We all noticed that we tend doing unnecessary things, like watching TV, movies, surfing the web for a long time etc instead of working, studying and so on. It's easier, less painful and less...productive. I am personally struggling to defeat procrastination but looks like this is another bad habit I developed. How did you manage to defeat this? How did you become more efficient, more productive?
"The future is determined by our choices in the present." - Anonymous Author
Hi David! The first few weeks game free was very difficult to be able to concentrate or be motivated to do alot. I have found the best way to defeat procrastination is to break it into small pieces and focus on smaller chunks so like for studying/reading, break it into just a few pages at a time or for working out I would tell myself I was just going to do 20 min on the treadmill and then after the 20min I would decide to do 20 more. I get easily overwhelmed and then procrastinate alot when I look at a big list of things to do.
Hugs, Lisa Video game free since 4/17/2014
I know you're a Christian, so I am providing you the Bible passage that helped me.
If GOD is real, then we must follow what the Bible tells us. I ask every day how the LORD wants me to devote my life and time.
Colossians 3:23-24 New International Version (NIV)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Andrew P. Doan, MPH, MD, PhD
My Gaming Addiction Videos on YouTube: YouTube.com/@DrAndrewDoan
*The views expressed are of the author's and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the U.S. Navy, DHA or Department of Defense.
Thank you Lisa and Andrew. I'll do my best to put your advice in practice.
"The future is determined by our choices in the present." - Anonymous Author
Hi YouAreNotAlone,
This is a hot topic for us as well.. My son stopped gaming over a year ago and we are certainly at a much better place than we were a year ago. He is emerging from the ruins... He started engaging in real life which we are very grateful for..
But his procrastination is still a big problem. It started with excessive gaming. Currently, even though for some tasks he manages his time much better, procrastination is solely responsible from hindering his progress. For some tasks, it is so bad that even though he may have days to complete the task, he leaves it to the very last hour or two literally ( for the tasks which certainly requires at least a few days work!). And he keeps postponing some tasks for months (even though it may require only an hour or two to complete). He is aware of it but can't help it at the moment.I suspect my son has some performance anxiety issues.
There is a book which I read when I first noticed his procrastination problem a couple of years ago and loved it. I recommended the book to my son. He can identify why he is procrastinating after reading this book but he is not ready yet.. It is written by two procrastinaters and the book was published 2 years later than originally planned date !!!
The title is: "Procrastination" and written by Jane B Burka, PhD and Lenora M Yuen PhD. It could be like a self help book. You may find out the reasons why you procrastinate.
Take care!
"The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches." "The first step toward change is acceptance." "Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That's all you have to do." "Change is not something you do, it's something you allow."- Will Garcia
Thank you so much May. And I'm happy your son is doing fine now. Is he on OLGA too?
"The future is determined by our choices in the present." - Anonymous Author
No YouAreNotAlone, he wouldn't join the OLGA.
I sincerely hope that both of you will be able to stop procastinating and tackle the task at hand without delay :-)
Take care!
"The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches." "The first step toward change is acceptance." "Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That's all you have to do." "Change is not something you do, it's something you allow."- Will Garcia