I used to have a problem with gaming addiction which on closer inspection by professionals and keeping 'clean' and surviving one day at a time I have cleared.
It is possible. You CAN do it . My experience is an example.
All the very best to all of you. Its each's private journey so there's little I can say that you don't already know.
Mother Nature, Buddha nature, God, Shiva, Energy.....many religions, beliefs and values.....
different doors into the same room
Congratulations and thanks for sharing on here!
Just curious, what do you mean by "cleared"? Are you still game-free?
A wise man once told me to shutup.
\\ Free from games since 03.13.2014 //
I am free of dependancy and obsession and can manage my life and myself. I do have games installed on my laptop and rarely play them . Just when the time is right . Theres a time and a place for everything, the thing I am 'free' of is not knowing when it's time to stop, and being able to then stop and do what is appropriate in the next moment. This is relevant not just to games but to all areas of life , as I addicted to other substances and people etc.
Mother Nature, Buddha nature, God, Shiva, Energy.....many religions, beliefs and values.....
different doors into the same room