Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

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Diggo McDiggity
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Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Greetings, all.

As most of you know, I set a goal back in 2002 to hike the Appalachian Trail in 2006...this year.

This was an important goal as I was right in the middle of trying to get my life together after three tough years of playing Everquest for hours and hours every day. I was depressed, terribly out of shape, I hated myself, how I looked, how I felt about myself. I didn't want people to see me and my job was going really crappy. I literally had to reach for the sky and pick some goal of something I never, ever thought I was capable of doing. Hiking the Appalachian Trail was this goal.

But I could barely get to the top of my 12 step staircase in my house without breathing heavily, how the hell could I walk 2,175 miles with a 40 pound pack on my back, up and down mountains with snow, rain and overbearing summer heat?

Part of the reason, admittedly, I picked a goal 4 years off was that it would be enough time for people to forget I announced I would do this. That way the start date would come and go and no one would remember.

But in fact, I never lost sight of this time.

As of today, it's exactly 4 weeks, just 28 days until I hit the trail to raise money for a local charity.

I'd like to invite you all to view my website, and if any of you are inclined, to donate to this most worthy local charity here in Orlando. I will list the names of all doners who donate through my site on the 'Doner' portion of my website.

I wanted to publicize my hike and 'sticky' this post to show you good folk that it is possible to recover from a state of hating yourself, where every waking minute of every day just serves to remind you of how miserable you are. I was like that, and even today, I have days where I'm not too thrilled with who I am, what I look like, the color of my hair and other things. But as many of you are doing, I am making small strides, each day, to get my life where I *choose* it to be.

While I am hiking for a charity, there is no doubt that you folks here were a huge part of my inspiration to do the most amazing and difficult thing I have every done in my life.

My website will carry my journal entries, photos and other updates as the hike progresses. Please feel free to bookmark it and check back now and then - And if you feel inspired, feel free to send me a motivational email. I will really need them.

The URL is:


Ron / AKA Diggo McDiggity - Retired Druid of Norrath - Tribunal Server

"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Edited by: Diggo McDiggity at: 3/14/06 8:49

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

lizwool's picture
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Re: Diggo Hits the Trail


Cool website!

What software did you use? Could I use it?


Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Diggo Hits the Trail

Thanks, Liz.
The website design software is a Mac program called "Freeway Express 4.0." It's easier than anything I've used for the PC. Graphics were created using Photoshop and Fireworks.

You could use it...if you had a Mac


"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Diggo Hits the Trail

Quote:the color of my hair

this is a fleeting unhappiness which will probably be substituted with being uncontent with baldness

Wish you a wonderful trip Ron!


I read the webpage and it was a very interesting read.

I deeply respect your decision as well as your determination. Will befollowing you, and who know ... I am earning some own money right now, so donations are not out of questions. You keep hiking, we keep paying

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Edited by: calm force at: 2/24/06 11:20

lizwool's picture
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Re: Diggo Hits the Trail

Can we do a count down, Ron? How many days until you go?


Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Diggo Hits the Trail

10 Days to go ... 7 days until I leave Orlando

"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

lizwool's picture
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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Not a good thing, to get sick, right before you leave, Ron!

I hope you get better.


Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Well, I fly out of Orlando to Atlanta on Wednesday.
The time has arrived.

This is probably my last post before I go. I will continue to update this thread now and then along the road to keep you good folks apprised of my progress.

It took a lot of hard work to get from gaming 6-8 hours a day to this point and while it may sound like I'm gloating or something, I hope it doesn't. But I do think it's important that we recognize each little step of progress we make in our lives because over time they really do add up to something great.

Even if I don't finish my hike, which statistically I shouldn't, the fact that I have gotten to this point really reflects how far I have come personally. And not to sound cliche, but if I can do it, really, anyone can.

Remember as you continue along the road of healing not to look upon your time gaming as being wasted time. That time has helped create the foundation for the 'new you' and will always serve as a baseline of where you once were and where you will never be again.

Please consider each of your accomplishments as you strive for balance in your life and consider the most seemingly insignificant steps as being important steps to get you in the right direction. Consider that a commercial airplane is off course 90% of the time in flight and must compensate constantly in small ways to get where it needs to go. And eventually it does get there.

And so will you.

Blessing to you all, and I'll 'see' you along the trail!


"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Quote:Even if I don't finish my hike, which statistically I shouldn't, the fact that I have gotten to this point really reflects how far I have come personally. And not to sound cliche, but if I can do it, really, anyone can.
Never trust a statistic, that you have not falsified yourself

Remember, each one of your literal steps on the trail is a proverbial step closer to freedom.

Wish you luck and resolve brother


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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity


I am following you, awaiting your arrival in Harrisburg.


Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Greetings, all, from Franklin, NC!
Well it's definitely been the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life and all that talk about not regretting the time I spent gaming...well, I kind of feel a little different about that.

I wish I spent less time at the computer and more time keeping by body in shape. Every month and year gaming has made it that much tougher on each of my climbs each day. I wish I had spent more time staying active and less time gaming, but oh well. Water under the bridge as they say.

I've hiked a total of about 120 miles so far over the past three weeks. For me that's about 114 more miles than I've ever backpacked before and this time it's with a backpack and huge mountains to climb.

I have been updating my site regularly with photos and other journal type things for anyone interested in following along.

It's been rough on my body but I'm starting to feel a little bit stronger each day - There's hope for me yet, despite the daily aches and pains in my legs and feet and back and shoulders, etc. Sheesh, don't let your body go, that's all I can say.

Hitting the Great Smoky Mountain National Park in about 10 days, my last chance for snow, probably, and the best chance so far for seeing bears.

The outdoor air and life is suiting me well. I miss WoW, EQ, BF2 and the other games only slightly. This quest so far has been much more rewarding.

Hope you all are well!

Ron / Diggo / Muddyshoes (My A.T. Trail Name)

"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

thanks for the update muddyshoes ... always remember that you do now walk not only for yourself

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lizwool's picture
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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Yo Ron!

Hey, glad to hear from you and glad you are doing well.

I have been following your quest on your website. I like the pictures. Maybe we could all do this as a OLGA group!

How much longer, before you want me to come and get you?

Have you seen many rattlers?

I didn't know you played WOW?????


Edited by: lizwool at: 4/21/06 12:05

Liz Woolley

Diggo McDiggity
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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Greetings, all, from Damascus, Virginia.
Almost 500 miles hiked so far. My body is still pretty beaten to hell from all this hiking. Can't imagine the shape I would be in if I sat at the PC for another 10 years.

This "quest" has been the toughest epic quest I've ever been on and I'm not sure what the reward is yet. Just keep plugging on a step at a time.

Hope everyone is doing well...

Ron "Muddyshoes"

"Get a Life!"
Ron Jaffe AKA Diggo McDiggity
OLGA Admin and Member since 2001
eMail: ronjaffe@cfl.rr.com

Co-Founder of OLGA and member since 2002

anonymous (not verified)
Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

need to take another look at your blog

What you think, you create. What you say, you produce. What you do, you call forth more of.

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Re: Diggo's 2006 Appalachian Trail Hike for Charity

Hi Ron,

I am SO glad to hear from you again! Of course, we all miss you, here.

I hope you read this before you start your next trek on your journey.

You are doing so well! I am so proud of you. I think you are doing this, to get back in tune with nature, right?
At least there is an end to your journey, which is more than we can say for gaming.

I am looking forward to our visit, in Harrisburg. Let me know when I can come and find you.


Liz Woolley

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