After reading some inspirations from people who have posted on OLGA, I am tremodously relief that I'm not alone and have found the right place. I have just uninstalled some of my games and now... I'm feeling that hungry withdrawal symptom.
I wonder if non-online games can be a substitute to MMOs. Maybe it's a bad idea, but I'm feeling the heat. Auuuugh!
I hope this recovery will really help me improve my academics and also quit gaming. Do you think it's possible to control it? Maybe not, I should just quit everything then.
Looking back, I wonder what item of value do I have in those games. In MMOs, you get to level up and gain items, but I can't do anything special with those items in the real world. Why am I so confined to my room every day using my wasd buttons and clicking away? I don't understand, I know Lord will provide a path out.
I feel it's often times, it's just my decision to choose where I go. I asked the Lord for help many times, but often times it's just me that bring about the downfall. The Lord cannot fix my life if I cannot cooperate, which is hard because games are really addicting. I need new hobbies now, I just need new hobbies, but I don't know what! I feel like going back and playing some PvZ but I know the consequences for doing so. Uggggghhh!
No, I will not install that game again! Grrr...
Day 1 = Hard struggle for me.
Hold on to my hats, I'm hoping that this recovery and give me a new life away from my confined room.
With considerable hand holding I deleted (multitasked whilst in the chatroom) all my stand alone PC games. Including the 30+ I paid for but hadn't played yet. Today I deleted my online account and threw out my discs (I felt to give them away was like an alcoholic giving away the drink that kills them. I came to a fellowship for OA Overeaters anonymous but this disease has eaten away so many areas of my life in the form of multiple addictions
The support here and the fact someone "gets it" is amazing. I will be vulnerable to this disease but it will no longer be my ruler!
I was addicted to both online and offline games. I don't really see one as substitute for the other. They just both fed the real sickness of addiction.
I can't be healthy and move forward in my life if I engage in any game that causes me to get sucked in for hours/days. :/
Day 2: My Fall and My Struggle to get back on the horse
I'm really liking the community here so far and thank you all for being there in the meeting helping me over come this excessive gaming problem.
Yesterday, I was very eager and full of esteem that I will be fine without gaming. I played PvZ yesterday and thought I could overcome this. Turns out, I was wrong.
Fast forward to today, I was relieved to have my ongoing metality of not playing during the morning while I slept it. Usually I would wake up pretty early and stare at the screen or a long time.
I had a good afternoon today, spent a lot of time with my dad and my grandmother. Quality family time.
Then, when I got back home, the same urge propelled me to play PvZ. And so I did and after a while, my conscience woke up and asked me "Why am I playing games again? What purpose is there to play games? I'm just wasting time again! There's no benefit to playing games! What is going on!" (Something along the lines like that)
While I was playing, I joined the online meeting discussion. I was playing and reading the comments until I finally snapped and closed the game. I told those there my problem as I felt it urgingly needed to vent. I was relieved that once again, I had the talk with those struggling/overcoming this problem.
Thanks to those who comforted me and gave me guidance and advice. I really appreciate it.
I'm down ATM with no strong motivation/mentality to move on. But I'm glad and thankful that I finally have the courage to un-install even more games.
It was nice to see you at the meeting.
There is a list of withdrawal symptoms here on the site. (Go to the home page and look on the right side for it). When you quit your last game, you will probably feel a lot of these, and some you are feeling already. When we use games to make ourselves feel better (for whatever reason), that feeling eventually replaces everything we used to enjoy. Then when we quit, we feel lousy or worse. That won't last. If you stay away from gaming completely, it won't last.
After you get through the first bad days (get through them anyway you can--watch TV or lots of movies, whatever), you might want to start up some RL activities. You could start with anything you used to enjoy, or that you think you might like even a little bit. You probably won't enjoy them that much at first, but as your brain recovers, you'll enjoy them more and more. The ones I've chosen are: cooking, cleaning and gardening (which I didn't do any of while I was gaming), reconnecting with family and old friends in a variety of ways, and trying to make some new ones. It all took time, but it's helping me.
Best wishes, Winscar!
I am a recovering computer game and gambling addict. My recovery birthday: On May 6, 2012 I quit games and began working a program of recovery through OLGA No computer games or slot games for me since December 12, 2012. No solitaire games with real cards since June 2013.
Day 3: Fell to some gaming again... and YT and internet.
I still haven't made a straight clear of more than half a day yet. I'm pretty ashamed ATM, but I know these things happen during recovery.
Anyways, my mr. smarty pants mind think it be great to play some IPhone. Did so, but it didnt last very long at all fortunately. I became very quickly bored, but I'm still up at my heels in-case it becomes way too hard to control it.
Moving on to tonight discussion, I realize the castasphoric effects of a mother's son addiction to video game. I prayed for that mother hoping that God in time will save her son from addiction.
I also realized it's really hard to make a decision between gaming or time wasting activities and not-gaming. Thanks to: [dan939] 10:21 pm: I will tell you this: It is easier to quit than to try to just play a little. That's torture. I will keep this quote in mind.
I will try not to game tomorrow, although I might break that promise with the IPhone. But so far, the IPhone has brought no real addictiveness, so in the future I may use it as a "reward".
Please also note, I might spam the forum to get my mind away from addictiveness as suggested from one of the people in meeting. Since I understand the severenty of gaming addiction, I may try to feed my mind and soul with posts of those people who are overcoming this problem as inspration and strength. I will also administrate to those who are currently lost and need some encouragement.
Strive on everyone, rely on each other for strength and participate in every meeting! I'm looking forward to a new beginning for all of us!
Ugh, I feel weird today. I feel so lazy and not willing to get myself out of my room. I lost my confidence and will to pursue academic success so, now what.
Be very wary of that iPhone, and of 'rewarding' yourself for not gaming by allowing yourself to game.
Twelve miles into the forest, 12 miles out.
Left my poisonous game July 4, 2012. Left online communities June 4, 2013.
So, now remember it's just a feeling. Remember you felt differently just yesterday. Experience a day feeling weird and lazy and unwilling to leave your room. Experience a day feeling like your confidence is gone along with your will to achieve. It's just a day. It'll pass. No reason to be alarmed.
Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!
Could be so, but so far I haven't done anything to help my academics. Something is wrong.
You're a week out, Wins? Getting healthy, being healthy, having motivation is going to take time, but I believe it will come.
Acceptance. When I am disturbed, it is because a person, place, thing, or situation is unacceptable to me. I find no serenity until I accept my life as being exactly the way it is meant to be. Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Acknowledge the problem, but live the solution!
Seems like so. I'm actually changing bit by bit. I took a stroll around the campus today and realized how great it is to explore the nature side of life. I also spent some time with my Grandmother as well.
I'm having some withdrawal symptoms as we speak, I'm urged to go back and play games again. :/
Maybe, it would be a good idea to get rid of the iPhone and get a basic phone. Its just like a verse in the bible says
Matthew 5:29 (New King James Version) Matthew 5:29
New King James Version (NKJV)
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into H e l l.
Hope this helps.
Game free since 01/21/2012
Get up and get out Wniscar. I started moving more when I quit gaming. I do exercise everyday. It helps repair the brain and stimulate for academics.
I also take time to close my eyes and calm myself throughout the day. When I first quit I had a lot of anxiety, which made me tired.
I needed to learn to recongize what was going on with me emotionally, and self calm instead of going to the gaming to relieve it.