Almost 10 months of Gaming Free

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Joined: 04/14/2011 - 6:11pm
Almost 10 months of Gaming Free

I have been clean for almost 10 months now. Except for a few relapses from playing COD:MW3 a few times among other things, I am good. It has been a really hard and difficult journey getting rid of an addiction that took a hold of my life. But, I alos wanted to post this so it can be an inspiration and encourage other people to keep going, because we cannot go on alone. We need the Higher Power which is the Lord Jesus Christ to help us go on. I have leaned on him for these 10 months and I know that he has helped me. I have torn down a lot of problems that I have been hiding in the deep roots of my heart. I have been hiding stuff like fear. I had an enormous amount of fear in my heart that was ruining my life, but the Lord has helped me destroy all of my fear and guilt in my heart. The Lord is also helping me have a stronger relationship with him, and I will do everything I can to have a deeper relationship with him. God Bless you all and I encourage you all to pray and read your bibles.

You can also visit my website and read my story of how the Lord has almost healed me of a life long illness called Aspergers Syndrome.

Game free since 01/21/2012