as well as the lack of interest in other activities. I know it would just go back to that or worse. I wasn't sleeping and don't want to try to live like that anymore. I was falling asleep in bizarre situations and still haven't allowed myself to get back into a regular sleeping pattern. However I feel better and my relationships with family have improved. I have more time for them and can communicate when they want to discuss something with me.
I had a client who had previously warned me about his wife not talking to him when gaming. (They have since divorced as a result of the problems they were experiencing.) I thought I wouldn't get to that point and yet I did. I would try to rationalize that my husand could schedule times when I was available to talk but it got to be where I was always online. If he called when he was out of town, I tried to talk to him while gaming and he could tell I wasn't really there. I did that with others who had called also, which shows a basic lack of respect.
I plan to continue using the 12 steps to grow in my new way of life without gaming. I am grateful and thank God daily for this reprieve from my addiction.
Thanks to all of you for your messages here so I know I am not alone.
Hey Mami,
That's awesome girl. You go!
proud ex WOW raider (proud of the EX part that is!)
Congrats on 10 days! That's truly a great accomplishment. Most of the things you're probably going through right now-tiredness, being unusually emotional or high strung, etc. are withdrawal effect and will pass soon.
Have you thought about getting a sponsor? It is greatly helpful and recommended for 12 steppers. The 12 steps require a great deal of accountability, and most people find it helpful to have someone else to be held accountable to. A sponsor can also talk you down when you're having a rough day or offer reassurance.
"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win." -Jonothan Kozol
Hi Mami,
10 days..great! You are over the hump!
I found the first 10 days to be the hardest and I know others who have had the same experience. Now its time to begin living a real life.
I also recognize speaking to someone while gaming. Its pretty obvious to most whats going on. I am sure my wife could always tell and to this day she is reluctant to phone me.
- dark
Good work! Hang in there!
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" -Abraham Lincoln
You keep on going, thats superb. Have been going for only 4 days and the going is tough, keep getting pangs every so often to go back to them, but I know now that I'm in the company of people who have had been through the same thing and I can take comfort in helping and taking advice from you all. Got rid of my 360 and every single thing to go with it 4 days ago, was best thing I ever did with my life - despite the little pangs I'm getting, I'm catching up with my life again and I will hold onto the elation I felt as I walked out of the store and realised it was all gone and that I would not have to be tempted back in. My next goal is to remain this way and not be tempted to buy a replacement (difficult anyway as I don't have the money). Keep at it, even when the symptoms hit just hold onto someone or come on here and talk to us!
I quit gaming on 16 May 2011. Thank you Online Gamers Anonymous for setting me on the right path to conquering my addiction.
Yes good job. I've been game free about the same time, I'm back to a normal sleep schedule, eating better and enjoying outdoor activites again now that it's spring. I also adopted a puggle puppy so she takes up some free time keeping me away from the computer and games.