Got rid of it, Ps3

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Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Joined: 01/08/2013 - 2:42am
Got rid of it, Ps3

Hi everyone,

I am new here and this is my first update so here it goes.

Short summary:

I played every night from 8-3 without fail and it really started to effect my schooling and realtionship with my gf. Finally it started a fight and out of anger i put my whole gaming collection of ebay for a one day auction at the cheapest price it sold in 25 min and i shipped it out that day. I felt great after but now its starting to hit me and i find my self wasting time on other consoles, like continuing modding a wii, even though i never plan on playing it. Realized i spent 5 hours today updating the wii mod to just not use it. Along side of this i realize i still have a hard time going to bed before 1am no matter how many times i go to the gym to try burning off energy. I am still commited to break my ps3 habbit and have continued to do so, i have fallen a couple times to SC2 and the wii but am trying still to put those away.

few questions:

1. Do you think i should just get rid of the wii as well?

2. Should i delete the games from my computer, like SC2?

Sorry for the ramble, its 1 in the morning again so thought i should finally suck it up, face the facts, and join this site to see what can happen.

Thanks for listening


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Last seen: 2 years 1 hour ago
OLGA memberOLGA moderator
Joined: 11/23/2010 - 4:42pm
Hi J and welcome to Olga. 

Hi J and welcome to Olga. I realized, after a few months of quitting my game of choice, that I couldn't play any electronic games at all. That was hard. I've always loved playing games and hated giving them all up. But it was all or nothing because I am a gaming addict. Playing any games simply feeds the "addict brain" and makes me want to play more.

So....if you feel you are addicted to gaming, the only choice you have is to not play at all. If you're not sure that you're addicted, check out this post:

Best of luck to you.


Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~Maria Robinson

Hope lost
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Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Joined: 06/11/2012 - 5:51pm
Hi J You have done a good

Hi J

You have done a good thing, which might seem impulsive but in retrospect will probably be one of the best decisions you ever made in your life.

From what you say, it appears that you are addicted to gaming - whilst you believe that the root of the problem lies specifically with your ps3 addiction, there is a high chance that your other consoles are now being used as "substitutes". By using these as substitutes, you are never truly conquering your addiction, just feeding it a lighter alternative.

Only you will know whether this is the case or not, however I'm with SilverTabby on this one.

Stick around and best of luck


Clean of my video game addiction since June 2011.

I failed my Wife, my Family and everyone who has ever supported me before. I spurned, I avoided and I dug deeper in my shame until I finally admitted to myself - "I cannot do this without the help of a higher power".

I commit myself to never picking up a videogame again and to supporting all recovering addicts and their affected loved ones in any way I can, whether through advice I can offer or simply through my story.

Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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Joined: 03/10/2009 - 1:06am
For myself I had to get rid

For myself I had to get rid of everything and stop all types of games, not just mmo's. Also needed to stop feeding myself that stuff by going to websites and looking at magazines and such. Even if it's not an mmo I found little control plus it just feels so much better to be doing other things with my time.

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